Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 115 Wild Mutation Recognizes the Master

It was not known whether it was good luck or bad luck, but Ouyang Yudu and his companions were teleported into the mountainous area.

Not far away, they encountered a group of four-winged gray crystal dragons.

The four-winged gray crystal dragons have two pairs of dragon wings, and their bodies are like gray quartz stones. They are more than ten meters in size and usually live on cliffs. They lie on the stone walls and look like part of the stone walls. You can't see them without careful observation.

Ouyang Yudu and his companions had just entered the area of ​​the four-winged gray crystal dragons when they saw a huge creature swooping down from the mountain wall.

At first glance, it was a crystal-based creature, and the brothers were quite happy, thinking that they had such a harvest as soon as they came. It was really God's blessing.

But the next second, they saw four-winged gray crystal dragons flapping their wings and flying over the entire mountain wall. There were actually more than a dozen of them.

What was even more terrifying was that one of them was a four-winged gray crystal dragon that looked like a green ghost gem, which was obviously a mutant creature.

Several people quickly activated their pets and fought with the four-winged gray crystal dragon.

Ouyang Yudu did not take out his pet, but looked at the mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon with interest. A white armor like crystal and jade gradually appeared on his body, protecting his whole body.

His shell style is very special. The shells of general mutants are relatively simple, while his shell is more like a complete set of armor.

There are even mysterious patterns on the armor, like clouds and fog.

It's a pity that Lin Shen couldn't see the armor of Bai Shenfei, otherwise he would find that the two are really similar when he saw Ouyang Yudu's armor again, but one shape is more masculine and the other is more feminine.

The mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon seemed to have sensed something, staring at Ouyang Yudu with his eyes, making a dragon cry, vibrating his four wings and rushing towards Ouyang Yudu.


The mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon flew at high speed, causing a sonic boom, and the air waves outside formed a circle of air explosion rings.

The mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon dived towards Ouyang Yudu like a super fighter flying at high speed.

At the moment when it was about to reach the ground, the mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon passed by the ground, leaving a trail of afterimages.

When it was about to hit Ouyang Yudu, Ouyang Yudu just jumped lightly, seemingly very relaxed, but just happened to ride on the neck of the mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon, and his two hands just happened to hold the dragon horns on its head on the left and right.

The mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon rushed straight into the sky angrily, rolling and folding in the air, trying to throw Ouyang Yudu off his neck.

"This wind is so comfortable... Little Gray... Faster..." Ouyang Yudu seemed to enjoy it very much. No matter how the mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon rolled and shook its head, it couldn't throw him off.

During the flight, it even stood sideways and flew with its back against the mountain wall, trying to use the mountain wall to knock Ouyang Yudu off.

There was a series of crackling sounds, and a deep mark several hundred meters long was scratched on the mountain wall, but Ouyang Yudu still held it tightly.

Boom boom boom!

The mutant four-winged gray crystal dragon continued to accelerate, forming circles of air explosions in the air, but it was still useless.

The spectators were stunned. Many people in ordinary bases had never seen anyone play like this, and they all felt it was too crazy.

Ouyang Yudu in the air laughed very wantonly, and even when the mutant gray crystal dragon rushed into the sky, he let go of his hands and sat up straight, as if enjoying the huge wind pressure coming towards him, and only relied on the strength of his legs to clamp the mutant gray crystal dragon's neck.


The mutant gray crystal dragon failed to throw him off, and suddenly rushed down like a sharp arrow, instantly piercing into a lake from a thousand meters high, stirring up waves more than ten high.

"This is too much, Ouyang Yudu will play himself to death, right?"

"I don't think so, he is Ouyang Yudu!"

"So what about Ouyang Yudu, he is also a person, he will die, it's not good to die like this."


Just as people were talking about it, they suddenly heard a splash of water, and the mutant gray crystal dragon climbed onto the shore from the lake.

Ouyang Yudu was still riding on its neck, and the man and the dragon were all covered with water, flowing everywhere.

The mutant gray crystal dragon lowered its head, and Ouyang Yudu's body slid down and lay directly on the ground, looking at the sky motionless.

"What did I say, you've played too much."

"If you don't do it, you won't die, can't you just be good?"

"The Ouyang family must be crying to death, the successor they have cultivated with great difficulty, just died like this."

People watched the mutant gray crystal dragon open its mouth and reach out to Ouyang Yudu, who was lying motionless on the ground, thinking that it was going to swallow Ouyang Yudu.

The next second, everyone's eyes widened.

The mutant gray crystal dragon did not bite Ouyang Yudu, but instead spit out a small gray-green key from its mouth.

"What did I see... a wild crystal base recognized its master... is this really something that humans can do?"

"I said it, Ouyang Yudu is Ouyang Yudu, not something that mortals can imagine."

"Fuck, a wild crystal base recognized its master, how low is the probability? And it's a mutant crystal base."

"Thanks to the Sky Projection System for broadening my horizons, is this possible?"

Under the gaze of countless people who were envious, jealous, or worshipful, Ouyang Yudu reached out to catch the key, but did not take it back.

He sat up and hugged the mutant gray crystal dragon's head, and stroked the gray-green scales on its cheek with his fingers.

The mutant gray crystal dragon

was very obedient, without any consciousness of resistance.

After releasing the mutant gray crystal dragon, Ouyang Yudu did something that no one expected, and actually threw the pet key back to the mutant gray crystal dragon.

The mutant gray crystal dragon opened its mouth to swallow the key, but once again leaned down in front of Ouyang Yudu.

Ouyang Yudu turned over and rode on it. The mutant gray crystal dragon let out a dragon roar, and its four wings fluttered wildly and soared into the sky, carrying Ouyang Yudu straight into the sky.

"From now on, you will be my little gray." The armor on Ouyang Yudu's body retreated, revealing his true face, opening his hands and wantonly enjoying the impact of the wind pressure.

The dragon roared in the sky, and the four-winged gray crystal dragons that were originally fighting with other mutants stopped, and looked up at the mutant gray crystal dragon and Ouyang Yudu in the sky.

This time, Ouyang Yudu was completely famous all over the world, and everyone knew that the God's Love Base had produced a proud child.

"Young man, being too ostentatious is not a good thing."

"If you want to be ostentatious, you have to have the ability to do it."

"Before the Sky Projection System, I thought the alloy-based mutators in our base were already super strong. Now I realize that alloys are nothing."

"Ouyang Yudu, when I grow up and marry you, I must keep your virginity!"

"Who do you think is stronger, the Big Red Bull Knight or Ouyang Yudu?"

"I think Ouyang Yudu is stronger. I just want to ask you if you have heard of wild mutant crystal bases recognizing their master?"

"I still think the Big Red Bull Knight is stronger. He is a fierce man that the 100-man Super Burning Corps ran away when they saw him."

For a while, all major bases were discussing this topic, who is stronger, the Big Red Bull Knight or Ouyang Yudu.

There are obviously more people supporting Ouyang Yudu, because the Big Red Bull Knight has not really demonstrated his strength, and no one knows whether he is a human or not.

Not only the Big Red Bull Knight and Ouyang Yudu, more and more young strong men have shown amazing talents and combat effectiveness on King Kai.

In fact, all the humans teleported from the King Kai Training Device were from super bases, and many of them were successors trained by large families. They can be said to be the most elite young people among humans today.

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