Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 256 The Non-Existent Woman

Ximen Jianke came back late, and he didn't bring back much prey. When he passed by Lin Shen's door, Lin Shen greeted him.

He ignored Lin Shen, and went back to the stone house and closed the door.

The night fell suddenly, and because there was no place to charge, Lin Shen didn't want to use the flashlight even though he had one.

The two chatted in the dark and made plans for the future.

Although the environment of the giant ring star is harsh, the ascension resources here are much better than the mother star. Lin Miao meant to ascend as soon as possible.

Her base mutation rate has already reached 100%, and she only needs one ascension egg to ascend directly.

Lin Shen thought of the mutant pterosaur egg on the crater planet. There were too many things during this period, and he hadn't had time to get it back.

If the eldest sister wants to ascend, she can use the mutant pterosaur egg.

The problem now is that the ascension egg needs to be processed before it can be used by ordinary base mutations.

You can also drink the liquid in the Ascension Egg directly, but the risk is too great, so it is better to use it after processing.

I don’t know if there is anyone here who can make the Ascension Egg into an oral liquid. Even if there is, Lin Shen is not at ease to hand over the mutant Ascension Egg to outsiders.

“Everything is difficult when you go out.” After discussing with the eldest sister, Lin Shen decided to wait for a while, and consider taking the mutant Ascension Egg back after figuring out the situation here.

The eldest sister is still not in good health, and she is easily tired. She fell asleep after a while.

Lin Shen sat on the stone to rest. After a while, he heard the faint humming coming from next door again.

“That woman secretly lived in Lao Yu’s house again. Lao Yu is so greedy, how could he not find her?” Lin Shen was a little confused.

But this is someone else’s business, and he was too lazy to meddle in other people’s business, so he continued to close his eyes and rest.

"When my elder sister gets better, I can take her to King Kai during the night. The night here is too long, and normal people can't sleep that long." Lin Shen didn't feel any difference in the night of the giant ring star except that it was very dark.

The woman seemed to be in a good mood, and she kept humming an inaudible song. There was only one song over and over again, and the melody was the same.

After listening to it for a long time, people couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Lin Shen wanted to ask her to shut up and stop singing, but he thought it was inappropriate.

In the middle of the night, if he shouted like this, wouldn't everyone hear it, and Lao Yu would also find out that this woman was living in his house secretly.

Fortunately, after the woman sang for a while, there was no sound, and the faint light coming through the wall disappeared.

Lin Shen continued to practice the Immortal Sutra, and it was easy to get through the night.

After dawn, Lin Shen left the room as soon as possible, intending to tell the woman next to him not to sing at night.

When Lin Shen came out, no one in this row of stone houses had come out yet.

But when he came to the stone house next to him, he found that the door of the stone house was open. He looked inside and there was no one inside.

"Strange, I came out at dawn, how come that woman came out earlier than me? This doesn't make sense." Lin Shen frowned slightly.

"Brother Lin, why are you here so early?" Lao Yu, who lived in the first room in this row, pushed the door open and was slightly surprised to see Lin Shen come out so early.

"Lao Yu, was there anyone living in this room last night?" Lin Shen frowned and looked at Lao Yu and asked.

"No, there are only so many people here, and they all have fixed rooms. Only you three are new here, and there is no one else." Lao Yu seemed to think of something, looked around, pulled Lin Shen aside, stared at Lin Shen, lowered his voice and asked: "What do you mean?"

"Last time, didn't I tell you that I heard a woman singing next door, and I heard it again last night." Lin Shen said.

Lao Yu's face turned very ugly: "Brother, you can't say that..."

"I really heard it." Lin Shen was very sure that he would not hear it wrong. On the first day, he saw that woman.

Seeing Lin Shen so sure, Lao Yu's expression changed. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Brother, this matter is good for you and me, don't go out and say it."

"Why?" Lin Shen was a little puzzled.

"Don't ask, don't say, I will waive the rent for your room. Also, don't think about going to the stone house next to you at night, don't go out." Lao Yu seemed to be afraid that Lin Shen would ask more questions, so he left directly.

After a while, Lao Yu took a big lock out of his own room and locked the door of the stone house next to Lin Shen.

No matter what Lin Shen asked him, he refused to say anything.

After a while, more people came out, and most of them went out hunting directly.

Ximen Jianke's condition was much better than yesterday. At least he didn't stagger when riding the gray crystal triangle sheep.

The two looked at each other, Lin Shen smiled and greeted him, Ximen Jianke turned his face away and left the village without looking back.

Lin Shen didn't care, and went to ask Lao Yu for information.

Lao Yu was a little impatient at first, but later he knew that Lin Shen was not asking about that woman, so he immediately put on a smile.

"One piece of information is one coin." Lao Yu said with a smile.

Lin Shen asked some questions about ascension and ascension eggs, and Lao Yu explained it very clearly.

If you want to make ascension eggs into oral liquid, humans don't have the equipment.


humans will choose to leave the giant ring star and ascend to other planets.

If you must ascend on the Giant Ring Star, you can only ask the Celestial Beings or the advanced races living on the star belt for help.

Lin Shen had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​helping his elder sister ascend. He didn't dare to take the mutant ascending egg to the Celestial Beings and those advanced races. Wouldn't that be like handing a large piece of gold to a thief?

The humans here rarely communicate with each other, and can even be said to be quite indifferent.

Except for Lao Yu, it seems that everyone is trying to avoid communicating with others. During the day, there was no one left in the whole village.

According to Lao Yu, most of the people who came to the Giant Ring Star had compelling reasons. Who would come to such a ghost place?

After Lin Shen packed up his things, he was going to go to a farther place to have a look. If there was no harvest, he was going to find a deserted place and teleport to King Kai.

Before he walked out of the village gate, he saw a bright light flying in the sky.

"Could it be Tianxun?" Lin Shen frowned. He had wanted to take advantage of Tianxun before, but now he didn't have that mind, at least he didn't have that ability now.

Sure enough, the aircraft landed in front of Lin Shen, and after the top cover was opened, a mosaic figure was revealed.

"Get in." Tianxun opened the passenger door and made a gesture to get in the car.

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