Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 262: No Magic Formula

"What if I succeed?" Tianxun was already a little angry.

Lin Shen's words clearly showed his contempt for her, which was a direct insult.

"If you succeed, I, Lin Shen, am willing to follow you and be at your service for the rest of my life without any complaints. If you fail, I don't ask for anything else, I just hope you can give me a chance to pursue you." Lin Shen said righteously.

Hearing Lin Shen's words, Tianxun laughed angrily: "You think it's a good idea. Whether I can succeed or not, you can survive. This abacus is making the whole universe jingle."

"Isn't this okay?" Lin Shen sighed.

"Of course not. If I succeed, I'll chop off your head." Tianxun snorted coldly.

"Can I not chop it off?" Lin Shen asked helplessly.

"That's fine." Tianxun's answer was unexpected to some people.

"Then it's a deal." Lin Shen said immediately.

"It's a deal. If I succeed, I'll keep the top head for you and chop off the bottom one." Tianxun pretended to be calm and said.

"Then you'd better kill me. I haven't helped the family to expand. That would be more painful than killing me." Lin Shen sighed.

"It's a deal. How can I break my promise? You'd better pray that I can't succeed, otherwise..." Tianxun didn't finish, but he understood what he meant.

Lin Shen didn't say anything. He didn't know whether Tianxun was really trying to scare him.

But even if he was serious, Lin Shen was not completely without a chance of winning. The reason why he said that Tianxun couldn't succeed was not purely alarmist.

He had practiced "Taxianting" before, and knew that this kind of evolutionary technique could not be practiced just by doing the right movements.

The key point is still the word "understanding". If you can't understand its momentum, you can't practice it even if the movements are standard.

"Taxianting" also has a few prefaces to explain its artistic conception, which is of great help to understand its momentum.

Erbaquan only has movements, and there are no other hints.

The key to mastering Er Ba Quan lies in the potential contained in those patterns. Now the original patterns have disappeared, leaving only those patterns drawn by Lin Shen.

But his drawing is too rough, and there is a big gap with the original, and there is no potential in it.

It is estimated that it is difficult to comprehend the potential of Er Ba Quan just by looking at the patterns he drew.

He can teach Tian Xun all the standard movements, but without the support of artistic conception, it is really hard to say whether Tian Xun can master it.

Lin Shen did not pray that Tian Xun could not master Er Ba Quan, because he knew in his heart that whether he could survive did not depend on whether Tian Xun could master Er Ba Quan, but on whether Tian Xun wanted to kill him.

Even if he won the bet, Tian Xun could have ten thousand different reasons to kill him.

So during this period of time, what Lin Shen had to do was not to win the bet, but to make Tian Xun give up the idea of ​​killing him.

Paradise Island is not smaller than the ring island he went to before. Compared with the environment in the giant ring star, it can indeed be described as a paradise.

Castles, gardens, statues, and buildings full of artistic atmosphere are everywhere on the island, forming a sharp contrast with the village where Lin Shen lived before.

A beautiful girl from the Celestial Tribe played the zither beside the fountain, and Celestial warriors wearing gorgeous armor lined up to patrol the island.

When the aircraft descended, the dome of a palace-like building in the castle opened automatically, allowing the aircraft to land directly inside the building, and the dome closed automatically.

Lin Shen came out of the aircraft and looked at the various gorgeous statues and murals in the building. Even the pillars were carved with amazing reliefs.

Such gorgeous buildings, Lin Shen had only seen in video documentaries. Such buildings could only have existed during the heyday of mankind before the advent of the genetically modified creatures.

Nowadays, human buildings are all practical in style, with various solid metal fortresses, which are completely different from the previous buildings.

There was not even a single person in this huge palace-style building.

"Your elder sister has been sent to the guest room. You can talk to her now." Tianxun received a message, turned on the call mode directly, and gave the communicator to Lin Shen.

Lin Shen saw the image projected by the communicator, and it was his elder sister Lin Miao.

The two chatted for a few words, but it was not convenient to say too much. Lin Shen just comforted his elder sister and asked her to settle down first.

"Now let me see how difficult your posture is, whether I can learn it." Tianxun pulled a chair and sat down in the hall, supporting his chin with his hand, looking at Lin Shen and said.

Lin Shen nodded. He wanted to practice the whole set of movements directly, but found that he could not remember them all without looking at the movements in the small notebook.

"Well, can you give me my notebook back? I have to look at it and recall it." Lin Shen said helplessly.

"You can't even remember the movements?" Tianxun frowned slightly. She felt that Lin Shen was playing tricks on her.

How could a genius who could comprehend the Er Ba Quan not remember the movements. Photographic memory, isn't this a necessary ability for geniuses?

"I know it's hard to believe, but I can only ask you to believe me. My memory is really very average, and I don't have the ability to remember everything I see. I just imitated those patterns just now, and I really didn't remember them." Lin Shen really found it difficult to explain this problem.

He also wanted to have an extraordinary memory, but unfortunately he didn't have that kind of talent.

Tianxun saw that Lin Shen didn't seem to be faking it, but it was still hard to believe that a human with such a mediocre memory could have such a strong comprehension ability?

However, Tianxun thought about it for a while and returned the small notebook to

Lin Shen.

Lin Shen took the small notebook, opened the patterns he had drawn, and imitated the movements on the patterns.

He imitated while watching, and sure enough, the basic power in his body was mobilized again. He threw out the last punch and blasted out another punch through the air.

The punch hit a metal pillar, leaving a punch mark on it.

Tian Xun saw that his movements were awkward and did not seem to be fake, and he was even more confused: "Is this Er Ba Quan really so simple and easy to learn that you can learn it like this?"

"The movements are like this, you try it, I will teach you one by one." Lin Shen said.

Tian Xun ignored him and followed Lin Shen's movements.

It must be said that Tian Xun's memory is really too strong. She watched it remotely before and watched it again now. She only watched it twice in total, but she was able to practice a movement well.

Not only was the movement correct, but it was also smoother and more beautiful than Lin Shen's, as if she had practiced it countless times.

But until the last punch, there was no air-punching force coming out of her fist.

"Have you practiced Er Ba Quan before?" Lin Shen looked at Tian Xun in a daze and asked.


"How can you be so skilled if you haven't practiced it?" Lin Shen asked again.

"This kind of thing is incomprehensible to a mortal like you." Tian Xun's mouth curled up slightly, and he said lightly: "There is nothing wrong with the action, tell me the formula."

"Formula? What formula? There are only these patterned movements, no formula." Lin Shen shook his head.

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