Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 297 Luminous Flower

The big guy, who looked like a colorful crystal, walked to the sleeping saber-toothed tiger, lowered his head and picked up the saber-toothed tiger directly.

The saber-toothed tiger did not react at all and was thrown into the air by the big guy, and then swallowed it.

After a few crunches, the saber-toothed tiger was swallowed by the big guy.

Lin Shen originally thought that this ascended creature was so big that its resistance must be much higher. It was not so easy to put it to sleep after it changed hands several times.

After all, it takes time to digest such a big saber-toothed tiger.

Who knew that the big guy took only a few steps and actually fell to the ground headfirst, smashing the emerald gladiolus next to it, lying on the ground motionless, and fell asleep.

"That thing is so powerful?" Lin Shen was surprised.

If he had known that the powder of the small tree was so powerful that even the ascended creatures had no resistance, he would have kept some powder.

If I meet an enemy I can't defeat, I'll try to feed him some of this stuff, so that he can sleep like a dead pig. Then I can kill him however I want.

Unfortunately, all the powders have been licked up, and there's no chance to get it now.

"This guy swallowed a saber-toothed tiger. Maybe its ascension fluid has the effect of the small tree powder. I'll kill it later and collect its ascension fluid. It will have some effect." Lin Shen waited for a while, but no other creatures appeared. The ascended creature was still sleeping like a dead pig, so he quietly came to its side.

He pushed it twice with his hand, but there was no reaction at all. It can be seen how strong the effect of the small tree powder is. After several transformations, it is still so powerful.

Lin Shen no longer hesitated, and ran back to take out the Archangel Sword that Tian Xin was carrying in the sword box.

"Xiao Tian Xin, let me borrow it." Lin Shen took the Archangel Sword and came to the side of the ascended creature again.

He aimed at the red acupuncture point on the head of the ascended creature and stabbed it directly with a sword.

The Archangel Sword seemed to have no weight in his hand, but it was really hard and sharp enough.

With Lin Shen's strength and speed, he stabbed the sword directly to the bottom, and the whole sword body was stabbed in, leaving only the guard and the hilt outside.

The sleeping ascended creature didn't even react at all, and was stabbed to death by Lin Shen's sword.

Lin Shen took out the prepared water bag, and then slowly pulled out the sword, and the colorful ascended liquid flowed out along the blade.

Lin Shen hurriedly used the water bag to catch it. Although this ascended creature was so big, there was not much ascended liquid in its body. Lin Shen caught three full bags, and the fourth bag was not full, and only half of it was taken.

It was a pity that when it was killed, it did not spray out the life base. It is estimated that the life base still exists in the body in the form of particles.

Lin Shen wanted to dig out its life base. The life base still has a spiritual existence after the owner dies. As long as it is touched, it should automatically condense into shape.

Lin Shen used his sword to decompose the body of the ascended creature. Just when he cut the spine, he heard a jingle.

Then he saw colorful particles flying out of the spine of the creature, and soon condensed into a colorful crystal-like flower.

However, without the leader, the flower-like life base only stayed in the air for a moment and fell directly to the ground.

"Hey, the life base of this ascended creature actually has a flower." Lin Shen picked up the flower life base.

The flower part of this life base is about the size of Lin Shen's fist, and it looks a bit like a rose, with thin branches and a few leaves underneath, and some small thorns on the branches.

The whole life base is colorful, with only colorful light flowing inside, and no fixed form of spirit.

Lin Shen looked down at his watch and saw that there was already information on it.

"Killed the six-turn mutant ascended creature Noctilucent Beast, and found the six-turn mutant spirit-based Noctilucent Flower."

"Oh my god, this thing is actually a six-turn mutation... Why didn't I feel it was so strong... I can only say that the ten-turn Archangel Sword is too hard and sharp..." Lin Shen was ecstatic.

This mutant six-turn spirit-based Noctilucent Flower was like a free pick-up.

Lin Shen quickly stuffed the Noctilucent Flower into his backpack, and hung all the bags of Ascension Liquid on his body, and then returned to Tianxin's place, and put the clean and spotless Archangel Sword back into the sword box.

"It seems that I should find a spirit-based weapon as a weapon in the future. Although I can't exert the power of the spirit-based, its hardness and sharpness will be of great help to me in killing ascended creatures. I didn't use spirit-based weapons before because I didn't have enough strength. Now my strength is enough to use ordinary spirit-based weapons, or find a weightless spirit-based weapon like the Archangel Sword." Lin Shen was thinking about what kind of spirit-based weapon he would get in the future.

Zheng Guyuan's sword was buried in his hometown. Lin Shen also buried a lot of spiritual bases on the crater planet, but most of them were first- and second-level items. The most numerous ones were pterosaur scimitars and triceratops halberds.

Unfortunately, Lin Shen couldn't use a knife, and he wasn't used to using the trident halberd.

"It would be nice if I could get a spear or a soft whip." Lin Shen squatted down and pinched Tian Xin's philtrum again, but he still couldn't wake him up.

"No, I have to get him back. If he dies here, it will be hard to explain to Tian Xun." Lin Shen thought about it and planned to try again. If it didn't work, he would rather not have the attribute fruit and get Tian Xin out first and hand him over to Tian Xun.

Lin Shen summoned the black crystal stone man, and then asked the black crystal stone man to hold the box containing the fruit and leave.

to the distance, and then let it open the box.

Lin Shen looked at it from a distance and saw the black crystal stone man standing there, motionless for a while, not sleeping like Tianxin, and he suddenly felt happy.

Lin Shen was still not at ease, so he sent a few more pets to go to the fruit, but the result was the same, none of them fell asleep.

"Sure enough, it was the small tree that made Tianxin fall asleep, and it had nothing to do with the fruit." Lin Shen had another guess in his mind, so he stayed farther away from Tianxin, and then asked the stone man to hold the box containing the fruit and walked there Beside Tianxin.

When Tianxin was picking fruits before, she didn't fall asleep.

It stands to reason that the little tree's ability to induce sleep is so strong. When Tianxin picked the first fruit, he should have fallen asleep long ago after lingering for so long.

But he didn't fall asleep until he picked all three fruits, put them in the box and closed them.

Lin Shen wondered if it was because of the existence of these three fruits that Tianxin didn't fall asleep directly at first.

Just as Lin Shen thought, after the three fruits approached Tianxin, Tianxin, which had always been like a dead pig, actually started to move and slowly woke up.

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