Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 359: Life is Meaningful

"Since ancient times, purple air has come from the east... the first light before dawn... the vitality turns into the body of the phoenix... the dawn breaks to welcome the dawn... the phoenix's bones are as proud as plums... the phoenix's courage is as righteous as the sky... the phoenix's heart is brave and unyielding... the phoenix's chant is as heavy as a mountain... the phoenix's spirit is majestic... the phoenix's death brings all things to life..." Wei Wufu's voice echoed in Lin Shen's ears. This was the first time Lin Shen heard Wei Wufu speak such a long paragraph and still be able to maintain fluency.

The voice was sonorous and powerful, like the sound of metal and iron, and like iron chisels falling on a stone tablet. Every word was soul-stirring and indelible.

Lin Shen understood that this was Wei Wufu telling him the profound meaning of the Phoenix Purple Air Art, hoping that he could apply it to other things.

Feeling the power flowing in Wei Wufu's body and listening to Wei Wufu's words, a picture appeared in Lin Shen's mind.

There was darkness between heaven and earth. At the junction of heaven and earth in the far east, a purple morning glow cut through the darkness, rising with light, competing with the darkness covering the sky.

The purple air turned into a phoenix and roamed the world, rushing towards the dark void without hesitation. It was proud but not arrogant, righteous, brave, and dignified. It valued its promises and ignored life and death. Even if it was torn to pieces, it would leave a ray of light for the world.

Lin Shen suddenly seemed to understand why Wei Wufu's skill Phoenix Secret had the restriction of fighting and not retreating.

Maybe it was not the Purple Air Phoenix Secret that restricted Wei Wufu. Only with restrictions can there be persistence, and only with persistence can there be restrictions. The restrictions of the Phoenix Secret were not to restrict Wei Wufu, but Wei Wufu's persistence gave the Phoenix Secret a character.

Lin Shen seemed to suddenly understand why he could not change the theory of evolution.

Because so far, he has not really understood the true meaning of the wrong version of the theory of evolution, and has purely stayed at the level of skills.

Wei Wufu asked Lin Shen to observe him practicing the Purple Air Phoenix Secret, just to let Lin Shen understand that the art of evolution has its own artistic conception and character.

Only by understanding the artistic conception and style of the wrong version of the theory of evolution, or finding your own artistic conception and style, can you know how to go on the next road, and it is possible to continue the wrong version of the theory of evolution.

What exactly is the artistic conception and style of the wrong version of the theory of evolution? Is it the enhanced mutation forced by the environment? Is it the self-mutation to adapt to the environment? It seems that none of them are, and those are just the level of skills. Lin Shen suddenly found that the evolutionary technique he practiced had no artistic conception and no style, as if he was just riding the boat of fate and drifting with the tide.

"Become a person like Lao Wei? I don't seem to be able to do it. I don't have Lao Wei's stubborn persistence. I'm afraid I can't reach the realm of Lao Wei in my whole life." Lin Shen thought in his heart: "Then what kind of person am I? What is my persistence? What are my limitations?"

His four innate skills plus the innate skills of the life base have almost no limitations.

Super-base text can absorb the power of the world, super-base transformation can activate itself, super-base recasting is tempered, and super-base form makes his body alienated.

It seems that all this is for his own betterment, only demanding from the world, but not giving back to the world.

"It won't work... it won't work..." Lin Shen realized that he couldn't follow Lao Wei's path. From the beginning, he didn't have the kind of righteousness that Lao Wei had.

"Since I can practice the wrong version of "Evolution", maybe it just shows that some of my characteristics are in line with the wrong version of "Evolution", but I don't know it myself... Then what characteristics of me are in line with the wrong version of "Evolution?" Lin Shen thought hard but still couldn't get the answer.

Suddenly, Lin Shen realized something, and his eyes lit up: "What am I doing? Why should I set limits for myself? Why should I limit evolution? There is no need at all. My heart is the bottom line. Since evolution has chosen me, then I am its bottom line. We have been born as one."

As Lin Shen's mind turned, the power in Lin Shen's body also automatically circulated, and evolution freely let itself go in Lin Shen's body.

"I was born in this world and grew up by constantly asking for things. It seems that I only ask for things but never give anything. But if we look at it from another angle, can we also say that my existence itself is a kind of giving?"

A blank piece of paper and an unused pencil are just a piece of paper and a pen.

If no one uses them, their existence itself is meaningful.

If someone picks up a pen and writes something on the paper, both the paper and the pen will be used up. It seems to be pure consumption, but doesn't that give different meanings to the paper and the pen?

In the eyes of the world, asking for things from the world is selfish, but in the eyes of the world, this may be another kind of giving.

Without color, lines, and ups and downs, there is no painting; without language, scenery, characters, and events, there is no story.

Different painters have painted different works. Those works may be beautiful or tragic, but they may be holy or evil. In any case, they are no longer blank.

"Perhaps, all I need to do is to survive, and that's the meaning of my existence in this world. I just need to live well, live wonderfully, live freely, live out myself, and live a different life. That's already my reward to this world..." As Lin Shen's thoughts turned, the power in his body flowed faster and faster, as if responding to Lin Shen's thoughts.

"By the way, that's it. I have nothing to find the meaning of life. Living according to my own wishes is the greatest meaning of life." Lin Shen was in a very happy mood, as if he had broken free from the shackles.

Even the power in his body seemed to be jumping for joy and flowing freely.

Lin Shen felt that

The Theory of Transformation seems to be a little different, but I can't tell what the difference is.

Suddenly, the power flowing from Lin Shen's body turned in a circle, and the trace of power that flowed into Wei Wufu's body along Lin Shen's body poured into Wei Wufu's body.

This startled Lin Shen. That was the most vulnerable part of Wei Wufu's body. Wei Wufu was still running the Phoenix Purple Qi Jue, and the consequences of disturbing him would be disastrous.

But now it seems that it is too late to stop it. Lin Shen's power pours into Wei Wufu's body in a steady stream. Like that ray of power, it merges into the torrent of Wei Wufu's power, and along with it, Wei Wufu's power continues to flow. .

Lin Shen felt the wonder of Wei Wufu's evolution technique more deeply, as if he was practicing the "Phoenix Purple Qi Jue" himself.

Lin Shen realized Wei Wufu's artistic conception and character. The power in Wei Wufu's body was also affected by Lin Shen's theory of evolution, and seemed to have undergone some inexplicable changes.

When Lin Shen's power returned to his body, Wei Wufu's Phoenix Purple Qi Jue also stopped operating.

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