But if I fall into the hands of this unknown creature, I don’t know what will happen to me.


The flames on Seth’s body burned more and more fiercely, and the scorching energy fluctuations spread in the hyperspace.

Just when Seth was about to blow up Ultra’s heart in a desperate attack, a turning point appeared.

A gap suddenly appeared in the huge hyperspace.

That’s right, just like Seth’s Ultimate Sword cut through the space, a huge palm, seemingly stretched out from another dimension, suddenly appeared, and grabbed the black shadow in the hyperspace!


Everything happened very quickly, and the giant hand appeared and disappeared in less than a second.

When Seth reacted, the black life active in the hyperspace had disappeared.


Seth, who was still in shock, extinguished the flames on his body, and the eye light and the timer on his chest were flashing wildly.

Now he finally knew why Noah told him that it was "out of scope" when he was looking for the answer with him.

This was more than out of scope, the suffocating feeling was simply a dimensionality reduction attack!

"How much of this universe do I still not know."

Seth, whose body was hollowed out, murmured softly.

The system prompt sound appeared at this time.

[Successfully survived, and obtained investment quota 1]

Seth was so angry that he wanted to hit someone: "You m****, you didn't even give me time to think about accepting the task, do you know that I almost died just now! ! "

"If I die, you can't live!"

"Stupid system, I really admire you."

"Also, what's the matter with these rewards? I almost exploded, and you gave me an investment quota?"

[Give you another one.]

[This is a stage you must go through in your life.]

"I'm going through you m****!"

"Are you sending away beggars? Do I care about your investment quota?"

"What I care about is why you acted without my permission! ”

【I’ll give you another one.】

Seth: “…”

The system has been with me for so many years. Although it is often not there when I need it, it is still reliable most of the time.

Although it was thrilling this time, it didn’t cause a big mistake in the end.

“Du bro, if you give me another one, I can consider forgiving you.” Seth’s expression was still angry.

【I can only give you three. You didn’t survive this time by your own ability.】

Seth stopped when he saw the good: “Okay, tell me, what was that black mass just now?”

【I can tell you, but for some enemies, once you know, it means you will soon face them.】

【Are you still asking?】

Seth: “…”

This is a multiple-choice question, dying soberly or living confusedly.

And Seth has always put life safety first.

“No more questions. ”

When facing such a giant, I can only be beaten now.

I will be confused for a while and gain some time to develop.

When I grow up in the future, no matter how big it is, I will definitely chop off its head!

"I can't know the enemy, but can I know the benefactor?" Seth asked again.

The system answered very briefly this time.


The moment this term appeared, Seth's heart skipped a beat.

"Ba! Qi! Side! Leak!"

"But why have I never heard of any ruler in the Ultraman universe?"

Seth: "Is it the mysterious four Ultras? Or the great prophet Drasion?"

The system did not answer. After thinking for a while, Seth was too lazy to guess.

A few seconds later, Seth, who was overdrawn, returned to the Kingdom of Light.


At the entrance of the Science and Technology Bureau.

Hikari looked at Seth, who had returned and was seriously injured, in confusion and shock: "What's wrong with your body?"

"No time to explain, send me to the Silver Cross Military Hospital first. "Seth's chest rose and fell rapidly.

Two months later.

Seth woke up in the ward of the Silver Cross Military Hospital, feeling dizzy.

The battle in hyperspace had dealt him an unprecedented blow both physically and mentally, and he had to rest for so long.

The elders' conversations could be heard at the door.

Mother of Ultra: "According to Seth, when he was in hyperspace, he didn't even collide head-on with the giant, but the dark energy still corroded his body."

Zoffy's voice was unusually solemn: "Seth's combat power is already so strong, but he is still no match for the giant. What is hidden in hyperspace?"

Taro: "Unknown enemies are terrible."

Hikkali: "It seems that we need to speed up our research. As long as technology remains, one day, I will create a weapon to kill that giant!"

"Uncle Hikkali, I support you. "Seth's voice came from the ward.

After this episode, the Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light secretly started research on hyperspace.

And after two months of recuperation, Seth rushed to the parallel universe again.

But this time, he did not transfer from the hyperspace, but used the space-time gate. After many experiments, he went directly to the "space-time magnetic field abnormal universe" mentioned by Hikari.

It was just that there was a slight deviation in the time of crossing.


Parallel universe, Earth.

In the barren mountains.

In a tent with the xio logo, a group of researchers were conducting experiments on the materialization of virtual monsters.

The girl in a white coat broke into the tent, walked up to a member of the XIO team uniform, and took off the man's headphones: "Dadi, you are lazy again."

"No, just a little rest." The man known as Dadi smiled.

He stood up and took back the earphones from the girl: "Liu Yi, there are a large number of electrons from the universe on the earth. As long as they are converted into sound signals, you can hear the sounds of the universe."

"Then what did you hear?" the girl asked with a smile.

"There are some results." Dadi smiled mysteriously.

Other researchers nearby urged: "The relevant equipment has been adjusted, let's start the experiment immediately!"

A few minutes later.

Dadi stepped onto the experimental field, wearing a data processor on his head, holding a control terminal in his hand, and inserted the virtual Gomora card.

[Virtual Gomora, loading...]

In the command tent, the girl Liu Yi looked at the ground expectantly: "It must succeed."

"Yes, we people have worked hard for so long." Researcher Mikazuki Mamoru nervously grasped the corners of his clothes.

"Since the solar flare erupted fifteen years ago, all the glittering dolls that have been silent on the earth have all turned into monsters. In order to resist the monsters, the United Earth Organization established xio."

"It's just that our current weapons and equipment can only do limited damage against monsters."

"Creating a weapon of the same size as the monster to fight the monster is currently the best solution."

"The virtual monster project currently has the highest chance of success."

"The simple explanation of its principle is to analyze the flash doll, and then electronically reproduce the monster's appearance. As long as the data is correct, it is possible to succeed!!"

"Aren't these things everyone knows? What are you explaining here?" Liu Yi looked at Mikazuki Shou in confusion.


Please support me after reading this. I don’t give enough tomatoes recently, so it’s a bit hard to bear (????????)

Chapter 312 Ax: Fusion! !

xio's experimental base located in the barren mountains.

As the Virtual Gomora card was loaded, the huge mechanical device began to release electrons.

Soon, the phantom of a huge mechanical monster appeared in front of everyone.

"The materialization level is 50%, and it will be successful soon!"

Dadi glanced at the terminal in his hand excitedly, with a smile on his lips.

It's a pity that the words have just been finished.


The virtual Gomora not far away collapsed directly, and its huge body turned into millions of particles and dispersed.

"Failed again." Liu Yi couldn't hide her disappointment, holding her chin in her hands.

"It still doesn't work. Where did it go wrong..." Mikazuki Shou sighed.

On the terminal in Dadi's hand, an alien's face suddenly appeared: "Take your time, the degree of physicalization can reach 50%, we have taken a big step."

"Doctor!" Liu Yi took the terminal from Dadi, with a look of grievance on his face: "Dr. Hermann, is our data entered incorrectly?"

"How is it possible? My calculations will not be wrong." The alien in the picture is full of confidence: "Don't underestimate us Brahma..."

Before Dr. Hermann finished speaking, the screen on the terminal suddenly went out, probably due to signal interference.

"Dadi, it's time to apply for a replacement of your terminal." Liu Yi returned the terminal to Dadi without forgetting to complain.

Next to him, Dadi did not take over the terminal immediately, but asked with a solemn expression: "Did you hear anything just now?"

"No, the picture is cut off and there is no sound." Liu Yi shook her head in confusion.

"Yeah, but I seemed to hear someone whispering, shouting 'fusion'." "Dadi frowned.

Just as he finished speaking, the voice appeared in his mind again: "Fusion..."

"Well, now you heard it!" Dadi shouted excitedly.

Beside, a group of researchers looked at the earth with complicated eyes: "..."

"Daichi, are you affected by the failed experiment? Maybe you should rest for a while and take your Gomora with you." Mikazuki Shou patted Dadi on the shoulder with concern.

"What I said is true, not an illusion." Dadi defended.

One of the researchers in the tent yelled, "The magnetic field around here is getting weird."

Mikazuki Mamoru: "It's normal. After all, the virtual monster experiment just ended."

The researcher who just gave the report said in a high-pitched voice: "There are traces of biological activity in the mountains!"

"Surface temperatures are rising dramatically!"

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