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Although Jiang Hao left for a month.But the earth has not changed much.No more attack on the earth.

After all, they did not know what Jiang Hao left the earth and went to Lieyang.

Although Jiang Hao did not have a celestial -level super puter.

But Jiang Hao has the power of God.

After the battle of Tianhe City, Jiang Hao used the power of God to make his puppet a 'blind man. "

What is the current earth, "they don't understand at all.

On Liangbing, Jiang Hao has not restricted it.

In Jiang Hao, they left this month.

Liangbing was not engaged in things, or in other words, not doing things in Daxia.

Other countries except Daxia.

Liangbing's figure often appears.

She was preparing before the war of Kaisa.

She needs her own demon army.

And she has the devil's gene.

The devil of heart.

Liang Bing used to find the host of Atto in a place called Huangcun in Daxia.

But now there is Jiang Hao in Daxia.

She naturally didn't dare to e to Daxia to do things again.

She couldn't get the devil host in Daxia, and she could only put her eyes abroad.

And the male soldiers, the current heroes have no longer staying at the Super Seminary.Ge Xiaolun, who stayed on the earth, were all sent out by the outside and performed some tasks.Although there are no aliens.

But as super soldiers, there are still many places where they can use them.

After returning to the earth.

Jiang Hao did not stay at the Super Seminary.

Instead, through the heavenly gates, the Marvel World returned.

He has left Marvel World and has been in the world for almost a year and a half.

Although during his departure time.

The Marvel world does not flow.

Instead, it will be in a static state, no matter when Jiang Hao goes back, it will be one day later.

But it's almost time to go back and take a look.

Return to Marvel World through the Gate of Heaven.

Time is twenty -four hours after Jiang Hao's departure.

Later, Jiang Hao stayed in the Marvel world for two months and acpanied Annie for a while.

Jiang Hao returned to Fan Haixin's world, which month he acpanied.

Later, he returned to the world of Jiushu.

After staying in Jiushu World for another year.

He opened the heavens again.

Go to a brand new world.

On a road.

A worn -out car is driving.

A young boy with a curly hair drove, the boy looked at the eighteen -year -old.

On his side -by -side driving position, there was a blonde beauty.

The boy is Dali, a 18 -year -old student. The blonde beauty next to him is his sister Cui Si.

Nineteen years old, one year older than him.

Because of the school holiday, the sister and brother drove the parents for the convenience of the two to go to school.

Old car is going to home.

"Cui Si, how do you plan to spend the next three -day holiday? I think going to camping in the wild is a good choice.


"You may call your good sisters together. Deli drove the car while driving a car on the side.

Cui Si rolled her eyes.

As Dali's sister, she couldn't hear what the idea of Dali hit.

"You are still young, Dali."

"But I am eighteen this year, I am an adult."

"Then you have money? You know those good sisters, they prefer the rich handsome guys, not you,

Although you are okay, you have no money."

Deli heard the words, a little speechless.

Although he acknowledged that Cuisei was right.

But the question is, do you say that your brother is so?

"Cuisi, although you are right, but you are so hard to hit my confidence?"



"And, what does it mean to be long, do I do not want to be a brother?"

"We are my sister, you are so beautiful, I have no reason to be a handsome guy."

Cui Si was laughed by Dali's words.

But did not refute.

In terms of face value, she is still very confident.

In school, she should not have too many pursuers.

But like her good sisters, her vision is relatively high.

Not only is it handsome to the boyfriend, but also tall, strong, rich, and good -tempered.

And her hard requirement is not much satisfied.


But Cuisi didn't care.

After all, she is still young and is not in a hurry to find her boyfriend.

The two siblings talked with a smile, a few minutes later.

A church appeared in front of them.

Deli at the sharp eyes seemed to see something.

"Cui Si, where do you see?"

Sister Cui Si looked in Dali's direction.

I found a small white church by the road.

And next to the church, a small black card was parked.

Next to the small truck, a black weird man was holding a bloody parcel towards a rusty pipeline next to it.

The white parcel is a bit like a person in the shape of the shape.

At this moment, the weirdo seemed to find them.

It seems to the two of them.

Sister and brother felt a little wrong.

Because there is some distance.

Plus the car is driving.

The two siblings did not see the man's appearance.

I just feel that person is weird.

"Damn, the guy is absolutely problematic just now.

"What perhaps he murdered?"


"I saw the blood on the white cloth of those human figures, and we should call the police." Deli said to the sister Cui Si on the side.

After hearing his brother Dali, Cuisei did not refute.

Because she also saw it.

And the weird man just stared at their car, making her feel a little bad.

Later, she took out her cell phone directly and planned to call the police.

But when she took out her mobile phone, she found that her mobile phone was out of power.

But when she remembered that when they set off, her mobile phone had a lot of electric shit.

Why is it suddenly out of power?

At this moment, Dali followed a small truck after discovering his two of them.

Dali glanced at it and found that the small truck was the weird card of the church.

I don't have to wait for Dali to think about it.

The small truck suddenly accelerated.

The car of Cui Si and Deli, the younger brother of Deli, is a master car that does not know several hands.

Speed is not fast at all.

Even if Dali wants to accelerate escape, it will not be able to do it.

Bang !!! (Seeing violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

The car was violently hit.

The two siblings in the car just felt shaking for a while.

Cuisi screamed in fear.

Later, the small truck hit them three times in a row.

Finally, the car was out of control and hit the fence directly beside the road, and then they rushed directly into a wild field.

Cuisi even hit the car in front of the car because of inertia.

Fortunately, the inertia is not big, and Cuisi only feels that the forehead hurts, and nothing will hurt.


Seeking flowers •

"Funk, that lunatic, this is a murder, damn, we should call the police and grab the damn lunatic

Because of something wrong, Cuisei was very irritable now.

"That guy must be a murderer.

My brother Dali's face was also very ugly.


Later, the two sisters checked the car simply.

It was found that the car was bruised except for some appearance.

There is no damage inside.

The engine can be started and can be turned on.[014005111 064313521]

But the lid of the front car was broken.

If it is not handled, when they drive, the front car lid may be blown up by the wind.

When they went home this time, they brought some clothes back.

The two sisters found some of them who felt old, and they didn't like clothes as rope.

Tie the front car cover.

"Cuisi, Barisan Nasional, we can go back to the church just to see."

"That guy is a lunatic, he must be a murderer, maybe there is a living person who was caught by her, if we can save

To others, you may get a good gratitude funding, and even the police station may give us a bonus because of our bravery


Then we changed this car."

"Are you crazy?" Cuisei looked at her brother Dali unbelievable.

Shocked for his thoughts.

Just now they almost died in a car accident.

And now Dali still wants to go back to save people. In case the lunatic es back, they must die.

"That murderer, he drove to other places, he may not go back in a short time, we have time to save people."

"And that guy didn't e to find us after hitting us.

Do it.


"So we have time to go back."

"Believe me, if we do well enough, we may be able to make a lot of money on this thing."

"This money may allow you and me to buy a new car instead of driving this worn -up.

car.Dali Dao.

Cuisei heard the words, hesitated.

Their family is just an ordinary oil stolen country.

It is not the lowest level, but it is definitely not the middle.

In the future, the two sisters and brothers were studying in college, so that she would need to help school loans.

After hesitating for a moment, Cuise decided to obey his brother Dali's suggestion.


Go back to the church just to see the situation.

Because the lunatic who hit them just ran directly after hitting them, obviously he would not be afraid.

It is more likely that there are other more important things to do.

In this case, the other party will not e back soon.

This means that they have enough time to check the situation before going back before.

Now that he has made up his mind, the two siblings are not a waste of time.

Start the car, turn around, and drive directly in the direction of the little church.

After driving for a few minutes.

They came to the little church before.

Pass the car, get out of the car and get out of the car and e to the weird pipeline.

Just e to the pipeline.

Dali smelled a strange smell from the pipeline.

At the same time, Dali saw some black things at the entrance of the pipe.

Dali gently smelled it, and immediately smelled a faint smell.

Dali is sure that this thing is definitely the blood that kills.

Later, Dali returned to the car and took a flashlight.

Shot in the pipeline, and look at the situation in the pipeline.

PS; Cui Si, Dali, from the movie "Astronomical Food", the picture shows Cuisei Pill.Essence


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