"Hahaha, I really can't hide Ah Hao's eyes."

"But this time I can break the mirror, thanks to you.

"Thanks to me?"

Jiang Hao stunned.

Immediately reacted, Shi Jian could break through the Tiangshi realm this time, and it should be because he took the strong body Dan he gave.

Shi Jian has been in the later period for many years. Even if there is no strong body Dan given by Jiang Hao, it will break through to the heavenly master in the future.But this future may be ten years or twenty years later.

Strong Dan is a good thing from the high -level fantasy world. Although in that world, it is only a Dan medicine taken by the bottom martial arts.

But pared to their people in this world, it is tantamount to divine medicine.

A strong body of Dan went down, making Shi Jian's cultivation speed faster.

This point, the uncle who also swallowed the strong body reacted to Jiang Hao.

Shi Jian thought about it.

So he broke through the Tiandang Realm.

"Indeed, it has some relationships with me, but with the talent of Shi Bo, it will break through the heavenly master in the morning and evening. I just help you speed up the breakout time."

Later, Jiang Hao looked at Jia Tianlong on the side.

Because Jia Tianlong has always had a expression of desire.

Obviously there is something to say to him.

"Jia Tianlong, what do you want to tell me if you have?


"Then ... what, the son, I just ... I just want to report to you to report the gang. '


"Is there a cigarette hall in Guangzhou now?


"There are some, but it has nothing to do with me."

"Burning those cigarette halls." Jiang Hao said directly.

"In the future, there is a cigarette hall in Guangzhou City, you will burn me a family, rest assured, the sky collapses, I will help you hold it."

Jia Tianlong was overjoyed.

"Yes, my son, I know what to do."

Later, Jia Qinglong talked about his reform of the casino and wind tower.


"Well, you do well, but those workers at the bottom, don't squeeze too hard, give them more lives, and let them go

Long -term, understand?


"The servant understands, thank you for teaching."

"I heard you have a son.

"Yes, the servant is a son, called Jia Feihu."

"One Tianlong, a flying tiger, the name of your father and son is very interesting.

"Where is others?

"Go to college in the magic capital." Jia Tianlong said.

"You are doing well, this immortal medicine will be rewarded for you.

"Staying with jade bottle can make the efficacy without loss.


"But you'd better choose a person who takes it within a month."

"It is a reward for your good performance during this time."


"The servant, thank you for your son." Jia Tianlong was overjoyed.

He really did not expect that there were unexpected surprises.

"Then, the son, mastering the underground forces of Guangzhou as a whole, the servant got a lot of money.

"Oh, how much did you get?"

"Total value, there are 2.4 million silver."

"Among them, two million, the servant has been prepared for your son."

Hearing this number, Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian were stunned.

Because of this number, there are too many.

More than people dare not believe it.

In exchange for silver, there are almost one million two.

You should know that when the Qing Dynasty was still there, the taxes of one year were only 70 million yuan.

Jia Tianlong's gang boss, He Dehe can get so much money.

But thinking that Jia Tianlong swallowed the North Sea Gang and Sanqiao Gang, and the three gangs were added together.

It's not impossible.


After all, these three gangs are all big gangs. The official members add 6 or seven thousand, and the super members of the external members add tens of thousands of super big big.


If you make less money, it is impossible to raise so many people at all.

"Money, you should keep the development forces yourself, buy more guns and guns, the next situation will not be too good."

"In addition, take the 10,000 silver dollars and send me here.

"You can find him in the future."

"Okay, it's nothing here, you can leave."

"Yes, the servant retired." Jia Tianlong respectfully gave Jiang Hao respectfully.

Only left.

And Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian were after Jia Tianlong left.

It's right.

The expression is not calm.

"Ah Hao, you really let him send me 10,000 silver dollars.

"Why, Shi Bo, don't you want it? If you don't want it, I let Jia Tianlong send it."

"Then ... what, your master, I am still very lacking, your brother Young hasn't married his wife yet.


Jiang Hao was a little funny.

The big villain in the Zombie Supreme was tuned into this look. Jiang Hao felt that he was very fulfilled.

"But so much money, Ah Hao, you really don't want it, but that is two million yuan."

"Shi Bo, at this level, money is no longer important for me. If I want money, some are ways to get money

"Money stays with Jia Tianlong, it is more useful."

"He is stronger, and I can have less hands.

"Okay, Shi Bo, isn't it medical and Yingli?"

"Let's set off directly, let's go back early."

"Okay, but we won't speak English, so I found a translation in advance, and you don't mind bringing one more translation.

"Uncle, I don't say I won't know Geely."

"So translated or something, just don't need it, let's set off directly.

"Okay, since you can speak English Geely, let's set off."



"Shao Jian, stay at home and watch Daotang, the translator over there, give him some money, and let him go, we say that we don't need him anymore

"Okay, master." Shi Shao nodded.

Later, Jiang Hao and Shi Jian came to the backyard of Daotang together.

Shi Jian knew that Jiang Hao would fly.

After ing to the backyard, Jiang Hao Fei Factory took only his hands in Shi Jian's body.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)



The horrible sound explosion and wind were pressed at the same time.

Jiang Hao also rose up with Shi Jian and rushed straight to the clouds.

Instantly disappeared into the clouds, and the stone less than watching the ears.

His younger brother is really more and more exaggerated.

And on the other.

Shi Jian, who was flying by Jiang Hao, flew at such a high altitude for the first time. Shi Jian felt that his blood was boiling.

As for fear, he was Shi Jian, how could he be afraid because he was too high.

Moreover, Jiang Hao took care of Shi Jian and flew directly on the clouds [014005111 064183201]

Below is Baiyun. Shi Jian couldn't use the naked eye to determine how high he is now.

If you do n’t feel the height, naturally you will not be scared.

British Geely.


A stall with a lot of things.

Standing with a teenage girl, her name is Evilin, 12 years old.

Next to her, there was a 16 -year -old boy standing, her brother Jonathan.

Because of the war, her parents were unemployed.

Coupled with the swelling of currency and higher residents, their lives are being more and more sad.

In order to live, they had to take out the things at home and sell some money for life.

·· Seeking flowers ・ ・ 0

Their father is looking for new jobs everywhere.

But her father is an archaeologist. Because of the war, her father found it for half a month and could not find a professional with him.

relevant job.

And her mother went for their brothers and sisters to buy food.

They have e here in the morning, so far, they have been here for six hours.

Except when I went out in the morning, I drank a glass of milk and a small piece of bread.

They have not eaten anything so far.

But a glass of milk and a small piece of bread cannot be hungry.

The two brothers and sisters were already hungry at this moment.

But they did not shout hungry with their mother.

Because pared to their two brothers and sisters, they still drank a glass of milk when they went out in the morning. Their mother, from morning to now, didn’t eat anything.

Because the economic situation at home is already bad.

Their parents are even considering.

If you can't find a job, they may only leave London, return to the countryside, and ask Evelin their grandpa.

Soon, the eyes of Evilin and Jonathan's desire.

A middle -aged Central Asian woman came to them.


It was their mother. Evilin's father was British, but his mother was Egyptian.

Therefore, the two brothers and sisters are actually mixed.

"Evelyn, Jonathan, all hungry, e, this is bread."

"I hate bread." The 16 -year -old Jonathan was the most rebellious age.

During this time, eating bread every day, he had eaten and vomited, especially the taste of this bread was not delicious, and there was no taste at all.

He wants to eat something else.


It's best to be meat.

But he knew that the situation in their family could not let him eat meat at all.

So even if he was talking about eating bread on his mouth, he still reached out and picked it over, and he stuffed it to his mouth to bite.

Because he was really hungry.

Evelyn didn't say anything, but silently took a piece of bread and ate it.

The mother of the two, Selina also held a piece of bread there.

From morning to now, she didn't eat anything.

She was hungry for a long time.

But in the morning until now, they sold two items in total.

And the price is very low.

When eating bread, her eyes were looking at the crowds in front of them.

She hopes that someone can e to their booths and buy something from the booth.

But she knew that many people responded because of fighting.

In the same situation as their home, there are actually a lot.

In this period, Ying Geely is definitely the most powerful country in the world, none of them.

The population is as high as 430 million, but in fact this population is very water, because it also counts the population of the colonies.

The land area is 20 million square kilometers.

Also count the colonies.

Those Geely aristocratic masters are richer than one.

But the British Geely people at the bottom are not good.

This is what Evilin's family is.

Like her mother, Evelyn's eyes also looked at the crowd in front.

She, like her mother, came to their booths to buy things.

It is best to buy everything on their booths.

In this way, they don't have to stand here all the time.

You can get a sum of money at home.

This money may allow them to persist in their father Edward Henry to find new work.Essence

reminds you: Three things for reading-collection, remendation, sharing_! (BIR

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