"Boy, what do you mean? The strong man looked at Jiang Hao angrily, and his eyes were as if to tear Jiang Hao.

Most people were watched by him, and it was estimated that the fart had long been scared.

But Jiang Hao was unmoved.

The expression was indifferent, as if I couldn't feel the anger of the strong man.

"The meaning is very clear. If you want money, pick up it yourself. Do you still want me to put the money in your hands?

"Begging, there must be a begging look." Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Boy, do you want to die?



"You dare to humiliate us. In view of your rude behavior, then, you must take out 3,000 pounds for us, kneel down to pick up the money on the ground, and then use your tongue to use your tongueLick it clean, you can leave. "

"Otherwise, you can't go."

The strong man said directly.

Jiang Hao ignored the threat of the strong man at all.

After spending money, turn around and plan to leave.

Of course, he did not really leave, because he knew that the strong man would definitely shoot.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned around, the strong man shot directly.

Looking at Jiang Hao who had been back, there was a fierce fierce in his eyes.

Then hit Jiang Hao's head directly.

Looking at the sullen face, it is obviously not small.

If this punch is hit, even if it is not dead, it will have to fluctuate.

And this scene was also seen by Brother Jonathan and Bodhen, and saw the strong man attacking Jiang Hao. Both were panicked.

"Be careful." Jonathan reminded the first time.

Bellin was too nervous, or panic, the brain was blank, and he could not remind him as soon as possible.

However, Jiang Hao does not need to remind them.

The strong man hit Jiang Hao's head with a punch.

But just when he thought he was about to hit Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao's head was biased and easily hid over.

Then the body was slightly on the side.

One side kick, right foot throwing pressure.

The strong man who attacked him was directly thrown out by a kick.

"Wow, cool." Seeing this scene, Jonathan stunned first, then reacted, and began to exclaim, giving Jiang

Hao Qiqi.

Evelyn was also surprised.

Jiang Hao didn't have any nonsense, but just turned around slowly and looked at the other three people who did not do it.

The three panions of the strong man still had a solid smile on his face at this moment.

Because everything happened too fast, they couldn't respond.

The strong man had flew out.

"Damn, everyone goes together."

There are humanity among the three.

Subsequently, the three were lying towards Jiang Jie together.

Jiang Hao was disdainful.

He did not kill because of Evilin and Jonathan.

Instead, you use the gossip palm to do the dragon body.

The three did not even have Jiang Hao's clothes.

Jiang Hao punched his kick and packed it across.

Although Jiang Hao intentionally controlled his strength and did not kill them directly.

But Jiang Hao's power is not what they can bear.

Even the three guys and the strong men who were flying by Jiang Hao at the beginning were not ordinary people.

Soon, the three guys strode the back of the strong man, fell to the ground and mourned, and tried to stand up, but couldn't do it at all.

"Evelyn, help me get something.

Seeing this scene, Jonathan realized that his opportunity was ing.

The things in his hand were stuffed in Evelyn's hand.

Then he ran towards Jiang Hao.

After running over, he first got a few feet for the strong man who just caught him.

Then he picked up the pound that Jiang Hao had just spread on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao also had some crying and laughing.

"Okay, we should go home, Jonathan."

"Okay, I'm here.


Jiang Hao directly shouted Jonathan's name, which changed the eyes of the strong man lying on the ground.

This scene was naturally seen by Jiang Hao.

But Jiang Hao didn't care.

Because these four guys have left a little mana in the body.

With this silk mana, Jiang Hao can perceive their existence across hundreds of kilometers.

Jiang Hao did not intend to let these guys continue from beginning to end.

The reason why they don't kill them directly.

It is because Jonathan and Evelyn.

The scene is too bloody and will have a bad impact on their childhood.

So Jiang Hao left the life of these four guys.

Of course, this is just temporary.

Because Jiang Hao will e to them soon.

"Let's go, go home, forget the unhappy just now."

"Jonathan, mention things."

"I know.




"e, doctors." Yi Geng also jumped on Jiang Hao's eyebrows cheerfully.

"Sir, when you just face them, that bad guy suddenly attacked you, I'm so worried."

"worry about what?"

"Worried about him hitting you.

"It turns out that Evelyn is worried about me."

Jiang Hao's words made Evelyn flushed.

"Sir is a good person."

Jiang Hao smiled.

He was sent by a twelve -year -old girl.

"Okay, I'm a good person."

"So Evilin doesn't have to worry about me."


"Because good people will not die.



"Just like the prince will save the princess."

"Yes, the prince is a good person, so the prince can save the princess, so is the doctor also the prince?

"I'm not a prince? But I can also be prince."

"Is it the prince of Evelyn?"


"Of course, whenever the princess encounters danger, the prince will always appear, so if Evilin encounters danger, I will also appear



"Of course." (Seeing violent novels, go to Novel Network!)


They left for several minutes in Jiang Hao.

Those strong men got up from the ground.

"Damn, the damn yellow leather ghost, he is really abominable."

"I should really transform into the guy."


"David, you are crazy, transform here, we will be stared at by the vampire hunter and the church, I don't want to die yet."

"No, you just said that you should be transformed, did you just try to transform?"

The man called David was silent for a while.

"Orr, I actually tried to transform, but I couldn't find it."


"What you know, once we e up emotionally, we can't control myself, but I just turned into a fail

That's for me.‘

"Moore, how about you?"

The man called Moore didn't speak, but he looked at him, and he said everything.

Orr, that is, the strong man, was silent.

"Damn, the yellow skin ghost is not simple, maybe it is not an oriental wizard." Tianzheng said.

"I think, we might have to leave here first. '


"That guy is likely to e back to me. His strength is abnormal, and he should have discovered our body

It's a share.


"Damn, we have trouble." Ol looked ugly.

He really did not expect that he was waiting for someone to lose money because he lost money in the casino, and then looked for Kaizi on the road. He wanted to do some money. As a result,

Unexpectedly, I found someone they couldn't afford.

Seeking flowers 0


This is really a shit as soon as I go out.

Subsequently, the four left the place where they had a lingering mood with their hearts.

the other side.

Jiang Hao has brought Evelyn and Jonathan to home.

When they came back, the Edlon and Cerina had not slept yet.

Subsequently, Jonathan began to tell his parents with his parents. If Jiang Hao was so powerful, he easily solved the deeds of this strong man.

The Edward couple's face was surprised.

At the same time, Jonathan's words also confirmed Edward's speculation before.

Then Jonathan went back to bed after half an hour.

One day this day, he walked a lot of places and was tired.

Evelyn also rests.

Edward and Cerina had something to ask Jiang Hao, but didn't know how to speak.

Jiang Hao could see that the two had doubts.

But without waiting for them to ask, he went back to his old room.

The Edward couple helplessly, he could only temporarily give up the group asking Jiang Hao's question temporarily.

Go back to the room to rest.

Because they are also tired.


If it wasn't for Jiang Hao to e back, they would have rest at this moment.

On the other side, Jiang Hao's room was empty at this moment.

However, the window of the room is open.

I just don't know where people have gone.

On the other side, David and others who were shocked came to a underground tavern.

The reason why it is said to be underground tavern is because the underground tavern is opened in a remote place.

not much.

The most important thing is the person who es here.

There is only one kind of person.

That's the same werewolf as them.

"Ol, what are the four of you, your face is so bad?

The four Orr just sat down, and the owner of the tavern put a glass of wine in front of the four.

The four Orr glanced at the owner of the tavern and didn't want to talk anymore.

The boss was bothering and not angry.

He just asked casually, Ol, they did not say nothing.

Do business, chat with guests, and get closer to the other party, so that the other party will often e to your store to consume.

Now that the four Ols are obviously bad, he will naturally not ask for the end.

"Ol, I always have some unknown hunch, that guy, will you e to us?" The most fierce David, concave,

There are some concerns.

He looked in his early twenties, the youngest of the four of them.


But those vampire hunters did not dare to e easily."Ellen, the last one of the four.

"But I still feel a little uneasy." David continued.

His words made the other three people don't know what to say.

"Yo, look, who is this? Our Anta hero, a Wolf warrior who once killed three vampires alone.

"But seeing his current expression, there seems to be something, is it dumped by a woman, so his face is so ugly?

"Oh, I almost forgot, you don't seem to have a woman, Ol, it should be lost.

Orr and others looked at the direction of the sound.

What he spoke was a middle -aged man in his forties.

The other party is tall, with a height of one meter nine, and the strength of Tian.

The strong Orr stood in front of him, and he had to be half short, and the power was slightly worse.Essence



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