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The power of the devil is very powerful, and most of the devils are good at hiding.If they hide their heart, it is difficult for the church to find it.That's why this angel's heart came to the London Museum exhibition.

The heart of the angel has the power to deal with the demon.

The devil is difficult to kill, but the angel's heart can kill some weak devils.

Even a powerful demon can cause them a lot of injuries.

novel b.

The church once killed some demon with the heart of the angel, and also used the angel to drive some demon back to hell.

Therefore, the angel's heart has a lot of name in hell.

Once they find opportunities for those demons, they will definitely find a way to destroy the angel's heart.

This is why the church uses an angel as a bait to lure the demon.

And Alexander suspected that the tavern was done by the demons.

The strength of the demon can be enhanced by sacrifice and killing.

And demons like to play with humans, their way of thinking is different from humans.

Killing humans can make them greatly satisfied.

Therefore, the tavern may also be done by that demon.

If it was really made by that demon.

This also means that the demon has grown to a very terrible level.

Also pay a huge price.

It is not enough to rely on his temple knight.

"Plan continues.

"I know what you are thinking. The death of those werewolves is unlikely to be made by that demon.

"Even if the demon was made, we prepared for this plan for a long time, and it was impossible to give up so easily."

The vampire family on the other side.

A vampire barrier issued an order to the vampire hunter team.11

That is to find the initiator of the tavern incident.

After finding it, you can send someone to try to contact. If the other party is willing to cooperate with them, it is required to mention it with the other party.

Their purpose is to destroy the werewolf.


"Seliene, this matter will be responsible for you. '

Seline is one of the most elite soldiers in the vampire hunter.

He is the adopted daughter of Vampire Earl Victor.

Victor is an ancient vampire that has existed for hundreds of years, and his strength is very powerful.

The werewolf could be said to be created by himself.

The created werewolfs were slaves by vampires.

Such things lasted for decades.

Until the werewolf rebellion, they were increasing.

So the war between the vampire and the werewolf broke out.

In the end, the vampire won, but they also suffered heavy losses.

The werewolf had a greater loss, and they had to decrease, and they had to choose to hide.

But the vampire feels that there will only be more and more of the werewolf.

Therefore, the vampire has established a vampire hunter team to hunt the werewolf people.

As one of the most elite soldiers, Seline, the werewolf who died in his hands, there were hundreds, and there were dozens of.

Her weapon is two silver pistols and a short silver sword.

For Victor, Seline is very loyal, so she is the most loyal warrior of the vampire family.

"I will find out who can do that thing." Seline responded silently.

After speaking, she turned and left.

the other side.

On the balcony of Selina's house, Jiang Hao, who was sunny.

At this moment, we are immersed in the change of the body.

"Is there a god of heaven?"

"Faster than I expected."

"And broke through the Tiandang realm, the world is in the eyes, it does bee different."

"No wonder Shi Jian's guy can see the luck on Evelyn.


"This is what Taoism calls the unity of heaven and man.


"And, ability is also faster than I expected.

"Super brain?


"Now, my mind is more exaggerated than a super puter, maybe it is already parable to quantum puters. '

"Human brain can reach this level, which is really enough.


On the balcony, Jiang Hao murmured with a voice that no one could hear.

Today is the third day, and it is also the day of the "Angel Heart" exhibition of the London Museum.

On this day, Jiang Hao's realm broke through to heaven.

You know, he hasn't taken the initiative to practice since he became a Superman who destroyed the Japanese.

On weekdays, the sun.

But even if it is only sunning the sun, his mana growth rate is better than those who cultivate.

Speaking, I don't know how many monks have broken hearts.


After breaking through the Tiangshi realm.

Jiang Hao found that even if he did not open the eyes, he could faintly see the turbid air between the world.

The change is huge.

It's also good.

"Ah Hao, it's not early, we should set off."

At this time, Shi Jian didn't know when he appeared behind Jiang Hao and said.

"Okay." Jiang Hao turned around and nodded.

"Then let's go now, turn."

In the room, Edward has also changed its form.

Today, he will take Jiang Hao and Shi Jian to the London Museum.

"Mr. Jiang, I have already packed up, let's go."

Edward said with a smile.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

Instead, pull out a stack of pounds from the clothes.

"Here is 5,000 pounds."

Edward is puzzled.

Sinana was also puzzled.

As for Jonathan and Evelyn, the two were still sleeping and did not get up at all.

"Mr. Jiang, you are."

"Stay at home today, don't go anywhere, especially London, because London is dangerous today.

"As for these 5,000 pounds, these money is enough for your family for a long time."


"Take care of Evelyn, the little girl is very cute, I like her very much.


"Tell her, I will e back to see her in the future, let her study hard."

"Jiang ... Mr. Jiang, are you leaving?" Sinana widened.

Jiang Hao's words, it feels as if it was in the future.

"Well, you should have guess it long ago.


"We came for the heart of the angel.

"Of course, that's the name given by the people on your side.

Eyes (jade eyes)."(Watching violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

"My uncle and I came this time to take it back.


"Don't mention that you have seen us. If anyone finds you, you can also say you don't know it."

"Of course, if someone is endangering your life, you can say to know us and tell them that if they hurt

It hurts you, and sooner or later I will find them.

"So, Mr. Edward, and Mrs. Cerina, we will see you later.

"Shi Bo, let's go." [014005111 064193211]

Shi Jian didn't speak.

Just follow Jiang Hao silently and left Sinana's house together.

Edward and Cerina looked at the back of Jiang Hao and Shi Jian.

Until the figures of the two disappeared as the door was closed.

They only retracted their attention.

The two then looked at the 5,000 pounds left by Jiang Hao on the desktop.

In this era, £ 5,000 is definitely a huge sum of imagination.


After saying these words, Jiang Hao looked at Shi Jian.

This money is enough for them to buy a large -scale house in the city of London, and the rest of the money can make them live for a long time.

"Mr. Jiang must be a great man." Sinana said halfway.

"Yes, we can meet the characters like them, and have contact with them. It is our glory.

"Maybe in the East, he is a big man who is parable to the pope." Edward also said with emotion.


When Jiang Hao left for more than half an hour.

Evelyn woke up in the room.

As soon as she woke up, she found that she seemed to touch something in bed.

Take a look.

It was found that it was a small paper group, which seemed to be wrapped in it.

Open it.

Discovered a golden ball.

There are some words on the paper.

"Gifts to farewell, remember to eat it, Evelyn, your uncle Jiang."

Evelyn froze.


Put the east -west golden pills into the mouth, swallow, and the shoes are not worn, so they run out of the room.

e to the living room.

When he found that his father was watching the newspaper, his mother made breakfast in the kitchen.

"Evelyn, have you got up?"

"Dad, what about Mr. Jiang? Is he left?" Evelyn asked anxiously.

Edward stunned.

I don't know how Evelyn knows.

But nodded.

"Yes, they had left before they were hour before."

Edward did not say that Jiang Hao went to the museum 640.

"Did you go to the museum?"

"No, in fact, they have left Britain directly.

Good study, he will e to see you in the future.



"Wow, cool!


At this moment, there was a loud noise in Jonathan's room, and then Jonathan's excited ghost sound came.

I heard the movement of Edward frowned.

Then he got up and opened the door of Jonathan.

"What are you doing?"

When I opened the door, Ed stunned.

Because Jonathan's room was chaotic at this moment.

There was also a large hole on the only table.

"Jonathan, you may have to explain to me what you have done." Edward said helplessly.

"Of course, Dad, I will explain it, I'm just so excited now."

"In fact, it is because Mr. Jiang gave me a gift, I told you, I now ... '

After listening to Jonathan's words, Edward understood why Jonathan was so excited.

Because Jiang Hao left a golden pill.

Jonathan is now being a human with powerful power.

No wonder he just felt Jonathan seemed a bit taller.

People have bee stronger.

It turned out that it was not his problem.

Later, he looked at his daughter Evelyn.

I heard that Evelyn admitted that she also took a golden pills that Jonathan said, and Edward didn't know what to say for a while.

Because Jiang Hao is really good for their family.

Give money when you leave.

Also give his children a good thing that can not be bought for money.

Although he did not eat it, through Jonathan's words, he could judge that the golden pills that Jonathan and Evelyn eaten, absolutely

Yes, there is a good thing that you can't buy anymore.

The only unhappy is Evilin, because she has learned the news of Jiang Hao's departure.

Of course, her father also said that Jiang Hao would e to see her in the future. Although I don’t know when it was, at least there were some Ann.


Ps; Picture is the heroine of the Legend of the Night.Essence

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