"Ah, play two? This, we won't, and we don't have much money." As soon as he heard Hong Guang, he wanted to play with them two.

Zhou Da was a little panicked.

His own nephew, he knew that Axing could see through it because of special functions.

There is no gambling at all.

I really want him to play with Hong Guang and lose, they finish.

Win, Hong Guang is estimated that they will not let go of their uncle and nephew.

"It's okay, I will help you out, one million, if you can win, you take it away, you don’t need you if you lose

How about it? "

When he heard Hong Guang's words, Zhou Da suddenly moved.

One million, he has not earned so much money for more than 20 years since he came to Hong Kong Island for more than 20 years.

"This ... My nephew is average, I may need to watch it next to me.

"Yes." Hong Guang nodded.

Seeing Hong Guang nodded, Zhou Da was relieved.

"Mr. Jiang, play together?



Jiang Hao nodded.

Zhou Da was a little surprised. He did not expect Jiang Haozhen to join the gambling game.

"A Xing, brother Jiang, shouldn't he also have a special function?" Zhou Da whispered to A Xing.

Jiang Hao also came from the mainland.

Coupled with five consecutive times of winning five consecutive times, he doubted whether Jiang Hao would also deliberately function.

"I don't know this, but if Brother Jiang will also deliberately function, I can feel it.

"Then do you feel?"



"That's good, that's fine."

When he heard Jiang Hao's unintentional function, Zhou Datong was relieved.

Feeling three million seemed to be beckoning to him.

Then, Hong Guang also took three million directly.

Three million were divided into three copies.

He has one copy, Jiang Hao, and Axing Sanzhang.

Jiang Hao did not refuse one million given by Hong Guang.

Then the bet began.

This time, Hong Guang did not make people go to him, but was right.

He wants to try Jiang Hao and Axing's strength in person.

It can be imagined.

No matter how Hong Guang's record is, such as A Tianzhuang.

The person who won the end was either Jiang Hao or Axing.

Soon, one million in front of Hong Guang lost a clean.

Jiang Hao and A Xing won hundreds of thousands.

"It's amazing, the two are really amazing."

"I don't know that Mr. Jiang 11 is interested in working for me?" Hong Guang invited Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"Gambling is just a moment of interest. I don't have the idea of working for others.


"That's a pity." Hong Guang looked sorry, and I didn't know it was really a pity.

He then looked at Axing.


"Zhou Xingzu, Hong Ye, my nephew is Zhou Xingzu.


"I don't know if this Mr. Zhou Xingzu is interested in working for me."

"Hong Ye, interested or something, we naturally have it, just don't know the money."

"I just said, how much I won, counting you, now these money is naturally you.

"That's great, Hong Ye, our uncle and nephew are very interested in working for you.

"Hong Ye, then you talk slowly, we still have something, just leave first."

"Axing, this is my phone, I can call me if I have something, I will go first."

After leaving Axing a phone call, after taking the latter's shoulder, Jiang Hao took Le Huizhen and left directly.

Jiang Hao did not take away the money given by Hong Guang.

It just took away the 960,000 that he won at the beginning.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang go slowly."

"Golden Dog, help me send me Mr. Jiang." Jiang Hao was going to leave, and Hong Guang was not angry.

Instead, I asked the younger brother to send Jiang Hao.

What surprised Hong Guang was that Jiang Hao crafted did not take away the gambling money to win.

This makes him more convinced that Jiang Hao is a very simple person.



"Mr. Zhou.


"Hong Ye, just call me A Xing.

"Okay, then I call you A Xing, you and Mr. Jiang know?"

"Hong Ye, you said, Brother Jiang, I confirmed my understanding of Jiang." A Xing said.

"Oh, can you tell me that Dr. Jiang?

"This, I don't know much about Brother Jiang, because I just met him yesterday. I didn't lie to Hong Ye.


"Yeah Hong Ye, my nephew came from the north yesterday, he did not lie to you." Zhou Da also said on the side.

"Mr. Jiang, he came from the north."

"Yes, Brother Jiang told me that he was also Hong Kong Island just came yesterday.

"Others, I don't know. '


Hong Guang nodded.

"Hong Ye, you just said that it was the matter of signing our uncle and nephew. I don't know what happened?


"That's it. Next, I will hold an Asian Gambling Contest. I originally planned to participate, but I have no confidence

I can win, so I need your nephew to participate in this game, and then lose to me at the end, as remuneration.

"If you can help me win the championship, I can give you 20 million Hong Kong dollars. '


If you can, Hong Guang also wants to give less money.

But if you do n’t have much effort like Axing, it ’s not easy to draw.

He can see that Zhou Da is a small man with money.

Such a person, as long as the money is enough, it is not difficult to control him.

And as long as he holds Zhou Da and holds Axing, it is naturally simple.

At this moment, a man and a woman came in from the outside.

The man is the number one thug for Hong Guang's hands, Yang Ming.

After more than ten years, he was the most trusted man in Hong Guang.

The woman was called Qimeng, who followed him for six years.

"Hong Ye."*2

"Well, are you back?"

"What is it?"

"Qimeng things are done, I just just responded to him, Hong Ye." Yang Ming talked.

Hong Guang nodded.

Suddenly, he noticed that A Xing was staring at Qimeng's eyes.

The whole person was stupid.

This made Hong Guang's face smile slightly.

Because he already knew how to hold Axing, the boy.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

On the other side, Jiang Hao and Le Huizhen who left had left the casino.

e to the place where Le Huizhen parks.

As soon as he got on the car, Le Huizhen couldn't wait to rush to Jiang Hao.

Then kiss affectionate.

Three minutes later.

Le Huizhen, who felt that he couldn't breathe, let go of Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao, why are you so powerful?

"It's delicious to cook."


"He also said he was a Taoist.


"So, what are you doing?


"Taoist priest."

"As for gambling or something, I won't, I just can see it.

"Perspective? Really false, can you really see through it?"



"Then what color is the underwear I wear today. [014005111064233531]]


"What about underwear.


"It's also purple."

"You can see it? Le Huizhen was stunned.

"No, can I see it, shouldn't you panic?" Jiang Hao was speechless.

Sister, can your focus be normal.

"Then there are, others look at it, I definitely suffer, you, you are now my boyfriend, you watch, I don't suffer.

Le Huizhen laughed.

"Will it be too fast?"

"Jiang Hao, do you want to regret it? I have just returned to you at the beginning of their family."

"That's your initiative, not ...."

"Haha, joking with you.

"But I already have a wife."

"Really or false, you still run from the north when you have a wife."

"My ability is too strong, my wife can't stand it. No, I can only e out to find a few more."

"Really false." Le Huizhen obviously didn't believe it.

"You know later."

Jiang Hao inserted the car key and mobilized the car.

The next day, Chen Huiyi felt just sleep until the afternoon.

The first thing she woke up was to call Huang Xiaoyan.

Because she has believed what Jiang Hao said in the car last night.

"Huizhen, what's the matter? Why did you call me at this time?"

"You like Jiang Hao or not.

Huang Xiaoyan; "????"

"Huizhen, you called me to say this?" Guang Xiaoyan's face flushed on the other side.

There is no feeling for Jiang Hao.

Naturally, there are.

Otherwise, what did she send Jianghao mobile phone?

It is said that when you see each other at first sight, it is actually a matter of seeing the color.

At the first glance of Jiang Hao, she was indeed amazing by Jiang Hao's face value.

It is indeed a lot of good feelings about Jiang Hao.

But if you want to directly like Jiang Hao, it is not so exaggerated.

After all, she is also a big beauty herself, and she has not lacked a suitor since she was a child.

Pursuing her handsome guys, a lot.

But after chatting with Jiang Hao.

The opponent's aspects are attracting her.

Let her like her favorite emotions to the boy who met for the first time.

After being drunk, Jiang Hao didn't do anything to her and Le Huizhen.

It shows Jiang Hao's character.

Then there was her to send Jianghao mobile phone later.

The purpose is to have more contact with Jiang Hao.

After leaving, when training in the opera class, she often was depressed.

The reason for the departure is mostly because of Jiang Hao.

"Yes, this is."

"Now, you say that you like Jiang Hao or not, if you like him, I can help you.

Huang Xiaoyan was stunned.

"No, Huizhen, are you serious?

"Don't you like Jiang Hao? You plan to give me me.


"Actually, I am now related to him as a male and female friend."

Huang Xiaoyan; "?????"

This time, Huang Xiaoyan felt that her brain was dizzy and couldn't turn around.

"I told you, he is so amazing,

Huang Xiaoyan listened to his face, the more he flushed.

Last night ... "

Shame made her want to hang up the phone, but she ghostly made God's bad hanging.

Instead, he listened to Le Huizhen for more than ten minutes.

"In short, I can't hold it alone, so I need a helper."

"As my good sister, I thought of you for the first time.

"Now, you say you like Jiang Hao or not."

Huang Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment, and also said that he decided to follow his heart.


"e to my house tonight, my bandit.


After speaking, Le Huizhen hung up the phone.

Huang Xiaoyan was holding his mobile phone. He was dumb and looked back for a long time before returning to God.

"Xiaoyan, after chatting, who would call you, chat for a long time." At this moment, a voice sounded.

Huang Xiaoyan looked up and found that the leader Zong Xiaotian came.

"Uncle Zong, why are you here?"

"Nothing, just e and see."

"Who did you just call with, boyfriend?"

"Where do I have any boyfriend, it's a good sister who just called."

"By the way, Uncle Zong, I can

I can do not intend to do it in the play class."

"Ah? Don't do it! Why not do it? Is someone bullied you in the theater class? You tell me, I will teach her.

"No one bullies me, I just don't want to do this, and you know that my parents have never agreed to me singing


"This ... hey, okay, since this is the case, I have nothing to say, just remember to e back and see often, the play class

Wele to you."

"The salary of this month, when I wait until the end of the month, I will hit you on the card."

"Okay, that trouble, Uncle Zong, you."

"Well, Xiaoyan, then you clean up yourself, I still have to deal with it.

"Well, okay, Uncle Zong, you are busy.


Watching Zong Xiaotian left, Huang Xiaoyan remembered yesterday.

After she came to the theater yesterday, she went to the theater to do things with people.

I don't know why, after entering the warehouse, she found that the amulet that Jiang Hao gave her suddenly became hot.

In the future, she even had any screams in vagueness.


This Huang Xiaoyan was startled.

But she didn't tell others about this.

At first she thought it was an illusion.

But today I went to the warehouse, and the same thing happened again.

This made Huang Xiaoyan doubt that this drama class did not be as clean as Jiang Hao said.

Before Le Huizhen called, she was already considering whether to resign from the theater.

But because of her love for singing, she was still hesitating.

And as an atheist.

She has never believed in those nihilic things.

So even if the warehouse happened, she still felt that it might be her psychological hint, causing the illusion or something.

I was determined to leave the theater.

After Le Huizhen and her words just finished, she made up her mind.

Because she has confirmed the ordinary people of Jiang Hao through talking to Le Huizhen.

If Jiang Hao is not an ordinary person.

Then the amulet he gave her was obviously true.

Then he may be true.

I don't know why, with her confirming the news is true, she suddenly felt a chill rising from the bottom of her heart.

But this chill hasn't risen long.

She felt that the amulets were wearing the amulets on her neck and started to fever.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Then, faintly, she heard a unwilling and angry roar.

This shocked Huang Xiaoyan's spirit.

She became more and more convinced that what Jiang Hao said was true.

Look at the mobile phone held.

Her ghostly called the mobile phone number of the mobile phone given to Jiang Hao.

The phone was quickly connected.

The other side of the phone came from Jiang Hao's peace of mind.

"Huang Xiaoyan.


"It's me, Jiang Hao, where are you now? Are you free?

"I am at Huizhen's house, what's wrong?"

"Can you e to the theater class to pick me up?


Jiang Hao wants to say that even if there is a dirty thing in the play class, that spiritual symbol can protect you safely and do not do the group.

But Jiang Hao, who is experienced in chasing women, naturally does not really say such a divorce.

"Yes, I e here now, where I know where the play class is, I will e over soon, don't be afraid."

After speaking, Jiang Hao forted Huang Xiaoyan a few words, and this group hung up the phone.[014005111 064233531]

Later, Jiang Hao told Le Huizhen after picking up Huang Xiaoyan and went straight.

It stands to reason that Jiang Hao's purple thunderbolt is very scary. Even if it is a ghost king, the front is one by one.

The fundamental reason is that because Huang Xiaoyan is just an ordinary person.

Can't take the initiative to urge the spiritual symbols to deal with ghosts.

In the hands of ordinary people, the spiritual rune will only be carried automatically and will not actively attack the ghost.

Unless the ghost wants to attack the wearer, and it is very close.


Fu will explode power, and then solve the ghost of the attacking wearer.

This is why Zi Lei Lingcha was worn by Huang Xiaoyan, but just reminded her to have dirt nearby without actively destroying that

For some dirty things.Essence

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