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Yonglu Novels BFALODI

"Annie, how did you e back, and the one behind you?

Seeing her sister Annie, Emma looked very happy.

The relationship between the two sisters has always been very good.

"Of course I came back for your illness. I have made enough money to perform surgery for you."

"As for this one behind me, he is Mr. Jiang.



"Mr. Jiang? I thought he was your boyfriend."

"It seems not."

"But my condition has deteriorated. My father asked the doctor in the hospital. Even if it was an operation, the chance of success was insufficient.


Moreover, the cost of surgery is not low.


"If there is only a 40%chance, I don't think there is no need for surgery at all." Emma shook his head.

The medical system of the lighthouse country understands.

The so -called free medical treatment is to give those who do not need free medical care for free, and those who need free medical treatment are free.In the lighthouse country, even if it is just a minor illness, the hospital may make you lose your family as a result and bee a stray area.

Annie's face was a little ugly.

"Even if it is a 40%chance, we have to do surgery. I have brought it back. How much money is spent? I do n’t care. As long as your illness can be cured, I want to spend how much money, Emma.

Just when Annie spoke, Jiang Haoren had already reached Emma.

Because of the torture of leukemia and renal failure.

Emma, who was originally young and beautiful, looked very embarrassed.

But even if it is haggard, you can see Emma's beauty.

Obviously, if this girl is not sick, she is also a beauty.

"Mr. Jiang, are you?"

"Do you need money, just to give your sister for surgery?"

Annie froze, then nodded.


"Since you know that I am not an ordinary person, why don't you just let me cure your sister's situation. Annie stunned and widened his eyes.

What she heard, she heard Jiang Hao saying that he could cure Emma.

It wasn't because she didn't expect Jiang Hao 080 to heal Emma.

It is the superhero of the Women's Federation, and no one has the superpowers of others.

So even if Jiang Hao is not an ordinary person, Annie has never thought that Jiang Hao will have the ability to treat others.

"You ... can you really cure Emma?"

Emma also looked at Jiang Hao with curiosity and doubt.

The Avengers have not been unknown all over the world now.

After all, the war in New York was too great.

Even if the Lighthouse government wants to hide it, it can't be hidden.

"It's simple.

"Forgot how to repair your car before?"

"People ... are the same."

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand to Emma.

A green fluorescence condensed in Jiang Hao's hands.

Emma looked at the green fluorescent and was not afraid.

Instead, he took the initiative to go up.

Green fluorescence quickly wrapped Emma in it.

Emma immediately felt fortable in her whole body.

The abnormal white skin that originally changed due to leukemia also began to restore meat.

The hair that had turned white because of leukemia also began to restore it into dark brown.

The face of renal failure, also became red, and the skin began to reveal a trace of water.

Even some of the original little freckles on the face pletely disappeared.


When the green light spreads.

A young and beautiful girl who appeared in front of Jiang Hao and Annie.

The most exciting is Annie.

"Emma ... Emma, the intermediate recovery has been recovered."

Annie found a mirror for Emma for the first time.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Emma's face was unbelievable.

Then there was joy.

In the end, the two sisters directly hugged and cried into a ball.

Jiang Hao was standing a little speechless.

Simply go to the living room to watch TV.

By the way, I took out the snacks I bought in the supermarket.

Half an hour later, after the emotions of the two sisters stabilized, they came out of Emma's house.

After that, the two sisters were appreciated with Jiang Hao for a while.

In the evening, Emma's parents returned home with a tired body.

What I saw was the younger daughter who had pletely recovered, and her confident and more mature eldest daughter.

Seeing the little daughter who had pletely restored his health, Annie's parents were also very surprised.

Later, the two learned from the mouth of Annie and Emma that Jiang Hao ruled Emma.

This made Annie's parents very grateful to Jiang Hao.

Especially when Jiang Hao learned that Jiang Hao gave Annie's eight million knives, they were even more grateful.

As for Jiang Hao so good to Annie, is there any attempt to Annie?

Annie's parents didn't care.

After staying at Annie's house a week.

Jiang Hao returned to New York with Annie and Emma.

Yes, this time returning to New York, there is another more Emma.

Because of the three years of dropping out of school, Emma's age is no longer suitable for going to school, and Emma is also very resistant to Zhengchen.

Therefore, Emma's parents did not force her.

After she proposed to go to New York with her sister Annie.

Emma's parents did not oppose it.

Instead, it is very supportive.

For them, Emma's recovery of health has already satisfied them.

As for Emma, they can't go back to school, they don't care.

Because it is obviously more important than blood, healthy and alive.

Emma had been unhappy because of illness.

Since the younger daughter wants to go to New York with her eldest daughter, then go.

Anyway, Annie is there, they are relieved.

And before leaving, Annie left two boxes of money for her parents.

Four million knives.

These money, one million knives is enough for them to renovate the old house in Salt Lake City and expand it.

The remaining three million knives are enough for them to retire in advance and travel around the world.

Annie's parents did not want the money at first.

But after learning that Annie had a total of eight million knives.

The two finally did not refuse Annie's kindness.

Back to New York.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Annie began to find new houses for the first time.

After all, her sister also followed.

The room immediately seemed to be even more insufficient.

Soon, Annie found a good house.

Located on Brinken Street.

It is a residential room.

Although the price is not cheap, it is not expensive (BBFI).

The main thing is that the space of that house is not small, and it is a white residential area. The environment is relatively better.

Although 3.2 million knives.

But after the evaluation, Annie felt that it was worth the price.

So he took it directly.

Then Jiang Hao started moving.

Annie did not call a moving pany.

Because she didn't have much need to move at all.

Her own car is enough to install what she wants to take away.[014005111 064243581]

at the same time.


"Still no news from that mysterious person?"

Director's office, Black Braised Egg Nick Furui was sitting on his director's seat, watching the hawk -eye Cington, who was standing in front of him, asked

After Jiang Hao appeared a week ago.

The SHIELD has never let go of Jiang Hao's investigation.

The Aegis Bureau even used its own rights.

Let the police from all lighthouse countries issued a wanted order to Jiang Hao.

As long as someone can provide information related to Jiang Hao.

You can get a reward of at least 100,000 US knives.

Under the temptation of money, many people found the police and said they had seen Jiang Hao.

But unfortunately, these people were finally proven to be rewarded for the tens of millions of beautiful knives.

In fact, no one has seen Jiang Hao at all.

And Nick Furry secretly, there are also people who have also taken people to investigate Jiang Hao.

Eagle Eye is a level 7 agent of SHIELD, and the level is not right, but pared to Natasha, Hill, and Coreson, his level, his level

Not high.

After all, Clinton is not a agent trained by SHIELD.

He was recruited.

Because of your own ability.

But black braised eggs trust him.

Otherwise, he can't even reach a level 7 agent.

The Agent's Agent level is not only related to wages and benefits.

Also related to how much trust in them.

Eagle Eye is good at tracking.

This is why Nick Furui gave him the track of Jiang Hao's whereabouts to him.

"No, I can't get started at all, as if it was pletely disappeared, I couldn't find any information related to him at all.

"If you haven't watched his video about him, I wonder if there is no such person in the world at all."

"Okay, I know, you go down, continue to track this guy, but you can take it slowly like before,

When is the news about him and inform me."


"Okay. Eagle eye retreats.

Nick Furry has some headaches.

About Jiang Hao, naturally know a lot of information.

Except for Jiang Hao's photos.

His name, which country, and what the purpose is.

He didn't know.

He had thought about the information library that made people go to the Asian Oriental Power to see if he could find relevant information.

But he didn't do so in the end.

Because once he did this, he was noticed by the East country.

His trouble will not be small.

He heard that after he established the Avengers.

There is also an organization called Tianjian Bureau.

There are also some superhumans in it.

This shows that the Avengers are not the only one.

So he didn't dare to mess around.

Of course, the main reason is not now.

If the insight plan of the Aegis Bureau can be successful, then his scruples will be much smaller.

Suddenly, he remembered a member of a Avengers, and there was no news during this time.

According to the person's personality, this is unreasonable.

So he called Natasha.

"Natasha, what is Tony guy doing recently? I don't seem to see news about him recently. We

Son, even if he is not stained with flowers, he cannot stay at home every day.

Natasha frowned.

"Tony seems to have been at home recently without going out.

Natasha has always followed Tony Stark.

After all, she is equivalent to the other eyes of the black eggbeat.

Trust the degree of trust.


The most trusted person in Black Egg is undoubtedly Hill, then the US team, and finally Natasha.

In terms of trust, Natasha is obviously not suitable for the eyes of black braised eggs.

But Hill is still hiding in the dark, and the black braised egg knows that it is not time to use her.

And the US team, he won't e to act as his eyes and help him to do.

So his choice is only one, that is Natasha.

Ps; The picture shows the restored Emma Philde.Essence

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