"On August 7, 1521 AD, we spent two months crossing the majestic Andes Mountains, as the indigenous people called it, and arrived near the Napo River. Poisonous insects and a series of hazards reduced our team's numbers. ten people!"

"On August 14, we walked downstream along the Napo River"

"On August 22, the situation was very critical. Most of the areas on both sides of the Napo River were swamps. Behind the swamps was an endless tropical rain forest full of gases and poisons. Not even an Indian could be seen, and ferocious beasts often started to attack. They raided our team and their morale was very low."

"Some companions tried to escape, but were killed by Lord Kesada"

"He warned us that we have no way out, we can only keep moving forward"


Yang Pra looked at the diary and felt like he was looking at other people's lives.

Therefore, he did not feel bored and continued reading.

"On October 21st, we could not bear the intrusion of the forest and got lost in the rainforest, which the indigenous people call the Amazon. We were looking for a direction through the river to save ourselves, but there were only less than two hundred people left in our team!"

"Oh my god, there were more than 700 companions when we came!"

"I'm so lucky, God must be blessing me"

"I firmly believe that God must be guiding us, but an unbearable and unstoppable disaster is tormenting us. Mosquitoes and the humid rainforest environment make me feel miserable."

"On October 24th, we came to a valley! There is nothing here, only ruins, which makes the companions who thought they had found the land of gold sigh. The natives said that this seems to be the remains of ancient Indians? No matter what, I just want gold!"

"However, I still wrote down this address because the murals here seemed to have deep meaning."

Yang Chan's eyes finally lit up when he saw this.

The remains of ancient Indians?

Yang Chan is very interested in this.

First of all, we need to understand the history of Indians.

Indians are the collective name for Native Americans, and they do not refer to a single species. Race, but all Indians distributed in North and South America.

The Incas of the Inca Empire are a very young Indian race, and the ancient Indians they established are also very old. They are a branch of ancient Indians.

The Mayans are the only Indian people who have left written records.

Yang Yan is not a colonist who only has gold in his eyes. After the lake, we went to take a look at the ancient Indian ruins. The next part of the diary is that Underwood and his companions died and then found the Golden City and the Golden Lake through the Bogo River.

"Semes said he saw a guard covered in gold in the lake? Then he was so scared that he peed and ran up!"

"Damn it! Why are you asking me to go to the bottom of the lake?"

"I finally got here alive and found a few gold items. Why?"


Then, there is no more.

Lucky but not lucky in the end, Underwood died in Lake Gold.

Before he died, he still held his diary.

Maybe he is still thinking about his wife?

And this also explains why Kesada's team only took the gold and left.

Because they were scared of what Underwood and Symes had seen.

These colonists were frightened.

They are here to steal gold, not to seek death.

Yang Yan was not interested in what Underwood was thinking before he died and what happened to the Quesada team. His wife and daughter had long been reduced to nothing.

What Yang Chan was interested in was what he recorded.

Semes said he saw a guard covered in gold at the bottom of the lake?

Yang Chan thought of something, but was not sure.

But he is also becoming more and more interested in exploring Golden Lake.

I glanced at the sky and saw that it was already early morning.

Yang Chan quickly lay on the bed and rested for a few hours.

Then we got up early the next day and got ready to go to Golden Lake.

And this is indeed a torture for the water friends in the live broadcast room.

The thirteen-hour time difference is really excruciating.

Let them feel like they are experiencing American time.

The United States is indeed in the same time zone as Colombia, and they feel right.

In the evening, when it was time to get excited, Yang Chan started a live broadcast.

This is good.

But Yang Chan’s live broadcast lasted until late at night.

This makes many water friends reluctant to turn off the live broadcast, so that they don't want to sleep.

This is a deep torture.

Fortunately, someone will upload the video the next day.

The next night, Yang Chan finally started live broadcasting again.

It's nightlife time, and water friends are in high spirits.

Modern people are like this. They look lifeless during the day, but suddenly come back to life with full blood at night.

"Let’s continue today!

Yang Chan also said in great spirit.

"Is the anchor a devil? It was a tiring day yesterday, but I’m still so energetic today"

"It's the same for me. I'm tired after working all day, but I feel refreshed at night."

"Upstairs, you call it fishing, not tiredness"

"What kind of truth are you talking about?"

"Ha ha!"

Yang Chan also laughed twice. The water friends were really interesting.

Then he put on the diving suit again.

He saw other people in the distance, who seemed to be explorers.

But he only dared to look at the lake. Check it out to see if there are any opportunities.

Almost every explorer comes here with this mentality.

Maybe he is lucky enough to see the gold items that others have not seen, but most of them are disappointed ? And returned.

Therefore, when the other party saw Yang Chan jumping down, he was a little confused.

"Doesn't this guy know that many people have died in Golden Lake?"

He shook his head and regarded Yang Chan as a life-threatening adventurer.

Yang Chan dived in at an extremely fast speed.

He eliminated the area he had searched yesterday and continued walking towards the center of the lake.

Today he seemed to be lucky. Not so good. The first thing I found was a corpse.

It seemed to be that of a modern explorer, because the clothes he wore were a diving suit, but they looked very different from those worn by Yang Chan.

It's the same as comparing super technology to primitive people.

Yang Yan didn't care about him. Although explorers were stronger than ordinary people, it was very common to die here.

Going towards the center of the lake, Yang Chan found more gold vessels.

After about an hour, Yang Chan came to the center of the lake, so he didn't. slow down


Yang Pray saw a large amount of golden light coming from behind a group of water plants.

Once the light shone through, it would reflect back to him. Are the gold vessels stacked on top of each other?

Yang Pray directly tore off these water plants to prevent them from"attacking" Himself.

Then he saw a golden figure..._

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