Taking advantage of the camera device to move away, Yang Yan directly put the diamond into the system space.

This made the priest in front of him confused.

At this moment, Yang Chan's image in his eyes was different.

It was just fake respect at first, but in this moment it turned into real respect.

It's actually true!

He looked at Yang Pray with a fervent expression, and then kept prostrating.

Although the priest also believed that there were gods in the world, he did not expect that they would actually appear.

If a modern person saw a diamond disappearing out of thin air, he would wonder if he had seen it wrong.

Not to mention indigenous people.

After realizing that he had read correctly, he became even more respectful.

Moreover, after the sacrifice's attitude changed greatly, the best cave was arranged for Yang Chan.

Then several female natives were sent.

The priests have regarded Yang Yan as a real god.

This was the reason why he showed his hand in front of the priest. Anyway, the priest couldn't speak, and no one could understand his gibbering.

Moreover, also���Let the sacrifices be truly respectful.

If not, just send the female natives here, hoping to leave the blood of the gods in the tribe.

If you really give birth to a child, it will definitely be a bloody profit!

Primitive people are very simple and cautious.

But he was sent away righteously by Yang Qin.

What aesthetic is this?

He obviously has a pretty good figure, but all he gets are fat guys?

Sure enough, you can't talk about aesthetics with the indigenous people.

Finally, the day passed, and Yang Chan was unusually tired.

Everything that happened really shocked our outlook.


"The host actually refused? This is a moment to win glory for the country."

"If I go, who can take a fancy to the natives?"

"This is a thousand pound scale!"

"It made me feel cold when I saw it. It was really terrible."

"If I have to face difficulties, I would rather choose death"

"Anchors, don’t rush to turn off the live broadcast, take a look first"


When Shuiyou saw that Yang Chan had the idea of shutting down the broadcast, he immediately said so.

The jet lag is still there, but there are still a lot of water friends here at this point.

Mainly because it was the first time for everyone to see real primitive indigenous people, unlike what they had seen in movies or documentaries before.

For the first time, I had a real experience and felt that they were real.

Live broadcast is like this, giving the audience the most realistic experience.

Yang Chan thought about it and realized that he wasn't that sleepy, so he decided to take a look in the cave.

It had already darkened outside, and there was only a fire burning in the cave, bringing a little brightness.

Yang Chan found that the cave was very flat and seemed to be very deep.

Just like the cave in Shennongjia.

So, Yang Chan took a flashlight and took a look.

He looked all the way over, there was nothing, only murals on the walls. Before there were words, murals were the best way.

And I can draw a little bit.

No matter which civilization, there is this method of recording.

It just didn't form the image of Oracle.

They carved some of the things that happened on the caves and stone walls to preserve them.

People can know what happened at that time through these stone paintings.

Yang Pra took a look and saw that this tribe originally lived outside.

But with the war, they came to settle in the tropical rainforest.

The more difficult the living environment is, the more difficult it is for civilization to form.

It may be destroyed at any time. It is all about survival. Where can I think about other things?

Therefore, this primitive tribe is in danger of extinction at any time.

And no one will remember them.

Without words, it cannot be passed down.

Yang Chan told all this

"Woohoo, anchor, please save the children, they are not cannibals."

"Yes, it turned out that I fled here to avoid the war. It feels a bit like a paradise."

"Then this paradise is so miserable, there is nothing"

"It feels like it can still give them hope of survival."

"The anchor can teach them how to read!"

"Will you be able to teach it at this time? Teaching the indigenous people to read may not be possible in a lifetime."

"Stop dreaming, who will learn to read if you don’t have enough to eat?"


Yang Chan felt that what they said made sense.

After all, this primitive tribe treated him very well.

And they are not so-called cannibals.

If they were cannibals, Yang Pray didn't know whether to destroy them or not?

Of course, the most important thing is that Yang Pra got such a big diamond.

You know, the raw ore of Africa Star was valued at more than 7.5 billion US dollars in 1905!

A total of 7.5 billion. People who knew it said they were shocked.

Although this is just a valuation, it is just a means to increase the price as much as possible.

But you can also see how precious it is.

Moreover, in the end, the 'Star of Africa' was not sold, but because it was a colony where the sun never sets, it was dedicated to the king.

But Yang Pra can also be said to have made a lot of money.

After getting such a precious thing, he naturally wanted to help.

So next, Yang Chan did not leave here directly.

Instead, he began to teach primitive people some basic survival knowledge.

There are also some simple crafts, but they are very advanced technologies for the indigenous people.

He found that the craftsmanship of the indigenous people was very poor, and the things they made were of very low quality.

So, he taught the indigenous people how to make pottery, how to wear clothes, and how to use animal furs.

There are also tools to strengthen them.

Stone spears, tribal protection, etc.

It can be said that this is not simple.

There are also things that even Yang Chan doesn’t know how to do.

Fortunately, the water friends in the live broadcast room have great magical powers and know almost everything, which benefited Yang Chandu a lot for a while.

I followed the steps step by step as told by the friends in the water. In addition, the IQs of the natives were not that low, so I finally learned a lot.

They are just not educated and enlightened by wisdom.

But it does not mean that their IQs are low.

Later, Yang Pra also took out some commonly used medicines from the system space.

For example, cold medicine and the like, as well as smearing on wounds.

And he taught the natives how to use them.

These were all prepared by Yang Chan to avoid problems for himself. Now he kept some and gave the rest to the natives.

They regard themselves as gods, so naturally they cannot ignore anything.

Moreover, in the tropical rain forest, it is easy to contract diseases.

They also need these medicines more than themselves.

Sometimes a little pill can save a life.

The only thing Yang Chan regretted was that they couldn't speak.

But he didn't have time to teach the natives how to speak.

However, this has already given Yang Yan and the water friends in the live broadcast room an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

This has also made Yang Chan’s live broadcast room extremely popular these days.

Now that they know that Yang Chan is leaving, the friends in the live broadcast room are reluctant to part with him.

They haven't given these natives names yet like they gave Dasha and the others.

The main reason is that there are too many indigenous people, hundreds of them, and they are not very good at identifying...

In general, it is face blindness.

(Recommend a friend’s book, and I will be the webmaster for the system)_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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