Undefeated God of War
Chapter 932 The Huo Family's Decision [2 in 1]
Chapter 932 – The Huo Family’s Decision [2 in 1]
Translated by: Berrrybunz
Edited by: TN and DeAndreR
In just a few days, Sadra seemed to have aged a decade, his grizzled hair had turned white, and there were morewrinkles on his face. His face no longer had the usual calmness and steadiness, only a deep lethargy could be seen,and even his back had become crooked and old.
By his side, Huo Liu Shang and the rest all had anxious looks on their faces, and in the past few days, they had trulyexperienced what it meant by a day dragging past like a year. Many of their faces still had looks of lost, they did notunderstand why the situation had turned out like that.
A few days before, they watched how Temple looked for Senior Xin with only one man, Seuss, as he arrived in SnowCity alone, and the memory of how they felt that the victory was in their grasp still remained clear in their minds.And suddenly, they dropped from Heaven to Hell. It was so fast that they were unable to even react in time. All oftheir advantages disappeared, and they were sealed in Saint Continent. The Great Clan Elder’s insane and crueltyhad made them feel what true fear was.
Temple was even able to massacre a continent worth of citizens as though it was nothing, how would Temple everlet them live. Everything that happened in Saint Continent would forever remain a secret that no one would know.They would all be executed as offenders who tried to destroy the Saint Continent, and their successors and futuregenerations would always be shamed. Alright, they need not worry about future generations, Temple would neverlet their successors live.
A Great Clan Elder that was able to massacre the entire Saint Continent, how would he not know about pulling theweed by its roots? Destroying an entire clan or family was a small matter compared to destroyed the entire SaintContinent, it was not worth mentioning.
The past few days had been a nightmare for them.
Everyday, more and more people would be devoured by the Holy Flames, they watched on helplessly as their owncomrades scream in anguish and die, and it was a torture for all of them. After that, whoever got infected by theHoly Flames would be put to death by their own comrades.
But, although their lives could end, but the pain of their souls burning was something they could not escape from.
They watched the souls struggle in the Holy Flame, all of them able to feel the pain contained within the silent andberserk motions of the souls. The morale of the camp fell to a low, and they all suspected that as long as Temple sentsomeone down to demand for people to surrender, more than half would immediately do so.
But no one came down, as though everyone in Temple were asleep.
What caused even more panic was the torment of waiting for their deaths had made some people fall apart, andeven their souls being devoured to die peacefully became an extravagant hope.
The camp was deadly silent, everyone looked as though they had lost their souls, their eyes dull without any signs oflife.
Suddenly, someone shouted out loud: “Quickly look! In the sky!”
Sadra immediately raised his head, his eyes instantly constricted, and the wrinkles on his face became moreapparent.
~Is it finally beginning?~
In his vision, the dense golden holy flames in the sky seemed to be attracted to something, and were all moving inone direction. It was the first time the Holy Flames were doing something different in the past few days.
~That direction is….~
“Temple! That’s the direction to Temple!” Mo Yi Gu exclaimed out loud.
~Direction to Temple!~ Everyone’s mind jolted, all of them stood up and looked into the distance.
The Holy Flames floating in the sky were all moving in the direction where Temple was. Although their speed wasnot fast, but they were truly moving, and the direction was clearly to Temple.
~What happened at Temple?~ Everyone were all curious.
Temple was not situated far away, but it was definitely not near either, and there were a few cities between them.
“We have already failed.” Sadra spoke up, he had already regained his calm, and seeing that everyone were lookingat him, he laughed bitterly: “Or do you all think that our situation can become any worse?”
Everyone were startled, they remained silent.
~That’s right, can it be worse than this?”
“I will go take a look!” Huo Liu Shang spoke up: “Whether I live or die, at least I will go down with a bang, it is betterthan doing nothing!”
His words convinced everyone else, and immediately a few others followed.
“I will go too!”
“Yes, at least it will be better than now!”
“Let’s go take a look.”
They followed behind Huo Liu Shang, and headed towards Temple. They carefully avoided the moving Holy Flamesen route, and did not stop once.
But when they arrived at Temple, they realized that it was empty. The only moving things were the Holy Flames inthe sky that flew towards the fiery Pillars that were near Temple. The countable specks of Holy Flames entered theFiery Pillars, and although the Fiery Pillars did not appear to have any changes, Huo Liu Shang was able to sense apowerful aura being birthed inside it.
Huo Liu Shang was overwhelmed with shock, ~What’s inside that pillar?~
Suddenly, a terrifying thought flashed past his mind, ~Are the Great Clan Elder and the rest inside these pillars?~
He counted them, and ended up with a total of fourteen fiery pillars that was absorbing Holy Flames endlessly, thescene a shock to them. Huo Liu Shang raised his head up, and looked at the endless streams of Holy Flames in thesky, the fear in his heart had reached an unprecedented level. The first thing that popped in his mind was to run, buthe firmly suppressed the impulse, the entire Saint Continent was sealed, where could they run to?
He forced his eyes to remain open as he watched the fourteen pillars devouring everything like fourteen insatiablemouths.
He finally understood why the Great Clan Elder would not even let the citizens go. The Holy Flames in the sky wasnot to deal with the families or to seal the Saint Continent, but for the fourteen fiery pillars, or for the fourteenmonsters inside.
An extremely cold chill pervaded through his body.
~The citizens of Saint Continent were food for Temple’s monsters, the fourteen monsters being groomed righthere.~
All of a sudden, Huo Liu Shang’s eyes turned blood red, an unprecedented rage surged in his chest. ~How many liveswere taken, all of those innocent people, they were just ordinary citizens.~
~And….they are all humans, how can they be treated as food?~
Unprecedented fear came with the rage, a deep sense of fear.
~He had groomed the entire Saint Continent, and if everyone’s power were focused on these fourteen, whatmonsters will they be?~
This had surpassed the limits of Huo Liu Shang’s understanding, but he knew that the things that would be bornfrom the fourteen pillars would be true monsters.
A roar came out by his side, one of the military general screamed at the closest Fiery Pillar and launched an attack,but all of which were futile. He did not even cause any ripple on the Fiery Pillar. And before anyone could react, HolyFlames surrounded them from all directions, and locked the military general down.
The golden holy flames instantly burnt his body, and before he could even scream, he was turned into ashes.
“We will leave now!”
Huo Liu Shang had a change in expression, ~The monsters inside the pillars can control the Holy Flames aroundthem!~
Everyone were shocked by the scene, and all of them retreated.
The group flew for over ten kilometers before stopping. After travelling for so far, the fiery pillars still remainedlarge and majestic, and they were still as insignificant. From this, they were able to have a glimpse of the completepicture. The vast sea of Holy Flames were moving towards the fourteen gigantic fiery pillars, causing those whowitnessed it to feel numb.
Huo Liu Shang was in a daze, he felt as though strength was being drawn out from his body. How could they ever winsuch terrifying enemies?
But he was after all still a powerful man, and he knew to have despair and fear at such a time would only lead themto death faster.
“Let’s go back first.” He gritted his teeth and said resolutely.
His eyes swept across the group by his side, all of them had despair and fear written all over their faces, even Huo LiRuo, who was known to not fear anything, was as pale as a white sheet of paper, and his fingers were trembling.
Huo Liu Shang that it was useless to speak further. How could he, if he was also feeling what they were feeling?
Without saying anything, he led the group silently.
The rest followed him quietly, at such a time, no one had the interest to even talk. But all of them knew that the timewhen the monsters from the pillars appeared was the time that everything would end.
After seeing everything in a day, the last thread of hope in their heart was completely shattered.
They did not speak for the entire journey.
In the blink of the eye, they were about to reach back to their camp, when Huo Li Ruo suddenly caught somethingfrom the corner of his eye. He was startled, and subconsciously turned to look. What he saw was Holy Flames andnothing else. They were scattered on the same level without end.
~There isn’t any place that we can hide…..~
Huo Li Ruo was at a loss, and only reacted after a moment, he could not resist but laugh, ~Why do I still harbor hopeat such a time? Or am I subconsciously thinking that as long as there’s a bit of hope, we can change something?~
He shook his head, and continued moving. After a moment, he suddenly stopped.
He looked around, his expression was somewhat queer, he felt as though he had sensed something, and he was surethat he was not mistaken. Huo Liu Shang and the rest had already left him behind, but he did not care, and lookedaround.
~If it had happened once, I might had been mistaken, but to feel it twice, It definitely isn’t a mistake.~
~What is it?~
He stopped in his place and looked around.
~The only thing that I can see, aside from Holy Flames, it’s just Holy Flames….could it be….the Holy Flames?~
Huo Li Ruo’s mind trembled, he looked around carefully at the Holy Flames around him.
~Wait a minute!~
His eyes lit up, he finally found the location that had caught his attention. He was right, it was the Holy Flames, in hisvision, there were actually a portion of Holy Flames that was actually heading in a completely different location.
“There’s a situation!” He shouted out loud.
Upon hearing that, Huo Liu Shang stopped, he turned back, only to see the distance between them and Huo Li Ruo.
“There’s a situation there!” Huo Li Ruo shouted out loud and waved at everyone.
He instantly became excited, any changes at such a time was a good thing for them. They were already at the worstpossible situation, no matter how bad the small change was, it could not lead them any worser. But what if it was agood thing?
Huo Liu Shang was the first to react, he immediately shot forward and got to Huo Li Ruo, and asked excitedly: “Whathappened?”
The trembling of his voice revealed his excitement, the others reacted and immediately ran over.
Huo Li Ruo did not joke, he was equally excited, he pointed to the Holy Flames in the sky: “Holy Flames! A portion ofthe Holy Flames are heading in that direction!”
Huo Liu Shang followed Huo Li Ruo’s fingers, his eyes instantly lit up, ~Huo Li Ruo is right, there is indeed a portionof Holy Flames flying towards another direction apart from Temple.~
“Go! Take a look!” He said without hesitation, and immediately took the lead and followed the direction in which theHoly Flame were heading to.
The rest were instantly aroused and followed.
They followed on, and quickly realized that more and more Holy Flames were heading towards the same direction.They got more surprised, as the amount of Holy Flames was not inferior to those heading to Temple.
Everyone’s excitement went down as fear crept in once again.
~Could it be that the number of monsters that Temple is growing is more than fourteen?~ Upon thinking about that,everyone’s mind started to tense up. ~That’s right, Temple is so big and they have so much power, fourteenmonsters is a bit too little.~ To them, they felt that it was not surprising if Temple had fourteen monsters in everycity.
Everyone’s heart became tense, the morale that was uplifted previously dropped further.
Huo Liu Shang behaved more calmly, even if there were fourteen more monsters, the situation could not get anyworse. He had felt the terrifying aura that was faintly revealed from the fiery pillars, and knew how scary themonsters were. He even felt that they would be even more terrifying, because he did not know what the result ofthe Holy Flames converging on the fourteen were.
He had a premonition, that the fourteen monsters were existences beyond the limits of a human’s imagination.
He noticed that Huo Li Ruo’s expression seemed strange. With a thought, he immediately sensed that Huo Li Ruohad a discovery, and asked: “What’s wrong?”
“That direction….” Huo Li Ruo was unsure: “It seems like its towards Snow City.”
“Snow City?” Huo Liu Shang was startled for a moment, but immediately, he had a revelation, and becamecompletely excited.
~That’s right, isn’t this direction towards Snow City?~
With Huo Li Ruo’s reminder, he immediately realised the thing he had overlooked. He smacked his own head inannoyance, ~How can I forget about such an obvious matter, I was over worried.~
Snow City!
He would never ever forget about this city, it was inside that city that they fell from Heavens straight to Hell. But itwas also the same city that they felt a glimmer of hope when they were in the deepest despair.
Snow City, Mace Field Tradings!
Huo Liu Shang immediately recalled that Mace Field Tradings was still in Snow City, at that time when they wereanxiously gathering their troops and left Snow City, Mace Field Tradings did not follow them.
~Could it be Mace Field Tradings that are doing something?~
Upon thinking about it, Huo Liu Shang felt his entire body brimming with strength. ~That’s right, Mace FieldTradings has the unfathomable Senior Xin and the powerful Iron Mask Army, maybe they have some idea?~
Huo Liu Shang was self reflecting for completely forgetting the existence of Mace Field Tradings. Regardless of whatrelation they had previously, they were all now survivors of the Saint Continent, and were allies!
They were unable to fly in Saint Continent, thus they used all of their efforts to sprint.
When they arrived outside Snow City, they were shocked by the scene that welcomed them. Every single personstopped in their tracks, and stared blankly at the gigantic monster in Snow City. All of them had their mouths wideopened, all of them had forgotten how to speak.
A gigantic cyclone had covered the sky of Snow City, and it looked as though there was a monstrous mouth abovethe cyclone, where all the Holy Flames surged in through, transforming into a golden stream that poured into thecyclone.
The fiery pillars that they saw previously were as calm as gentlemen compared to the gigantic cyclone in front ofthem. Even the speed of devouring were of completely different levels, Temple’s fiery pillars were like docilegentlemen that ate with proper etiquette at the dinner table. But the cyclone in front of them was like a monstrousbeast that was starved in its cage and let out, it was devouring and gorging itself, its stomach an eternal neverending pit.
Even by watching the golden stream from afar, Huo Liu Shang could hear their shrieks swarming into the cyclone.
The entire Snow City was overshadowed by the gigantic beast, and what was even more revering was that thecyclone was still growing at an alarming rate.
“Oh my god!” Huo Li Ruo watched the terrifying beast in a daze.
Huo Liu Shang regained himself from the sudden shock, he immediately noticed a few panicked figures inside thecity. When he looked carefully, he was right! It was Mace Field Trading! He did not see Senior Xin, but he sawMelissa and the Iron Mask Army. He also noticed that although they looked panicked, they were not in chaos, andwere all observing the cyclone in the sky.
Huo Liu Shang was unable to contain his excitement, he was like a traveler dehydrating in the desert that hestumbled upon an oasis. As though he felt life coming back into him, Huo Liu Shang started to cry.
Very quickly, Mace Field People noticed them, and all became cautious.
Huo Liu Shang stabilized his emotions, then called for his group to hold ground, and led Huo Li Ruo up.
All the surrounding Holy Flames were being spun in the air by the cyclone, thus there was no need for them to beworried about the Holy Flames. There was no energy for defense, thus Ji Ze and the rest quickly recovered, alongwith their fighting strength. Seeing Huo Li Ruo and the rest, they immediately spread out and maintained vigilance.
Ji Ze and Fu Zheng Zhi looked at each other, they knew without speaking, as long as the other party made anystrange movements, they would attack without hesitation. ~Although Huo Liu Shang and his group looked to be inrather terrible shapes and would most probably not try anything funny, but what if? Master is still inside thecyclone, if they were affected, we have to protect Young Miss Qian Hui as well~, both of them felt more pressure onthemselves.
Huo Liu Shang and Huo Li Ruo raised both of their hands, indicating that they had no ill intent.
They walked closer, and Huo Liu Shang bowed respectfully, then asked: “Can I enquire, is Senior Xin inside thecyclone?”
Ji Ze saw Huo Li Ruo’s eyes gleaming, and instantly became tense, and got into a posture that could allow him toattack at any moment.
As Tang Tian was not present, the next in line with the highest authority was Qian Hui. She stood out and replied:“That’s right.”
“I am Huo Liu Shang, I represent the Huo Family to plead for Senior Xin to protect us.” Huo Liu Shang knelt on theground and spoke slowly and solemnly: “The entire Huo Family, is willing to serve under Senior Xin…..”
Qian Hui interrupted him as she spoke calmly: “Ah Xin is my General, and aside from my Lord Husband, no one elsecan be the Master here, they are all the generals of my Lord Husband, you should consider it again.”
Huo Liu Shang was shocked, he had initially thought that Senior Xin was the leader of the group, but he did notexpect that Senior Xin was actually the general of the young beauty standing in front of him. What he did not expecteven more was that the leader of the group was actually the lady’s husband.
Ji Ze and Fu Zheng Zhi were surprised, from the start, Young Miss Qian Hui had never displayed any unique traits tothem, and they only knew that the Master and Qian Hui were childhood lovers with extremely deep emotions for onanother. It was only after those powerful and resonating words did everyone feel the prominent aura from Qian Hui.
The two of them looked at each other again, ~Lady Boss is also not normal as well!~
For Fu Zheng Zhi, who was a man proficient in bootlicking, he already started to reflect and regret why he had notattempted to curry favor from the Lady Boss.
Huo Liu Shang tried to probe: “I wonder if Young Miss’ husband is around? What family is the master from?”
Previously when Qian Hui called Tang Tian her Lord Husband, she was in a calm and composed state of mind, butupon hearing Huo Liu Shang calling Tang Tian her husband, a surge of bashfulness surged from her heart, and a redflush silently crept up her neck to her face. But she maintained a straight face and replied: “He is inside the cyclone, Iwill not hide it from you, Lord Husband is not from Honorable Martial Continent. Alright, we will keep it as such,weigh the pros and cons yourself, you only have one opportunity, and there will be no further chances after this.”
Upon hearing that, Huo Liu Shang knew he had no other way, and without hesitation, he saluted in respect: “I amwilling!”
Regardless of where they came from, even if they were not from Honorable martial Continent, so what? Temple wasalready the public enemy, and if Temple won, no one else would survive. Temple would definitely not allow news ofwhat happened to the Saint Continent to be revealed, otherwise, even if the Great Clan Elder won, he would not beable to receive the support from the citizens.
No one would be willing to support the crazy and ruthless Great Clan Elder.
Huo Liu Shang’s decision made him relax. When his eyes looked upon the cyclone, he knew that only anothermonster could defeat a monster. He also knew that Temple would not accept them surrendering, furthermore, theywould never yield to Temple. How could a being that had massacred all of the citizens of Saint Continent care aboutkilling a few more captives? If he spared them, what would happen if the matter were to be leaked out?
Huo Liu Shang could only rely on Mace Field Tradings, he knew that he had no grounds to haggle, because he had nochips to play. He had no other choice as well, if the Great Clan Elder truly won, it would be a disaster to Honorablemartial Continent. For their families, it was worse.
At such a level, the Families no longer held any meaning, even if they defeated Temple, they had no power to governthe entire Honorable Martial Continent.
Huo Liu Shang’s emotions were in a tangle. If Temple won, they would all die, their families would be slaughtered,and at that time, the Honorable Martial Continent would no longer be the same. If they won, the Honorable MartialContinent would no longer exist, Temple would be completely wiped out, so who could take over Honorable MartialContinent?
~The powerful Honorable Martial Continent had fallen to such a state in the blink of an eye, I too am a sinner……~
Huo Liu Shang felt that he was a joke, ~Why am I contemplating about it when we are already at this stage~, hebowed to Qian Hui: “This subordinate will bring my family over.”
“Go.” Qian Hui nodded her head.
When Huo Li Ruo returned to receive his family members, he was still in a daze, he never expected their Patriarch tobe so decisive, who did not have any hesitation to throw away all of his dignity and honor to become a subordinateof another person.
~The Huo Family is one of the powerful Aristocrat Prestigious Families….how could it be….~
Since young, this point had been deeply ingrained inside his mind, but the Patriarch’s actions had completelytoppled his impression of the family.
As though he knew what Huo Li Ruo was thinking, Huo Liu Shang spoke out without even turning his head back:“Are you very surprised? Only through this, can we survive, can our Huo Family survive. They will also make theright choice.”
Huo Li Ruo knew who the Patriarch was talking about, he was pointing at Sadra and the other Patriarchs.
He did not know what to say, and remained quiet.
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