: Knox Stella

The terrain gradually descended, and the rushing water had reached the thighs. This cave was narrow, and the clay men would send meat as soon as they came up. When another team of faders from the outpost began to expand their territory, they hurried back to help .

Not only that, the ants that were originally densely covered in the cave have been killed in sevens and eights.

Tang En followed at the end, except for blowing up one or two red ants sticking out of the cave, he rarely made a move, and it was obvious that this group of faded people had come many times.

The ‘hanging ghost’ at the door was killed by them together with the magician. I heard that the underground race did not come out to stop the attack.

Of course, the ‘hanging ghost’ got stuck at the entrance of the Eternal City. Someone came to help solve it, and they were naturally happy to see it. Once the physical seal was lifted, the Knox people inside immediately merged with the clay figurines. Then mingle with the invaders.

‘If these guys retreat, will the Knox people rush to the ground? The academy should have nothing to lose, maybe they can take this opportunity to let Rodel send troops to quell the chaos, and blame Kalia by the way? ‘

Tang En felt that it was very possible. If he wanted to survive, he could not use any means. Anyway, the forces on the side of the Golden Tree would never tolerate these ghosts and snakes on the stage of the border.

“But these faders are too aggressive.” Tang En looked at the running team in front of him. Blood Word Knight Juno Hoslaw was undoubtedly a hero-level knight, and the worst remaining knights were high-level knights.

On the surface, elites should of course be sent to explore such a dangerous place as the Ansel River. After all, there is no reason for the faders to search for land. Even if the round table and hall come together, it is to accumulate the power to become a king.

But I always feel that something is wrong. It is delusional for these people to capture Knoxtera. What are they trying to do by continuously investing their troops?

Tang En couldn’t figure it out, he just felt that things were weird, as if trying to attract attention as a cover.

“Take a break.” The Blood Word Knight raised his hand, and the faded ones panted silently against the wet rock wall. They usually didn’t bring witches with them when attacking missions.

This group of people was very capable, only Tang En and Roger were out of place, they looked at each other, and in the end it was Roger who bit the bullet and walked forward.

“Your Excellency Hoslaw, how should we go out later?”

“Someone will respond, and no one can stop us from both inside and outside.” Yuno Huo Siluo didn’t even bother to raise his head, and he didn’t expect that there would be a few faders going deep here, but everyone was of the same kind, so he had to take it along.

“Don’t worry, we’ll harass around the perimeter and withdraw when we have enough. We won’t fight those Knox people.”

Roger breathed a sigh of relief, and was curious about what the legendary Eternal City looked like.

“Your Excellency, is it meaningful for us to do this? If we want to reap wealth, the periphery is enough.” Tang En said suddenly.

The Blood Word Knight glanced at him, and didn’t know this faded man who was hiding his head and showing his tail, but he thought that there should be no problem with him teaming up with Roger, so he explained:

“You don’t understand the military strategy. This kind of repeated harassment and involvement will exhaust the Knox people. By then, the wealth of the Eternal City will be ours.”

Fart, the faders don’t have the courage to attack the city, but they have the guts to pick up cheap ones. The devil is willing to fight Knox Stella with you.

Tang En sneered in his heart. He had just come out of Ningmgfu and played with a group of faded people. He knew the habits of these people too well.

“A few more times, so you’re not worried about being targeted by the Knox people?”

“Withdraw when you encounter a strong enemy. This is the style of our faders.” Huo Siluo was a little displeased, and said lightly: “If you don’t agree, you can choose to go back.”

Tang En immediately fell silent, and the faded people around him also laughed lightly, thinking that he was convinced by the slander.

But no one knew that if Tang En wanted to go back, those clay figurines and ants couldn’t stop him at all, and they could be trampled to death with a little effort.

“He’s right.”

“Huh? I think he’s lying. The risk is not directly proportional to the benefit.” Melina said quietly. Ordinary faders may still value the tasks of the Magic Academy, but these elites don’t care about those rewards.

“Wrong, it’s right to let the Knox people divide their troops and divert their attention, but we have to look at what we want to do.”

Tang En suddenly had a bad feeling. The round table obeyed the two fingers, and doing such inexplicable things, it must be the two fingers trying to attack Kalia.

He doesn’t know how to do it, and he doesn’t know why he has anything to do with the Eternal City.Clear, but figuring this out is definitely more important than burning down a few labs.

“Pioneer forward, let’s continue.”

With an order, the faded people put away their bread and water bags one after another, and hurried on their way in silence, while Tang En still dragged slowly to the end.

The cave is narrow and long, and giant ants will pop out from time to time, and they even know tactics. Sometimes a shield-headed ant will cover the passage tightly, and the same kind running out of the cave will spit formic acid.

When this thing sticks to the body, it emits white smoke, smearing the corroded flesh and blood. Fortunately, those who fade have the dew of the Holy Grail, and this little flesh injury is nothing.

Just hurrying along like this, the sound of rushing water became louder after a while. When Tang En looked up, he saw a blue shallow lake at the end of the cave, and a blue wall opposite.

The wall is several meters high, with golden patterns engraved on the surface. It looks like a work of art, but many places have been demolished, and rubble is scattered on the ground. You don’t need to ask who made it.

Tang En was a little emotional, this place would come sooner or later, and those things on the road couldn’t stop him, but he didn’t expect to walk with the faded people in the round table hall.

“Be careful, they don’t dare to defend the periphery.” The Blood Word Knight raised his hand, and several sharp soldiers did not go through the main entrance, but quickly jumped onto the broken wall, making a safe gesture.

“go ahead.”

Needless to say, Dunn and Roger had already rushed over. Both of them were here for the first time, and of course they were full of curiosity.

The two of them climbed up the slope, poked their heads out from the gap, and their eyes widened involuntarily.

There is a superb view ahead!

In the hazy white mist, there is a huge gray-black city. It is not as majestic and solid as Stonewell, but it is very artistic.

The tall pointed buildings, solemn and magnificent exterior walls, coupled with the sky full of “starry sky”, look like a castle in a fairy tale.

The ‘Eternal City’ Knoxtera is indeed an underground miracle.

There is a pool of water under the wall, and there are dozens of corpses on the bank next to it, which adds a bit of cruel beauty to the city.

The population here is not large, and there is no grand welcome ceremony, so Tang En looked suspiciously at the faded person beside him.

“Don’t worry, we have been here many times, and these Knox people are tired, so they want to catch us in different ways.” The answer was a middle-aged man with thin cheeks, wearing leather armor and a waist belt. bell.

“Why didn’t they guard the opening and the outer wall?”

“Why don’t you keep it? Who do you think caused the collapse?” The middle-aged man smiled coldly and stopped talking to Tang En.

However, these words were simple enough, and a picture suddenly appeared in Tang En’s mind.

The powerful faders came together, approached quietly, released a bunch of magic, turned around and ran away, as annoying as flies.

Knox has a small population and does not have an advantage in combat power, but it cannot withstand the consumption of faders. Moreover, the underground world extends in all directions, and others may not necessarily come from the main entrance.

‘A battle of defeat is meaningless, so you want to fight a war of annihilation? The faders are so smart. ’ Tang En shook his head. Except for him, who here is not tempered from underground cemeteries and caves, and they are all masters.

“There are no defenders on the outskirts. It seems that the Knox people want to invite us in.” The tone of the Blood Word Knight was somewhat cheerful.

“We have come here seven or eight times, and each time we played a one-to-five exchange, how many people can they have?”

“Captain, shall we go in and have a look?”

The Blood Word Knight raised his hand, stopped the discussion, and said coldly: “The Academy of Magic will start a new round of exploration. This time, a large number of troops will be invested to wipe out those monsters. They want to set up a trap? It’s not that easy!”

I just arrived, and you are about to launch a purge, so luck is too good.

Tang En pricked up his ears to listen, and suddenly asked, “Is the Academy of Magic hosting?”

“Well, Professor Ella will lead the team in person, and try out new weapons of war by the way. Everyone is tired of those encounters. When the time comes, the forward sentry point will move to the ruins.”

Wouldn’t that hit Knox Stella’s face?

The two sides have been fighting for more than ten days, and each is exhausted. Don’t forget, the magician has not made much action, and the faders are also constantly replenishing. Tang Enxin said that it is no wonder that there are horse-drawn carriages constantly bringing in war equipment.

It’s better to come early than coincidentally. Tang En pondered for a moment, then asked: “Your Excellency, when will it start?”

“Just today.” Huo Siluo cherished words like gold.

This pair of brothers is really strange, the younger brother is a cowardly teacher, and the older brother is cruel and indifferent.

Tang En pursed his lips and looked at the silent Eternal City again. Either the Knox people had dispatched troops to deal with it in advance, or they had prepared a trap.

But in any case, it is impossible to capture Knoxtera based on the fact that these dozen or so people can’t capture Knoxtera, its significance——

‘Dare to take the risk and also attract the last strength of the Knox people? ‘

“Two people stay here, and the rest follow me. Remember, retreat decisively after hearing my order!” The Blood Word Knight climbed over the broken wall and jumped steadily into the pool.

Plop, plop…

There was a constant sound of water splashes, and faders jumped in one by one, looking around vigilantly. Tang En was naturally the slowest one, and glanced at Roger, who had a tense expression.

“I just need to open my mouth later, and you will run away.”

“Yes, is it so exaggerated? It seems that there are no defenders.”

Tang En raised his head and glanced at the steeple hidden in the white mist. This huge building was like a dead zone, except for a few desperate snails that were hacked to death, there was nothing.

In deathly silence, the man grinned and said:

“Here, it’s very exaggerated.”


“The faders are at it again.”

In front of the highest temple gate in the distance, several figures in white turbans were speaking obscure words.

They were slender and tall, some held hammers, some held swords, and the few in the middle had golden twin crowns on top of white turbans. They were the night witches, the highest-ranking clerics of Knox Stella.

they stand aroundSeeing swordsmen or monks, instead of rushing forward to fight as usual, they graciously moved out of the way.

The witches disagreed, and someone asked, “An Lina, are you going to let these bastards defile our holy land?”

“They are very strong. If we don’t wipe them all out, we will never have peace.” The Night Witch named An Lina replied. She was tall and had a cold voice, but her face was covered by a scarf, so she couldn’t see her face clearly.

“But they are also very cautious, and failed to set up traps many times.” Another witch said, her tone became puzzled: “The enemy has already started to march, and the people we scattered can’t get back. They don’t think they want to capture Nuo Costella.”

“This incident is very strange, and I don’t know what these people want to do, but since they are serious, we must also meet them.” An Lina raised her head and glanced at the ‘stars’ all over the sky, “Will them Beat the pain and drive it out of the ground, maybe we can see the real black moon.”

She nodded slightly to the swordsmen and monks guarding behind her, and dozens of them dispersed like the wind.

At this time, the Faded Ones had already stepped onto the long stairs, and a mysterious aura penetrated Tang En’s nose, making his heart pound.

There must be something wrong with this damn place.

Such a majestic city is as quiet as a dead zone, and the exquisite promenades and stone pavilions can’t even see the shadow of ghosts, let alone the light and agile Knox swordsman, there are no silver tears.

Faded people are not fools, they can tell there is a problem at a glance, and they will carefully check whether there are secret passages, traps and the like in the places they walk, for fear of being ambushed.

There is a gorgeous treasure chest in the majestic room. After the fader opened it, he found that there are precious materials inside.

“Captain, let the Knox escape and leave behind many good things.”

Horslaw didn’t make a sound. Knoxtera was divided into left and right parts, connected by a viaduct in the middle, and he had already entered the second floor on the left, an area he had never set foot in before.

“Take them all away, but don’t affect the load, Aval, and tie the escape rope.”

“Understood.” The middle-aged faded man who had talked to Tang En before took out a rope and tied it to a pillar. In case of danger, he could immediately lower it to the open space outside the city.

People have brains, and they don’t have to take the stairs.

The scouts were in front, the warriors with large shields were behind, and Tang En and a few magicians hid at the back. They walked forward in heart-pounding silence for more than ten minutes, and the team had already reached the third floor.

Inside the open doors are still majestic halls with treasure chests or exquisite paintings inside. Scouts are searching every inch of the ceiling and corners to make sure there are no monsters hidden here.

On the right side is a stone bridge about 200 meters long, with blue sculptures on both sides, and the bridge deck is empty, without even a bunker. On the opposite side is a more majestic building complex, and its top looks like a temple.

Yuno Hoslaw stopped and said to Tang En and Roger at the end, “You two go ahead, don’t worry, we will cover you.”

Roger swallowed suddenly, while Tang En sighed. Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world.

“Remember what I said before.” Tang En pulled Roger, borrowed a brass shield from the side and threw it to him, “You are dressed too festively, be careful that you become an arrow magnet later.”

The magic swordsman glanced at the brightly colored clothes, and was speechless for a while, only to see that Tang En had bravely stepped onto the bridge.

The two took the lead, and a dozen faders followed cautiously, or raised their staffs, or their bows were already stringed, and they were carefully searching around.

woo woo…

The cold underground wind blows past the ears, and the sculptures next to it look very intrusive. They are all images of night witches, lifelike, standing by the side, as if they are holding something in their hands.

Before Roger could study it carefully, there was a rumbling sound in his ear.


On the stairs on the opposite side of the bridge, a big black ball rolled out of a certain room. This was obviously unusual, but the black ball was rolling very slowly, and it was falling ‘boom boom boom’ along the stairs.

“Speed ​​up and rush over.” The Blood Word Knight made a decisive decision, he could tell at a glance that the black ball couldn’t catch up to himself and the others.

But Tang En, who was at the front, suddenly turned around and shouted at Roger: “Run!”


The magic swordsman was stunned for a moment, but as a senior fader, he reacted very quickly, and ran back with his feet loose.

“What are you running, this iron ball…”

The rest of the faders tried to grab him, but the sound stopped abruptly.


The iron ball accelerates dozens of times faster in an instant without the rules of physics, from a funny big toy to a deadly steamroller!

It rolled so violently and violently, two high-level knight-level faders went up to the shield, and were hit into the sky on the spot, while the rest scattered, an archer retreated to the corridor, and dexterously rolled to the side, Take a look behind——

The big black ball was about to hit the wall, but it stopped instantly as if it was out of inertia, and with just such a ‘crack’, it crushed the powerful Faded Archer into a meat paste.

Seeing this scene, Tang En, who was hanging outside the bridge with one hand, couldn’t help grinning.

Stupid, this thing bends!


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