Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 182 The owner of the mysterious blood, the ancestor of zombies! (4K)

After hearing this, everyone suppressed their inner shock.

It seems.

The owner of this note is far more mysterious than they imagined!

At this moment, Feng Baobao continued to read the notes in his hand.

[With the help of the goddess Duokuohuo, I easily found Yang Feiyun's lair. At the same time, I used the power of the goddess Duokuohuo to activate the Samadhi True Fire to burn all the demons including Yang Feiyun. 】

[The Taotie escaped disaster because of cooking. 】

[Perhaps because he was afraid of my methods, Taotie ran away at that time. 】

[Because this Taotie did no harm to anyone, and because this Taotie’s life was not yet exhausted, I did not go in pursuit. 】

[After Yang Feiyun’s lair was burned to rubble by me, I found the mysterious zombie blood left by Yang Feiyun inside. Under the burning of the Samadhi True Fire, the zombie blood was still exactly the same as before, and its life force was really powerful. 】

[Seeing this, I directly used the power of the goddess Duokuohuo to cast the inner scene. I wanted to see who this guy’s identity was! 】

[With the blessing of the power of the goddess Dokuohuo, the effect of any skill I use is increased a hundred times. 】

[And I quickly deduced the owner of this mysterious zombie blood, the ancestor of zombies, the general! 】

After hearing the words "Zombie Ancestor General", everyone looked blank.

Is he really the ancestor of zombies?

Why does it sound so absurd?

Wang Ergou said at this time:

"As a foreigner, I still know who this general is."

"It is said that Pangu died of exhaustion after the creation of the world. His body was unwilling to die like this, so his resentment turned into the first zombie in the world. He was born with the ability to devour all things."

"In the past, I only regarded this kind of thing as a myth and legend, but after learning that the gods and Buddhas in the sky really exist, this kind of myth and legend has to be taken seriously."

"Is it possible that the owner of this blood is the ancestor of this zombie?"

at this time.

Zhang Chulan said:

"I don't know what this is all about."

"Because it was not mentioned in the previous notes."

"But you said that this zombie ancestor general was transformed by Pangu's resentment. This may or may not be true."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Lu Linglong on the side said:

"If the things recorded in the myths and legends are true, then the heights and powers that the techniques we practice now can reach must be more than what they are now."

"I just don't know why, it ended up like this."

"It's actually not as powerful as a firearm."

Zhi Jinhua’s eyes flashed.

"I want you not to forget one thing."

"That is the Jedi Heavenly Power in ancient legends."

"If other myths and legends are true, then this Jedi Heavenly Power must also be true!"

After hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

Zhi Jinhua continued to speak.

"It is said that in ancient times, because the sky and the earth were very close, humans and gods could communicate with each other, but it was also because of this that it led to chaos in the order between humans and gods."

"So in order to put an end to this chaos, Emperor Zhuanxu, one of the five ancient emperors, ordered his grandsons Zhong and Li to stop people and gods from communicating with each other from now on."

"So Zhong pressed the ground with all his strength, pushing the earth to the lowest point, while Li tried his best to raise the sky, raising the sky to the highest point. From then on, humans and gods were unable to communicate."

"Later I heard that because Jianmu grew very tall, some people and gods secretly met through Jianmu, so Emperor Zhuanxu ordered people to cut Jianmu down."

"If this legend is true, it means that the exercises people are practicing now were handed down by gods and have been improved to be more suitable for human cultivation."

"But the real power should definitely not be limited to this."

"It must be that our human body is too fragile to withstand the power of this technique. And those geniuses can easily exert the power that the technique should have because their bodies are different from ordinary people."

Zhi Jinhua's explanation surprised everyone.


Perhaps this statement is correct.

But because it is so long ago, everything can only be guessed.

I don’t know if my guess is correct or not, but at least I have an idea.

At this moment, Feng Baobao had continued reading.

[But just when I wanted to figure out where the zombie ancestor general was, the price paid in the interior scene was something that even I, with the power of the goddess Kuohuo, couldn't resist. 】

[From here, I learned that this zombie ancestor general has a great connection with the world. It is even said that it will have a great influence on the future direction of the world. 】

[So there is no way for me to spy on any trace of him. 】

Everyone looked in disbelief when they heard that even with the power of goddess Kuohuo, they could not figure out where the ancestor of the zombies was.

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"Back then, I had exchanged some information about the inner scene with the two Taoist priests Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing. If I wanted to find the answer from the inner scene, the more profound the influence on the future of this world, the higher the price paid. big."

"Since no matter how powerful the Goddess Kuohuo is, there is no way to figure out the whereabouts of this zombie ancestor general, does that mean that this zombie ancestor's influence on our entire world is boundless."

"You even say that the reason why you and I can talk here is because of the silent influence of the ancestor of zombies?"

After hearing this, everyone looked surprised.


If you calculate it this way, it must be because of this.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan continued to speak.

"Since this general, the ancestor of zombies, is closely related to our destiny, does it mean that he has a huge mission?"

"Until he completes his mission, it can be said that this zombie ancestor general will never be able to come up with a specific answer."

"But if this zombie ancestor general has completed his mission, wouldn't it be easy to calculate his current situation?"

"It's a pity that we don't have a warlock here now, otherwise we could have asked what exactly happened on the spot."

"Who said there is no more!"

At this time, Hidden Dragon's short and fat body stood in front of everyone.

"How can you do intelligence work without a little bit of magic?"

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but be a little surprised to see that Hidden Dragon was actually a warlock.

"That would be great, please start counting now!"

Zanglong loosened his belt and then sat cross-legged on the floor.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of true energy rushed straight to his forehead, and he successfully entered the interior scene.

But not long after entering the interior, Hidden Dragon's body began to tremble violently, and his face became extremely ugly.

The next second.

Zanglong opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes full of fear.

Although everyone only sat down to see Hidden Dragon for a while, in the interior scene, Hidden Dragon had already spent more than half an hour.

Zanglong looked at the people around him and let out a long breath.

"I really, really, really shouldn't have gone there."

"Fortunately, I have special skills for escaping. Otherwise, even a small flame from the fireball could burn my consciousness to death."

Zhang Chulan's heart moved.

"Hidden Dragon, you mean, there is no answer at all."

"This means that this zombie ancestor general has not completed his mission. We are very likely to encounter this zombie ancestor general in the future!"

"By that time, is it possible that the world will be destroyed?"

Canglong nodded after hearing Zhang Chulan's analysis.

"Well, you can probably think so."

"But I think it's not that easy. Before asking this question, I asked myself how many years my life span is."

"My lifespan is 89 years old, which means that at least until I live to be 89 years old, this general will not do anything."

After hearing Hidden Dragon's words, everyone sincerely admired him.

You are a really smart bunch.

At this moment, Feng Baobao continued to recite the notes in his hand.

[Since I can’t find where the general is, I might as well look for the location of the ancient’s cultivation method, Breath of Ether. 】

[I don’t know if the breath of ether is not there or if it has too much influence. I inquired through the interior scene and only got a vague location, which is the Atlantic Ocean. 】

[Now the power of Goddess Dokuohuo can be maintained for more than two hours, which is more than enough to use the ladder to reach the Atlantic Ocean. 】

[Then I set up the ladder to the sky and rushed towards the Atlantic Ocean. 】

[About half an hour later, I arrived at the center of the Atlantic Ocean. The next step was to go to the bottom of the sea. Unfortunately, I didn't learn water escape. Now I can only explore it with underwater breathing magic. 】


Hidden Dragon was a little surprised.

"Can this note owner also know magic?"

Everyone else was the same, looking shocked.

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"The owner of this note went to Flamel College and Victor College to study, so it's not unusual for him to be able to do magic or something."

Hidden Dragon was a little surprised when he heard about Flamel Academy.

"Is this the place?"

"As far as I know, Dean Taber of Flamel College is dead now, and many tutors died with him. Only some tutors who were on vacation survived."

The old Heavenly Master, who had been silent all this time, was a little shocked.


"Is Tabor actually dead? When was it?"

When Zanglong saw that it was the old Heavenly Master who was asking, he didn't dare to neglect it.

"Old Master, it seems like a week ago when Dean Tabor died. It is said that a monster was released from Flamel College. This monster killed everyone in the college at that time, including Dean Tabor."

"Dean Tabor set up a magic barrier before he died, so the monster inside can't escape."

"But I heard that Eagle Country has sealed off that place, so there shouldn't be anything wrong for the time being."

At this time, the old Heavenly Master thought of the guy his father trained.

I don't know if it has anything to do with him.

Zhang Chulan and Xu San, who knew the contents of all the notes, also thought of it and looked at each other without saying a word.

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to read the rest of the notes.

[Just when I was about to enter the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to explore, a vague mirage appeared in front of me in the distance. 】

[This mirage is an isolated island with no grass growing on it and only a stone tablet standing on it. 】

[Duo Kuo Huo told me that it was not a mirage, but an island sealed by some natural barrier. ]

[It is a short-lived opportunity now. As long as I go there, she can open the barrier for me. ]

[I know that opportunities are rare, so I came to this isolated island without hesitation. Here I can feel a very indescribable feeling, and the flow of true qi in my body is also three times faster. ]

[When I came to the stone tablet, I found that the stone tablet recorded a story. No, it should not be a story, but an event that happened. ]

[This is an event recorded in the Three Emperors period. ]

Hearing that it was so far back in the Three Emperors period, everyone also pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

This kind of opportunity does not come many times in a lifetime.

[When Yinglong helped Huangdi defeat Yandi and Chiyou, because he killed Kuafu, the Emperor of Heaven did not allow him to return to heaven, and then lived in the south, causing a lot of rain in the south. 】

【This Yinglong had a son named Huangbo, who was born to like rain, and he also liked the rainbow in the sky after the rain. 】

【At that time, there was a Taoist named Shufang, who was taught by the Emperor of Heaven and was very good at the method of making a rainbow. So Huangbo turned into a beautiful woman to approach Shufang, hoping that Shufang could teach him some methods of making a rainbow. However, during the sexual intercourse, his true form was revealed, but Shufang had already seen it, but because he liked men's love, he did not expose it. 】

【So he privately taught Huangbo the method of making a rainbow taught by the Emperor of Heaven, and Huangbo used the method of making a rainbow taught by Shufang at the ends of the earth. 】

【In an instant, the tide rose thousands of feet, and countless mists were born. In this mist, a long rainbow of nine colors was born in an instant. This long rainbow has nine colors and changes in all directions, which can reach thousands of ghosts and gods. 】

【Therefore, countless ghosts and gods stopped to watch. 】

【But the Emperor of Heaven knew about this immediately. It was a serious crime to secretly learn the Taoism he taught, so he ordered people to cut off the head of the emperor's uncle and throw it into the East China Sea, and Shufang was imprisoned on an isolated island overseas forever. 】

【And the island under my feet was the isolated island that imprisoned Shufang. 】

【Shufang was also freed because of my arrival. 】

【After seeing me, he just recited a poem. 】

【It is through the sky and the earth that nurtures all spirits, and every sentence is clear. I only teach you two or three mysterious words, so don't listen to it if you love life. If you follow my orders, I will also open my heart and offer my sincere feelings. Don't be afraid of the mere laws of heaven, and don't walk in vain in the vast world. 】

【After saying this poem, he pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, then bowed to me and floated away. 】

【After Shufang left, I realized that I had returned to the original center of the Atlantic Ocean. 】

【And a spell appeared in my mind, called "Ghost God Xia". 】

【Goddess Duokuohuo told me that she had taken me away from the deserted island a long time ago. I don't know why, but she stayed there for an hour. Now she can't stay on me anymore, otherwise my body will collapse. 】

【From now on, I can only rely on myself for the best. 】

Sorry brothers, I forgot to schedule the chapter and almost missed it

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