Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 176: Cixi's Tomb in Gantian Town, the Cicada Pearl Left Behind by the Corpse Reincarnat

Zhang Chulan listened to the words in his ears, and his heart was filled with doubts.

"Can it be the same as ordinary people?"

"And that monster, I don't know what it is, it can actually turn a person into an immortal and powerful zombie."

"As for the fact that it can only suck blood, it's not a good thing at all."

"If some people now know about it, I'm afraid they will dream of letting this monster bite him!"

"I just don't know where this monster is now."

Zhang Chulan's words reminded Ding Shian of some things he had heard before.

"Maybe this monster is also a zombie."

Hearing that Ding Shian, one of the two heroes, began to speak, everyone couldn't help but look at him, wanting to hear what he could say.

Ding Shian spoke at this time.

"In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, there were rumors that people would turn into zombies after being bitten by zombies."

"But I have also seen the zombies made by the Liu family. Although these zombies are very scary to ordinary people, they also have corpse poison."

"But the corpse poison of these zombies is almost the same as those ordinary toxins. People will only die after being poisoned, and cannot turn into zombies."

"As for the Liu family turning corpses into zombies afterwards, that is another matter."

"But folk legends are often not groundless, there must be a story prototype."

"So I wonder if these zombies will turn into this after being bitten by this monster."

After hearing Ding Shian's statement, Xia Liuqing continued:

"Indeed, but this kind of zombie is rare, maybe it is extinct now, or it has hidden itself."

"After all, this kind of immortal existence will definitely attract the attention of people around."

"Perhaps, every once in a while, they will change their identities."

"But now the level of technology is so advanced, I am afraid that only those primitive tribes and uninhabited islands can accommodate them."

Zhang Chulan was stunned after hearing it.

Then he looked at Feng Baobao who was reading the notes.

Could it be that.

Is Sister Baoer this kind of zombie?

No, that's not right.

If Sister Baoer is a zombie, I haven't seen her bite anyone in these years.

So, Sister Baoer must not be a zombie!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan happened to meet Xu San's eyes, and there was a hint of worry in Xu San's eyes.

But this worry was fleeting.

Xu San disguised it very well.

But he knew in his heart that it was very difficult to hide Baobao.

The special nature of Baobao's immortality must not be known to more people.

At this time.

Feng Baobao had continued to read.

[After talking to Xuan Kui, I brought Xuan Kui to Gantian Town, and Mao Xiaofang also came with his apprentice. ]

[Mao Xiaofang told me that Nan Mao Bei Ma, their Mao family belongs to the lineage of Ye Mao Mountain. The Taoist magic passed down from generation to generation has a strong restraint on ghosts and zombies. If you see a zombie, you must get rid of it. Otherwise, there will be endless harm. ]

[He has been looking for the zombie Xuankui that I am protecting for ten years, and today I will get rid of Xuankui. ]

[However, Mao Xiaofang can't beat me at all, and I don't want to kill him, so I just drive him away. However, Mao Xiaofang has a very upright and stubborn character. After being driven away by me, he did not choose to leave, but opened a Fuxi Hall to exorcise demons around Xiangjiang. ]

[And Xuankui told me that there is a tomb of Cixi near Gantian Town. Legend has it that Cixi did not bury herself in the royal mausoleum, but buried herself here, and there is like an underground palace underneath. ]

[He came here to hide in this underground palace, but because of me, he didn't have to hide there. ]

[I guess this should be the method of the Qing court to have three burrows. On the one hand, they built an underground Qing palace in Suolongling outside Shanhaiguan, and on the other hand, they built an underground mausoleum at the end of Longmian in Xiangjiang. ]

[I don't know if the Qing court still wants to restore the monarchy. 】

【I immediately took out the jade stone that contained Xitala Qingyue's soul and asked about it. Xitala Qingyue told me that she had indeed heard of this place, but she did not participate in the specific construction. Everything was handled by Empress Dowager Cixi herself. 】

【It is said that Cixi once got a cicada-containing pearl, which said that if she held the cicada-containing pearl in her mouth after death, she could become an immortal. Cixi wanted to become an immortal after death, so she built this underground mausoleum with dragon veins. 】

When they heard that Cixi was not buried in the royal cemetery, but near Gantian Town in Xiangjiang, everyone had an incredible expression.

Zhang Chulan said at this time:

"It is said that Cixi was buried in the Eastern Tomb after her death, and countless rare treasures were buried with her. Later, the warlord Sun Dianying stole them directly for her, and even her body was dragged out and burned clean."

"Could it be that Cixi knew that her tomb would be stolen, so she built this mausoleum?"

Xu San nodded.

"It's hard to say. After all, so many people in the Qing court were transformed into Qing demons. Cixi must have been able to use this secret method to keep herself alive underground forever."

"Plus, there were so many sorcerers from the Shuzi Sect serving in the Qing court at the time, so it's not surprising to calculate that her tomb would be robbed in the future."

"Perhaps this Cixi tomb in Hong Kong is the real Cixi tomb."

Hearing this.

Xia Liuqing laughed.

"It is said that when Sun Dianying robbed the tomb of Cixi, Cixi's body was severely damaged by his soldiers."

"At that time, I thought Cixi was a bit miserable after her death. Now it seems that Cixi, the old witch, was smart and didn't really bury herself in that place."

Su Zaiqiao was a little curious.

"Whose body was the one that was stolen from Cixi's tomb?"

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"It's easy to find an old palace maid for this kind of thing."

"That's true."

While everyone was discussing, Feng Baobao was already holding her notes and continued reading.


[I didn't know what this cicada pearl was, so I had the idea of ​​going to this underground Qing Palace. ]

[So under the leadership of Xuan Kui, he took me to find that tomb. ]

[I have to say that the scale of the underground Qing Palace here is almost the same as that of the underground Qing Palace in Suolongling. After finding the entrance and entering it and bypassing all the Qing monsters, I saw the body of Empress Dowager Cixi. 】

【The cicada pearl in the mouth of Empress Dowager Cixi also gave me a very familiar feeling. In the end, it was the Wancai Qingsui Gu that told me that the smell of the cicada pearl in the mouth of Empress Dowager Cixi was almost exactly the same as the smell of the immortal corpse of Nanhua Laoxian. 】

【In other words, the cicada pearl in Cixi's mouth was left by a certain immortal! 】

Everyone was a little surprised to hear that it was left by a certain immortal.

Ding Shian frowned at this moment.

"If this cicada pearl was left by a certain immortal, doesn't it mean that Cixi really has a chance to become an immortal after her corpse is reincarnated."

"But Cixi didn't practice Taoism during her lifetime, so how can she successfully reincarnate into an immortal like those high-level Taoists who have practiced for decades?"

Hearing Ding Shian's question, the old Taoist priest spoke at this moment.

"Speaking of which, this is not impossible."

"It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, there were records of passing on skills, which means that a person can pass on his lifelong cultivation to others, making others as powerful as before he passed on his skills."

"Perhaps, this Empress Dowager Cixi received skills from a master."

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Then why did this method disappear? Can't those wealthy families pass on their skills from generation to generation?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, the old Taoist sighed slightly.

"That's what he said, but all these lost methods have a common feature, that is, they are harmful to the harmony of nature."

"Whether it is the art of longevity or this kind of transmission of skills, or the unique skills lost by those sects during the Anti-Japanese War, they will cause some harm to this world."

"By the way, there are also the Eight Wonders."

When Zhang Chulan heard his master mentioned the Eight Wonders, he was a little surprised.

"Master, why are you talking about the Eight Wonders?"

The old Taoist sighed at this time.

"I couldn't figure it out before, but now I figured it out. That is, why did the news of the Eight Wonders leak out so quickly after they were comprehended, and then they were hunted down by the strange people all over the world, and it didn't even take more than half a year."

"From now on, this is an inevitable thing. The Eight Wonders will inevitably be leaked, and will inevitably be robbed. The final outcome will inevitably be lost like those unique skills in the past."

"This is fate, or it can be said to be a certain law between heaven and earth."

Hearing the old Taoist priest say this, everyone was extremely surprised.

"Is there such a saying?"

Xia Liuqing sneered at this moment.

"I am the only one left in my lineage now. If I hadn't met two disciples with better qualifications, perhaps the art of summoning gods and performing gods would have disappeared from me."

"But what the old master said makes some sense, but I think these secret techniques also have the desire to survive."

"Otherwise, why did two disciples who are very suitable for practice suddenly come to me before I die of old age?"

"So before the eight strange skills were erased by that law, they must have met many powerful and talented successors."

"There are even so many people who come to snatch the cultivation methods of the eight strange skills."

"These successors and those who snatch the eight strange skills are the capital of the eight strange skills to fight against the heaven!"

Xia Liuqing's words made everyone come out of their surprise just now.


Although the eight strange skills were leaked at the time, causing their comprehenders to be hunted down, they were finally passed down to today through various means.

Isn't this an alternative way to fight against fate?

The old master sighed softly.


"But in the face of time, these resistance forces will be infinitely weakened."

"The thoughts that all the strange people in my father's notes should not exist must have also penetrated the laws between heaven and earth."

After hearing what the old Taoist said, everyone was also stunned.

But they have not reached that level, and what they can see is also very limited.

Now what they think is no different from ordinary people.

Seeing that everyone was silent.

Seeing this, Feng Baobao continued to read the notes.

【I took the cicada pearl out of Cixi's mouth, and Cixi was also awakened directly, but when she saw the colorful green marrow Gu surrounding me, she immediately became respectful. 】

【It seems that Cixi's vision is not low. She knows that as long as I give an order, the colorful green marrow Gu will directly break her skull and suck her brain marrow. 】

【I asked Cixi why she built this mausoleum. Cixi told me that the head of the Shuzi Sect at that time calculated that her tomb would be stolen in the future, so she built another mausoleum. 】

【The cicada pearl was presented by a small country called the Black Tooth Kingdom during the Qianlong period. It was said that it could whiten and nourish the skin. 】

【After Cixi came to power, she asked people to see the cicada pearl. She learned that it was something left behind by a certain immortal in the mortal world, so she wanted to put it in her mouth after her death in an attempt to become an immortal. 】

【I told Cixi everything that happened in Suolongling. After learning that Fuduo had gotten rid of the control of the regent, Cixi was very excited because it meant that the Aixinjueluo lineage had not been cut off. 】

【And I asked Xuankui to stay in Cixi's tomb to control the Qing monsters here, and warned Cixi that any orders issued by Xuankui in the future would be my orders, and not to think about doing anything weird. ]

[Xuan Kui was very grateful to me because he had been an official in the Qing court during the Qing Dynasty. His highest position was only a prefect. Now he was able to control Cixi, and his status had been raised to a higher level. ]

[After leaving Cixi's mausoleum, I took the cicada pearl and some of Xuan Kui's blood. I wanted to study whether there were any longevity substances in the cicada pearl and Xuan Kui's blood. ]

[The former owner of the cicada pearl seemed to have died. Now there was only an empty shell left. Only by occasionally absorbing the free energy between heaven and earth could it show its original magical power. ]

[After I poured the true qi into it, I found that the cicada pearl had the dual ability to peek into people's hearts and predict the future. When I poured the true qi into it, I could reflect the most secret thoughts and emotional expressions of anyone around me, whether they were kind or malicious. ]

[Under the influence of the hanging horn dragon, I could only peek into the strong desires of the devout believers of God, but I couldn't be as detailed as the cicada pearl. ]

[I have to say, I really found a treasure this time. ]

[In the days ahead, I will continue to study the Cicada Orb and discover another function of it. ]

[That is, at a certain time, the Cicada Orb will show a vague warning of major events that are about to happen in the future. ]

[But this predictive ability seems to be due to the death of the owner of the Cicada Orb, so it is not completely clear and accurate. It can only provide me with some clues and hints in some key places, so as to achieve the effect of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil! ]

[Under the effect of the Cicada Orb, I saw a blood-red future, as if the whole world was shrouded in a scarlet evil spirit. In the dark, I sensed a word, the Blood Demon Cult. ]

[I don’t know what kind of shocking actions this Blood Demon Cult will make in the future! ]

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