Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 157 The ancients’ cultivation method, Breath of Ether.

When everyone heard that the ancients might also have a method of cultivation, they were a little confused.

But the next second, they felt that this speculation was very reasonable.

After all, they were the overlords who had ruled the earth for who knows how many years. If they said that they had no method of cultivating themselves, it would be too ridiculous.

Zhang Chulan said at this time:

"I feel that if this ancient has a method of cultivation, it is definitely better than cultivating immortals."

"After successfully cultivating, you can freely navigate in the universe, without breathing, without eating, and not afraid of cold and various radiation particles in the universe."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this sounds like a fairy."

Wang Zhenqiu was also very interested after hearing Zhang Chulan's speculation.

"Indeed, our human history, including those ancient times, is only more than 8,000 years, and the method of cultivating true qi has appeared for less than 5,000 years. In terms of cultivation, it must be the cultivation method of those ancients that is more powerful."

White on the side was also a little surprised after hearing this.

"I didn't expect that the method of cultivating true qi has appeared for more than 5,000 years, while our history of alchemy is only 1,500 years."

"It was only after the modern owner of the notebook improved it that the death rate of alchemy was reduced."

"Compared to this, cultivating true qi still has a future."

When Wang Zhenqiu and Zhuge Qing heard that the owner of the notebook improved alchemy, they didn't know.

"Why, is this owner of the notebook still related to alchemy?"

White nodded after hearing it.


Then he told what the owner of the notebook did in the Western Alien World.

When they learned that only 6% of the Western Aliens were killed at that time, everyone was also very shocked.

"Is there such a situation?"

"No wonder there are not many masters in the Western Alien World for so many years. It turns out that they were killed once."

Wang Zhenqiu's eyes were full of curiosity.

"The Jiazi Rebellion in the Western Alien World?"

"It sounds really interesting."

"I just don't know how alchemy was passed down, after all, so many masters were killed."

Hearing Wang Zhenqiu's curious words, White said:

"We in the West are different from you in the East."

"No matter what kind of magic practice method is discovered, it will be made public to everyone, and then written and published."

"Even if it is black magic, it is only temporarily sealed up, and there is no intention to destroy it."

"So if later people have talent, and the alchemy method is much easier to get started than practicing Qi, they can practice through books."

"But as far as I know, although Longguo has many practice methods, they are all passed down to their own people."

"If there is a situation of outside transmission, they will go to hunt and kill to prevent the leakage of their own practice methods."

Hearing White's words, everyone was embarrassed.

It seems to be the case.

Xia Liuqing laughed at this time.

"Yes, I have long been fed up with this phenomenon."

"If all the aliens here had the same idea as you, I don't think so many schools would have disappeared after the Anti-Japanese War."

"Even if there are some schools that have been preserved by chance, the core skills of the schools have been lost."

"So if I meet someone with talent, I will take the initiative to teach him, and I will never hide it."

"I am afraid that my skills will be lost."

After saying that, Xia Liuqing looked at Wang Zhenqiu.

"Zhenqiu, remember, there is another junior brother of yours in the capital."

Hearing Xia Liuqing say this, Wang Zhenqiu was stunned.

I have another junior brother?

"Old man Xia, let's not talk about this first. I still don't recognize you as my master."

Xia Liuqing opened his mouth with few old teeth left, then lowered his head, looking a little decadent.

Zhuge Qing looked at the Puling star next to him.

"I wonder if you, an alien, have any cultivation methods similar to ours."

"If so, how do you cultivate it?"

After hearing what Zhuge Qing said, everyone became interested in the cultivation methods of the Pu Ling people.


Although these alien races are technologically advanced, they must be like humans. While studying technology, they must also be studying how to develop individual potential.

You know, the gap between people is bigger than that between dogs.

Even aliens.

The gap between individuals must be huge.

At this time, the Pu Ling people hugged their arms and smiled proudly.

"We Pu Ling people don't cultivate the body, we only cultivate spiritual power. The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the individual that can be parasitized."

"Speaking of which, I am a genius in our tribe."

"Spiritual power cultivation method, I am the first one of our age to cultivate to the second level!"

Seeing the Pu Ling people bragging here, Wang Zhenqiu couldn't help but step forward and kick him.

"I remember that last time I asked you to possess that sick boy, it was so hard, and you said you were a genius in your tribe."

Puling Starman was aggrieved when he heard it.

"Brother, that was a sick boy."

"To me, this sick boy is like a person with poisonous sores all over his body, and even his mental power is full of disease. When he possessed me, I felt like I had peeled off a layer of skin."

Hearing this, Wang Zhenqiu rubbed his eyebrows.

"I don't believe it. If you are lazy, you are lazy. If you work but don't work hard, it seems that I should use less massage in the future."

Puling Starman became anxious.


"Can't I change it?"

At this time, Zhang Chulan, who had seen the power of Wang Zhenqiu's massage, immediately understood it.

No wonder this Puling star followed Wang Zhenqiu to travel all over the country.

It seems that he is addicted to massage!

But we can't just talk about it here now. It's more important to let Sister Baoer read the notes first.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao on the side.

"Sister Baoer, continue reading."



Feng Baobao continued to read with the notes.


[Before entering this megalithic city, I asked these ancients through the necromancer whether their ancestors had any way to cultivate themselves. ]

[After I asked, three of the ancients didn't know, but the fourth ancient knew about it. ]

[This ancient told us that the reason he knew it was because his ancestor was a library manager. When he was reading books, he found that in their past history, some ancients could absorb some energy to make themselves very powerful. 】

【This method was called the Breath of Ether by his ancestors. That is to say, if one cultivates this breathing method called the Breath of Ether, oxygen will no longer be needed from now on. Ether energy can be directly absorbed from the universe. At the same time, the ether energy will also give them various mysterious and powerful abilities. 】

【It is precisely relying on this breath of ether that they were able to come to Earth from such a distant place. 】

【However, as time went by, the Breath of Ether gradually changed from the whole tribe practicing it at the beginning to some of the ancients practicing it, and then to a small number of people, and then to a secret inheritance. 】

【In the long history of time, no matter how powerful a race is, it will eventually decline. I think this is why Yis is called a great race. 】

【But what I care most about is whether there is still a method of practicing the Breath of Ether of the Ancients. To my disappointment, this method of practice has been buried forever in the ocean with the library of the Ancients. 】

【If you want to get this method of practice, you must find the city where the Ancients once lived in the ocean. Only in this way can you have a small chance of finding some stone carvings. ]

[Perhaps only by gaining the ability to survive in the ocean can we go to the ocean to find the ocean city of the ancients.]

When they heard that this method of absorbing ether energy had disappeared, everyone looked regretful.

Zhuge Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.

“What a pity.”

“If this method could be passed down and then improved into a method suitable for human practice, I wonder how powerful it would be.”

“I’m afraid that by then, the existing Qi training and alchemy and various foreign cultivation systems will be overturned.”

Everyone was also deeply moved when they heard Zhuge Qing say this.


If this method of cultivation that can absorb ether energy is passed down.

There would be no Qi training and alchemy now.

Those who are talented, I’m afraid all go to practice this kind of ether breath.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

[I have kept this matter in my heart. If I have the ability in the future, I must go to the sea to look for it. Even if I can’t find it, I won’t regret it.]

[After arriving at this giant stone city, we were soon discovered by the shoggoths living here. ]

[Before knowing the exact number of these Shoggoths, facing these powerful monsters directly is not a good choice. ]

[Finally, under the leadership of the four ancients, we came to a five-pointed high-rise building in the west. According to them, this is where they hold a celebration called the Sand Song Festival. The purpose of the celebration has long been unknown, but this traditional project has been preserved. ]

[Because this building was built for the celebration, this five-pointed building is very huge. ]

[However, the road to the top floor has long been destroyed, so I used the ladder to pull up these ancient necromancers and the scientific expedition team. ]

[Standing on the top floor, you can easily overlook all the scenes in the west of the city. ]

[At this time, all the Shoggoths in the west city also gathered here. This is also the first time I have really seen the specific appearance of these Shoggoths. ]

[It is a creature between flesh and blood tissue and oil. It walks like a pool of water, but the traces of its passage can show the amazing power of this creature. 】

【According to the ancients, these Shoggoths are all lower races among the Shoggoths, with low intelligence, and the group of Shoggoths with high wisdom have already left the earth. 】

【I asked where these Shoggoths went, and these ancients also said they didn't know, because the last group of high-level Shoggoths who left were two million years ago. 】

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

Two million years?

That was still the primitive period.

I don't know why these Shoggoths didn't choose to seize human territory, but chose to leave the earth.

However, no matter how much speculation, it is impossible to know what happened at that time.


【After I told the necromancer to keep an eye on these people, I came above these Shoggoths and used the large net condensed by the true qi to hang up a Shoggoth. 】

【I also witnessed the extraordinary transformation ability of this Shoggoth with my own eyes. 】

[Even the big net I woven with my true Qi was turned into a thin line by this Shoggoth and drilled out. ]

[This ability is indeed beyond imagination. This is the first time I have failed since I obtained the Ladder to Heaven. ]

When everyone heard that the ability of this Shoggoth was so BT, they were immediately shocked and uneasy.

Wang Zhenqiu looked at the Pu Ling star next to him.

"With your transformation ability, can you turn yourself into a very thin line?"

Pu Ling star shook his head hurriedly.

"At most, I can turn into a form as thick as a shoelace, so that it is convenient to drill into the ear hole. If it is thinner, it will not work. My internal organs will be crushed."

Hearing this.

Zhang Chulan said half-jokingly.

"It's good that the shoelace is so thin, okay."

"If you learn computers, you can easily invade other people's computer hosts."

Pu Ling star shook his head hurriedly after hearing this.

"You think I'm Er Zhuang? My body can't be used as a network cable."

At this time, Xia Liuqing on the side said:

"If I were young, I could ask Yang Jian to possess me."

"And Yang Jian has a method of escape called Golden Light Escape. Although it can't escape hundreds of miles like the Golden Light Escape Talisman of the old man Jin Guang Shangren, it can also transform into golden light and become omnipresent."

"If someone wants to trap me, I'm not afraid at all. A golden light will come out."

"I think this Shugus should be like me, directly transforming his body into a kind of energy."

Hearing Xia Liuqing say this, everyone also thought so.

According to the technology of the ancients described in the notes, it is too easy to transform your body into energy.

But Zhang Chulan noticed the name Yang Jian.

I didn't expect that this old man Xia was so fierce. When he was young, he could actually ask Erlang Shen Yang Jian to possess him.

I don't know how strong he can be.

While Zhang Chulan was thinking.

Feng Baobao also began to continue reading.

【After this shoggoth escaped, I started to select from these shoggoths. 】

【Since I was going to capture one as a pet, I couldn't choose a bad one, and I had to get one of good quality. 】

【I selected for a long time, and finally picked a medium-sized shoggoth with the best vitality. 】

【Then I manipulated the golden light spell to turn into a thread and began to affect the neural network of this shoggoth. 】

【I have to say that playing this kind of micro-manipulation is indeed not my strong point. It took me half a day to successfully make this shoggoth submit to me. 】

【Take this shoggoth back to the roof, and I began to issue various instructions, and the shoggoth began to change its form. 】

【Finally, I let this shoggoth turn into a human maid and follow me, which can be regarded as satisfying my bad taste. 】

【As for the remaining shoggoths, I asked these ancients whether to destroy them all, and these ancients said no, they have a way to avoid the induction of these shoggoths, and in the remaining time, they want to reproduce without the help of these shoggoths. 】

【The reproduction method of these ancients is also very simple. They have no gender and all reproduce through spores. 】

【After spreading their genes through spores, these spores will parasitize the bodies of shoggoths, follow the shoggoths to absorb their nutrients, and leave on their own when they mature. 】

【This reproduction method has many advantages, so if the four ancients are lucky enough, they can reproduce an entire tribe in a few decades! 】

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