Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 122: Notes Treasure Place, Quan Xing and Yaoxing Society's Clash

Hearing Xia Liuqing say this, everyone in Quanxing was stunned.

Gong Qing hurried over.

"Grandpa Xia, calm down, calm down."

"Tell me, where could there be a notebook?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xia Liuqing smiled triumphantly.

"Where is the energy that made fun of me just now?"

"Yuan Tao?"

Hearing Xia Liuqing calling him, Yuan Tao had no words and retreated towards the crowd.

Jin Feng on the side stepped forward and asked Xia Liuqing.

"Xia Liuqing, you are so capable here, you never told me about this!"

Seeing Jin Feng angry, Xia Liuqing hurriedly smiled.

"Jin Feng, Jin Feng, I didn't mean to hide this from you."

"After all, I just felt that there should be something in that place, but I'm still not sure whether it is actually there or not."

Gong Qing spoke at this moment.

"Grandpa Xia, just tell us. Now that everyone is here, we can help you get out of any dangerous place."

Xia Liuqing nodded.

"Okay, I'll tell you then."

"In fact, regarding the special nature of the owner of the notebook that Jin Feng mentioned, I can say that I know of a place where this kind of notebook is likely to be hidden."

"Of course, it may not be true, but it is also an idea."

"If the notebook is really found in that place, everyone can use this idea to search all over the country or even the world in the future."

Seeing Xia Liuqing say this, everyone was very curious.

At this time, Yuan Tao couldn't help himself.

"Grandpa Xia, just tell us, don't keep us in suspense."

Xia Liuqing laughed.

"When I went to Linzi once, I heard a legend that a noble from the State of Lu built a large tomb there during the Warring States Period."

"At the beginning of the century, several groups of people of unknown identity entered the mountains and never came out again."

"For such a poor and remote place, that group of people must have some purpose."

"Although I don't know what the purpose is, I can be sure that there will be treasures there."

"Do you think the owner of this notebook will hide his own notebook in there?"

After hearing Xia Liuqing's analysis, everyone nodded repeatedly.

"What Grandpa Xia said makes sense."

"Even if we don't find the notebook, we can definitely dig out some treasures."

"Tsk tsk, the tomb of the State of Lu during the Warring States Period, it's exciting to think about it."

"Xue Fan, I heard that you can rob tombs, so you can take the lead when the time comes."

When someone called him, Xue Fan immediately drooped his face.

"I only learned this skill from my second uncle when I was a child. It's been so many years, I've forgotten it a long time ago."

"If you forget it, call your second uncle."

Xue Fan waved his hand quickly.


"My second uncle was sentenced to ten years for tomb robbing and was just released last year. I'm afraid he has already retired and won't do this kind of thing again."

Gong Qing was interested at this moment.

"Xue Fan, has your second uncle found a job after he came out of prison?"

"Or in other words, does their family have any fixed income?"

Hearing this, Xue Fan shook his head.

"No, what's wrong?"

"My second aunt relies on the five acres of land at home, and my brother is in high school."

Hearing this, Gong Qing laughed.

"Then do you think that your second uncle can retire?"

Everyone also thought of this and laughed strangely.

"Yeah, if you still want to quit in this situation, won't there be no one to support you at home?"

"Xue Fan, you are too honest. Your second uncle will definitely tell others that he has quit, but I don't know what he is doing in private!"

"Let's go find your second uncle and let him see if the legend of that place is true!"

Xue Fan's eyes were uncertain after hearing this.

"Then I will try it, but you can't follow me."

The crowd immediately laughed.

"Oh, are you worried about what we will do to your second uncle's house?"

Xue Fan looked at the person who had just spoken fiercely.

"I will go to this matter by myself, you go to Linzi and wait for me first, and call me when the time comes."

Gong Qing nodded at this moment.

"Okay, in this case, then we will go to Linzi and wait for you."

"Call me when the time comes."



Linzi, an unfinished residential area.

All the people in Quanxing gathered here at this moment. They have been waiting for Xue Fan for seven days.

But Xue Fan has not come back during this period.

Some people in the crowd have been waiting impatiently.

"Fuck, Xue Fan won't stand us up, will he?"

"That's right, didn't Xue Fan deal with his second uncle?"

"Don't worry, didn't the headmaster say to give him a little more time?"

"Time, time, how much time has this kid wasted on us?"


Listening to the commotion of the crowd, Xia Liuqing shouted directly.

"What are you doing? What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing more than waiting for a while. Look at you guys, you have no patience at all."

After hearing this.

Everyone couldn't help but stop talking.

Gong Qing was looking at the time at this moment.

"It doesn't matter, give him another day. If he still hasn't succeeded, then we'll look for other tomb-robbing families."

Seeing Gong Qing say this, everyone was relieved.


Anyway, Xue Ban and the others are not the only family of tomb robbers.

at this time.

A bell rang.

It was Gong Qing's cell phone that rang.

Looking at the call message, Gong Qing's lips curled up.

"Xue Fan called."

Afterwards, Gong Qing connected the phone and turned on the speakerphone.

"Xue Ban, how is your second uncle doing?"

Xue Ban's voice came from the phone at this moment.

"Master, my second uncle and I are here. My second uncle just went to have a fight some time ago, so we were delayed for a few days. Is everything okay?"

After hearing this, Gong Qing immediately smiled as expected.

"It's okay. You take your second uncle to Lishui Renjia Community in the suburbs. I have prepared two buses here in advance. Just go directly there later."


Not long after, Xue Fan and his second uncle took a taxi to this unfinished community.

More than 40 senior executives from Quanxing also walked out of the community.

Xue Fan's second uncle is a middle-aged man with a crew cut. It seems that because he has been fighting upside down for many years, he always feels that there is some yin energy in him.

At the same time, he held a summoning flag in his hand that was larger and longer than Xue Ban.

You can even faintly hear the wails of the undead inside from the soul-calling flag.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Those who are all-sex are also shocked.

Why does Xue Fan's second uncle seem to be more powerful than Xue Fan?

Xue Fan now brought his second uncle to Gong Qing.

"Master, this is my second uncle."

Gong Qing nodded upon seeing this.

"Okay, in that case, let's go!"


The group of people took two buses and set off towards the place Xia Liuqing said.

at the same time.

Outside a village in Linzi.

This is a quite beautiful scenic spot surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Qu Tong was standing by a river with Ma Xianhong and the new twelve root implements prepared for Ma Xianhong.

Hu Xiaojie and Wang Xiaopang were looking around at the surrounding terrain.

Qu Tong came over at this moment.

"What do you two say? Do you see the specific route?"

Hu Xiaojie shook his head.

Then he pointed out various hollows on the mountains in the distance for Qu Tong.

"President Qu, see if those holes are there, they are all ancient thieves' holes."

"Grave robbers came out before."

"Now it seems that the entire mountain where you brought us was once an ancient tomb."

After speaking, Hu Xiaojie pointed to the lake at the foot of the mountain.

"In the past, I'm afraid there was no water here at all, but a valley."

"The terrain has changed over the past many years, and it has become such a landscape with mountains and water."

"I'm certain that the bottom of this lake must have been a mass grave used to kill people."

"If we dig deeper, we will definitely dig out many ancient people."

Qu Tong's eyes calmed after hearing this.

"Then are the ancient tombs here still worth visiting?"

Hu Xiaojie nodded immediately.

"Of course."

"But if you want to find out the specific route, you have to go into the water to search."

Qu Tong nodded after hearing this.

Then he looked at Ma Xianhong.

"Xianhong, it's up to you."

Ma Xianhong nodded.

Then he took out two bite pouches from his cuffs.

The next second.

Release the cyst.

Two large speedboats suddenly appeared on the water.

Each speedboat can seat about ten people, which is more than enough for them.

Wang Xiaopang was extremely envious of Ma Xianhong's skills.

"Brother Ma, can you give me a bite bag? I really want this thing."

Before Ma Xianhong could speak, Qu Tong spoke after hearing it.

"After the operation of the ancient tomb is over, I will give one to you and Hu Xiaojie."

Wang Xiaopang beamed.

"Thank you, President Qu!"


Everyone got on the speedboat, made a few splashes of water, and then headed towards the depths of the mountain.

Not long after Qu Tong and the others left.

Two buses stopped on the side of the road.

The whole group headed by Gong Qing got off the bus at this moment.

Looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, everyone looked expectantly.

I wonder if there will be any fun to be had next.

Gong Qing looked at Xue Ban's second uncle.

"Second Uncle Xue, what should we do next?"

Uncle Xue walked slowly towards the water.

"There is a breath of life here, and someone has been here before."

After hearing this sentence, everyone in Quanxing suddenly became fierce and vicious.

"Who dares to come and intercept us!"

Gong Qing raised his hand to signal everyone to stop talking.

Then he looked at Uncle Xue.

"Secret Uncle Xue, you need to find a way in first. It doesn't matter who comes. Just kill them all!"

At this moment, everyone behind Gong Qing also spoke in agreement.


"Kill them all!"

"I really don't want to live if you dare to offend us all!"

Looking at the group of murderers in front of him, Uncle Xue said nothing and turned to look at the mountains and rivers.

I saw him inserting the soul-calling flag in his hand by the water.

I knelt down facing the soul-calling flag and started crying.

"My beloved, you just left like this, what should I do if you leave me alone!"

"I can't even find the way to the ancient tomb! You have to make the decision for me and help me find it!"

"woo woo woo woo……"

With the cry of Uncle Xue.

The spirit on the soul-calling banner also turned into black air, forming a guide sign leading to the mountains.

Seeing this scene.

Uncle Xue no longer hesitated.

"Let's go into the water! Follow the black air!"

After saying that, he picked up the soul-calling banner and jumped into the water, swimming along the black air.

The other people in Quanxing followed suit at this moment, and jumped into the water like dumplings.

However, there was a girl with short red hair who did not swim in the water like the others.

Instead, she summoned a group of crows from somewhere, and the whole person directly relied on one of the crows and flew forward with everyone.

Looking at this scene.

Xia Liuqing and Jin Feng standing on the shore were a little envious.

"Mo Shu is still amazing, and his substitute technique is getting more and more perfect!"

"But let's not participate, this old bone can't stand the toss."

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