Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 60: That's three hundred million Eris!

After the Headless Horseman was defeated by Zhou Fangwu, he did not make unnecessary resistance.

Instead, it was just purified by Akuya.

Maybe it thinks that after being hit head-on, it has no right to live anymore, so it might as well be purified?

Just like that, the headless horseman, who said he would abide by chivalry but always threw his head under the skirts of others to peep, disappeared under the purification of Aqua's holy magic.

It doesn't matter to them what the Headless Horseman thinks.

The most important thing now is that Zhou Fangwu successfully stopped the Headless Horseman and rescued the villagers and adventurers in Xinshou Village almost by himself!

After this achievement is passed on to the capital, the capital will also be shocked.

"Nice job, Wu!"

After purifying the Headless Horseman, Akua ran over and hugged Zhou Fangwu bouncingly, with eagerness and excitement in his words.

"Being able to defeat the Headless Horseman, one of the leaders of the Demon King's Army, is indeed my favorite!"

Akuya was very happy at this moment.

Ever since she was dragged down from the heaven by Sato Kazuma, she felt that her life was extremely hard, and the day to return to the heaven was nowhere in sight.

I had already given up on it, and felt that living with Wu in the lower realm was quite good.

Unexpectedly, the development of the situation exceeded her expectations.

Although successfully defeating the Headless Horseman is a small step for her to return to the heaven, it can be said to be a big step for the team members and Zhou Fangwu's journey to defeat the Demon King!

Of course she is very happy!

"Akuya, come down first."

Zhou Fangwu pulled Akuya down and put her down.

It's not disgusting to be hugged by Akua, but now he has more important things to do.

— Spread the good news of victory to the ears of the villagers!

The adventurers not far away were looking at him nervously. Needless to say the meaning of it, Zhou Fangwu also told them the good news according to their wishes.


Needless to say, just raise your weapon and proclaim your victory loudly!

"Oh oh oh—!!"

The adventurers gave feedback with louder voices, and the deafening roar resounded through the sky.


"Kill beautiful!"

"That's the Headless Horseman! I didn't expect to win!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Wu that guy is worthy of being a hero!"

"Hero? That's right, it's [Hero]!"

It may be that the adventurer next to him called the people around him, causing the name of the [Hero] team to spread instantly, and countless people rushed to tell each other.

They shouted:

"Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero!..."

In the end, not only the adventurers, but even the villagers knew the name.

The members of Zhou Fangwu's team instantly became hot news figures.

"Congratulations, Wu."

Darkness, who has been cured, and Megumin, who has recovered a lot of physical strength, also came to congratulate her.

Sato Kazuma also said enviously: "That's great, I also want to show off. But I know I'm not that material, what a pity."

Sato Kazuma is really an awkward collection of people. He has no reservations and no bottom line when it comes to ghosts and beasts, but he can advance and retreat freely and self-knowledge in other things, so that people can't find faults.

It's a pity that his perverted performance is too obvious. Like other problem children in the team, this talent is covered up by the perverted aura.

"What did you say, aren't we a team!"

Zhou Fangwu raised Sato Kazuma's hand, "Even if it doesn't come in handy this time, just keep working hard next time, and this time just stand up boldly!"

"Senior Zhou Fang..."

Sato Kazuma couldn't be moved.

Then he yelled loudly.

"Yes, yes, as long as you work harder next time!"

Aqua also raised the hands of Megumin and Darkness in a dignified manner, shouting victory with a triumphant face.

"As long as we are serious, we can do anything. We are the ones who can do it! Even if we don't do well, we don't blame us. If we don't do well, we blame the world!"

Good guy, the scene is passed from person to person.

Even the teachings of Axisism have been moved out.

But this time Sato Kazuma rarely taunted her, but closed his mouth and remained silent.

It's definitely not the reason why Aqua purified the Headless Horseman at the end, but he didn't do anything.

Darkness and Megumi also yelled a few words, but because they were too shy, they stopped yelling after a while.

And then triumphant.

Surrounded by all the adventurers, the team members strode back to Novice Village with their chests outstretched, walked around the village again, and made a big splash.

Zhou Fangwu felt that this was too ostentatious, but instead of spreading it slowly until everyone knew about it, it would be better to show off and let everyone know them now.

In this way, with the addition of fame, the team members will also pay attention to their own image outside.

Back at the Adventurer's Guild, after the lively and sumptuous celebration banquet, everyone returned to the mansion in the suburbs.

When I woke up again, it was already the next day.

Zhou Fangwu got up and started the morning exercises that he had to do every morning.

Every day is so dull.

It makes people suspect that the crusade against the Headless Horseman yesterday was nothing more than their fantasy.

Until 3 days later, a message came from the Adventurer's Union, asking him to go there.

"Reward 300 million Eris—?!"

Aqua looked at the check in her hand and shouted in surprise.

Huihui became a little money fan again, mumbling: "I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich..."

Sato Kazuma also cheered. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Even Zhou Fangwu couldn't keep his composure. Although his face was sullen, his rapid breathing and pulsating chest all showed how restless he was at this moment.

That's 300 million!

Darkness was pretty normal, although she was also surprised, but she was much better than the other four.

The team's assets also ushered in expansion again, successfully triple-jumped, and completed 3 small goals! (Eris version)

Now that you have money, upgrade your equipment again.

But Zhou Fangwu and others went to see Wiz first.

【Magic item shop】

"Is that so, Mr. Beldia, it..."

"Sorry, I punished your colleagues."

"It's okay, it's okay. Although Mr. Beldia and I are colleagues, the relationship between us is not very good."

Wiz was a little sad after hearing the news that the Headless Horseman had been crusaded, obviously not as indifferent as she said.

However, when Wiz saw Zhou Fangwu's actions, he was a little puzzled, and asked aloud, "That... what are you doing?"

"As you can see, I am stopping a certain goddess who is open to money, preventing her from 'accidentally' killing off her friends because of her inner greed."

At this time, Zhou Fangwu firmly held down Akuya who was baring her teeth and claws, preventing her from moving.

"Wu, let me go! That's 300 million Eris, it's 300 million Eris!"

When Aqua knew that the bounty for the cadres of the Demon King's Army was 300 million Eris, she immediately changed drastically and insisted on purifying Wiz.

As expected of you, Aqua!

This open-minded attitude towards money is even worse than Sato Kazuma.

But in the end, Wiz begged for mercy, at least to show that he had no bounty in the kingdom, which dissuaded Akua from wanting to attack Wiz.

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