Ungodly Evil Spirit

Chapter 2843: Cooperate again

"This matter is complicated to say, and it is related to the three major forces in Qianlong Tianyu!"

Ye Fan gradually said.

"Tianzhou Palace, ancient gate, fairy gate, I understand!"

Xu Qisheng nodded slowly.

"You really know everything. In order to weaken the Tianzhou imperial palace and control the Xuanyuan family, the ancient sect set up a terrifying conspiracy to make the master Luoyin ancient sage suspended for death, and then mixed into the Xuanyuan family to cultivate Heir, wait for the opportunity!"

Ye Fan explained in detail.

"I have heard of Gu Sect's behavior a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. Then you were driven out by the Xuanyuan Family?"

Xu Qisheng glanced at Lingxin, then guessed.

"We escaped. Xin'er is the only unstable factor in the Gu Sect's entire plan. Unfortunately, even the Emperor cannot help us in this matter. We can only rely on ourselves. As long as we can kill the ancient sage Luoyin, let the heart If you become the Patriarch of the Xuanyuan Family, Gu Sect will not dare to be so presumptuous!"

Ye Fan said with expectation.

"It's really not easy for you two to escape from the chase of the ancient door and the master teacher. I thought that the three outstanding sages were amazing and gorgeous, but in the end they were killed by the ancient door, sigh!"

Xu Qisheng looked into the distance, as if he was thinking of something.

"We are also lucky, we were able to come out through a teleportation ancient formation!"

Ye Fan replied briefly.

"Teleport Ancient Formation? Where is it!"

Xu Qisheng suddenly became interested when he heard this, and his expression became serious.

"Dizhou Youlong Mountain Range! Does Brother Qisheng know that ancient formation?"

Ye Fan asked subconsciously.

"No wonder you can come here! That ancient formation was left by my Void Wanderer a long time ago...nothing, there is nothing to say about these past history!"

Xu Qisheng gradually understood, and waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk more about it.

"Then what are you going to do now? Hiding in the void together, why not join my Void Wandering Organization?"

Xu Qisheng asked, and suddenly invited.

"Leader of the void, I am a member of the Xuanyuan family, I must return to the Xuanyuan family, shame on this matter!"

Lingxin immediately refused to speak.

"Thank you Brother Qisheng for your kindness, I also have my own business to do. I have already met her this time, and next time, I can definitely tell her clearly!"

Ye Fan's eyes were full of yearning and persistence.

"Well, then I will let people send you out of the Buddha Space!"

Xu Qisheng did not reluctantly said, slowly.

"Wait, Brother Qisheng, I have something to ask you for help!"

Ye Fan immediately interrupted the imaginary victory to call people.

"You and I have already had a deal, so let's hear it!"

An interest appeared on Xu Qisheng's face.

"Brother Qisheng is very knowledgeable, he must have heard of Sun and Moon Old Sage!"

Ye Fan said immediately.

"This is natural. This person was once known as one of the three strongest ancient sages, and once brought the Xuanyuan family to glory, but unfortunately he has lost his life!"

Xu Qisheng nodded slowly.

"The Sun and Moon Old Sage has fallen, but such a powerful person will inevitably leave a legacy. Brother Qisheng can know where her legacy is located?"

Ye Fan continued to ask.


Xu Qisheng heard this and immediately fell into a deep thought, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Brother Qisheng knows?"

Both Ye Fan and Lingxin showed excitement on their faces.

"My subordinates did find the place where the ancient sage of the sun and the moon fell in the void. It is said that the sun and the moon coexist and reflect each other. It is a pure land in the dark void, very special!"

Xu Qisheng slowly described.

"Really? I hope Brother Qisheng will tell us the location. We want to go and explore!"

Ye Fan became more excited as he listened.

"According to legend, if you want to get the inheritance of the Sun and Moon Ancient Sage, you must have the Sun Moon Jade Pendant, otherwise even if you go there, you won't be able to enter that pure land!"

Xu Qi wins words to remind.

"I am the biological daughter of Old Sage Sun and Moon, I have a way to get in!"

Lingxin still kept an eye on Xu Qisheng, and didn't tell the story of the Sun Moon Jade Pei on himself.

Even if Xuqisheng needs to investigate, it takes a lot of time.

"Really? You insist on going, I can lead you, but I don’t know how many people want to get this Sun-Moon Ancient Sage Inheritance. It is comparable to an invaluable treasure. I have rules for the Void Wanderer. Brother Ye Fan, you should understand. !"

Xu Qisheng sneered at this moment.

"Are you lucky? I'll give it to you!"

Ye Fan said simply at the moment.

"Hahaha, it's so refreshing, but I won't take advantage of you. The place where the ancient sage of the sun and the moon fell is not worth the luck of the world. I can help you until your girl regains control of the Xuanyuan family, how? "

Xu Qisheng was in a great mood when he heard Ye Fan's words, and suddenly promised.

"Can you intervene in the pattern of Ganlong Tianyu?"

Ye Fan was shocked when he heard this, only to feel that Xu Qisheng had become more unfathomable.

"Intervention is not counted, but it's okay to make trouble, and if everything goes well with you, there will be nothing wrong with me!"

Xu Qisheng chuckled.

"Okay, then we are still the original agreement, as long as you can help me and Xin'er achieve the goal, I will give you the luck of the world to reach Guitianyu!"

Ye Fan finally concluded.

"A gentleman is hard to chase after a word. We have had a deal, so we don't have to worry about the credit of both parties. When the goal is reached, I will send someone to the Qianlong Tianyu to find you!"

Xu Qisheng nodded slowly, not worrying that Ye Fan would tell the truth.

"Brother Qisheng, I still don't understand one thing, I don't know if I can speak?"

When saying goodbye, Ye Fan suddenly stopped and asked with a serious face.

"You said!"

Xu Qisheng was in a good mood at the moment, and slowly nodded.

"Although Heaven and Earth Qi Luck is a unique treasure in the universe, its power is not strong. For the ancient sage, this power is very small. I have always wondered why you got this thing!"

Ye Fan said the doubt in his heart.

"You also know that it is a treasure, but you don't know its true function. The heaven and the earth are lacking, and there is nothing lacking; the perfection of merit is supreme!"

Xu Qisheng didn't sell it, but said with a smile.

"Consummation of merit, supreme!"

Ye Fan whispered these eight words to himself, and a terrible conjecture gradually emerged in his heart.

"Could this be..."

Ye Fan's eyes trembled.

"Brother Ye Fan, you can stay here for a few days first, and you will leave after I find out the status quo of Qianlong Tianyu. Be so safe!"

Xu Qisheng gradually interrupted Ye Fan's thoughts and opened the topic.

"Ah...Alright, there is Brother Lao Qisheng!"

Ye Fan recovered from the shock, and immediately nodded and agreed.

No matter whether this conjecture is true or not, it has nothing to do with Ye Fan at this moment.

The most urgent task is to solve the troubles of the Xuanyuan family and return to Qianlong Tianyu smoothly.

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