A huge amount of experience poured into Jiang Cheng's body.

It allowed him to break through to the seventh star directly.

There were at least three thousand abyss monsters and wild monsters densely packed in all directions just now. Maybe their levels were not too high, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and it cannot withstand the huge number.

Jiang Cheng felt that if Anna continued to kill like this, it would not be impossible for him to break through to level nine today, or even higher.

On the world channel, while some lords were resisting the abyss monsters, they were also paying attention to the rankings of the seventh day.

At the beginning, it was the lords with smaller territories that made the list.

Because the abyss monsters could come to them in an instant and fight with them.

Later, the top lords and super lords came up one by one, squeezing the small lords who had previously occupied the top of the list to the bottom.

"He actually gained hundreds of points in one go. Is this the strength of a top lord?"

"Too powerful! Unless the abyss monsters kill these top lords, we have no chance of defeating them!"

"The shield had only been closed for a few seconds, and these top lords and super lords had already scored hundreds of points. If the number continued to grow at this rate, by eight o'clock in the morning, how terrifying would it be!"

"Hey, why isn't Jiang Cheng on the list? Isn't he the number one lord? Logically, he should be on the list."

A member of the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Alliance jumped out.

"Jiang Cheng is just a man of empty reputation. His vampire warriors need to kill wild monsters one by one, and they must always be vigilant against sneak attacks from abyss monsters."

"But our leader is different. The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon under his command can shatter dozens of abyss monsters with just a roar, just like crushing a bunch of ants!"

After hearing what he said, everyone felt that there was some truth in it.

The situation on the leaderboard was very tense.

A top lord who was just ranked fifth was squeezed out of the top 20 in the next second.

Then in the next three seconds, he climbed up and returned to fifth again.

There are countless lords who jump up and down like this. They were at the top of the leaderboard in the last second, and they might disappear from the leaderboard in the next second.

The lords who observed the leaderboard suddenly found that all the lords moved down one place at this moment.

The Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon, which was ranked first just now, has come to the second place, and the first place is the blood clan lord Jiang Cheng who is very familiar to everyone and makes a group of top lords and super lords hate him.

Inside the Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon Alliance, seeing Jiang Cheng's name appear on the leaderboard, they all showed incredible expressions.

They were not surprised that Jiang Cheng came to the first place.

They were surprised by the score displayed behind Jiang Cheng!

"Damn, what on earth did this guy do? How did he suddenly get 50,000 extra points? 50,000!"

Looking at the pitiful 2,000 points left behind by their lord, he didn't even get a fraction of that.……

"Could it be that he killed thousands of abyss monsters at once?"

Some people were stunned.

"How can it be!"

"Abyss monsters are so flexible, just like loaches. Just now, an abyss monster got into my hall. Fortunately, it was killed in time by my soldiers. Otherwise, you would never see me again."

"In this case, how could thousands of abyss monsters be wiped out in an instant?"

"Even if there were thousands of pigs, Jiang Cheng's troops would have to chop them down for a while, and it was impossible to kill them instantly!"

Another person stood up to refute

"How is that impossible?"

"Don’t forget that Jiang Cheng and Luo Qi are wearing the same pants!"

"Luo Qi certainly doesn't want her child to lose his father when he is born, so she will naturally support Jiang Cheng with all her strength and send him all the high-end weapons in the territory."

"I think Jiang Cheng was able to kill thousands of abyss monsters at once just now, all thanks to Luo Qi's weapons!"

Someone jumped out and expressed his opinion.

After listening to it, everyone was silent.

They became extremely jealous.

They wanted to replace him and cling to the rich woman's thigh!

But this idea was unrealistic. Luo Qi was deeply attracted to Jiang Cheng, the pretty boy, and they even had a child! If they approached him, they would be humiliated by Luo Qi!

Thinking of this, the people of the Purple Winged Dragon Alliance sighed.


On the leaderboard.

Jiang Cheng's points kept jumping, and the score has reached 60,000!

It's only been five minutes since the battle started...

With a large number of abyss monsters being crushed into powder.

The number of subsequent abyss monsters has obviously decreased a lot.

In fact, Anna didn't attack on purpose.

But there is no way.

There are too many abyss monsters, more than 3,000.

But how many blood clan warriors are there?

One hundred and fifty people...

It means that each blood clan warrior has to face at least 20 abyss monsters at the same time.

Otherwise, the front line will be broken, and the abyss monsters will directly cross the blood clan warriors and kill the unarmed blood clan people in the city.

Anna naturally didn't want to see this scene.

She no longer stood idly by and unfolded her own domain, turning the ten-mile radius into a sea of blood and corpses.

Countless abyss monsters were wiped out under the cover of the domain, and only abyss monsters above level 5 could survive in the domain.

But this does not mean that they are fine.

The pressure of the domain covered them, making their movements slow. In addition, they were isolated from the outside by the black fog, so their combat power could only be exerted to a quarter of the original.

Maintaining such a huge domain was a great drain on Anna.

But now she was not under any pressure at all.

Because the domain can be maintained by sucking blood, the wild monsters on the ground are the best nutrients.

The two blood pools in the barracks can also provide blood for the domain.

Moreover, there are still a large number of wild monsters rushing in from outside the domain.

Red thin tubes are inserted into their bodies and sucking blood.

With the help provided by the domain, it becomes extremely easy for the blood clan warriors to deal with the monsters of the abyss.

"No, this is not satisfying at all!"

"The Queen should let more monsters in so that we can kill them happily and crush these ugly guys to pieces!"

Jiang Cheng came to the direction defended by Jace.

The strength of their group is slightly weaker than the other four groups, so Jiang Cheng came to help.

Listening to what they said, Jiang Cheng smiled and said,"Why are you in a hurry? It's better to let you relax a little. The highlight is coming soon!"

Jiang Cheng's strength is no longer what it used to be.

He can clearly feel that the breath condensed by the black fog outside is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, it sends out terrible murderous intent and malice to the territory.

The abyss monsters before may be the first batch to arrive, and their strength is not too strong.

This batch is the real highlight.……

"Everyone, prepare for battle!"

Jiang Cheng had just finished speaking when densely packed abyss monsters attacked again. The aura of these abyss monsters was several times more terrifying than before!

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