In order to survive, the three surviving lords expressed their opinions.

One of them was even willing to turn the spearhead and point the weapon at Xiao Yan.


Above the valley, Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing when he heard the three lords' statements.

Just now outside the valley, these three people, including the one who died on the ground, were very impressive.

He thought they were very powerful.

Unexpectedly, they gave up resistance without even taking action.

He didn't want to take in these three useless people.

But he could use them a little.……

"I can accept your surrender."

"But you and Xiao Yan are trying to cause trouble for me together, and you have to pay a price."

"How about this, if you can kill the thirty fire dragons under Xiao Yan, I will spare your lives and infect you to become blood clan, so that you can gain extraordinary self-repair ability."

Yale and Ale stood at the two narrow passes, watching the scenes inside with interest. They felt that the Lord was very bad, but it was really fun to do this.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, the three lords were startled and felt that this was almost impossible to do.

Xiao Yan is a top lord with eight seven-star fire dragons in his hands. What's the difference between asking them to fight him and seeking death?

But if they don't do this.

There are two blood clan warriors in front and behind, staring at them covetously.

This is an eight-star blood clan warrior, and all of them combined may not be enough for one of them to fight...

Even as strong as Xiao Yan is, there is no guarantee that he can escape from them unscathed.

Just as they were wavering.

Jiang Cheng's sigh came from the valley


"Then let me help you."

A vast holy power like the sea pressed down to the bottom of the valley. The mountain walls on both sides were shaking, and the rocks on the ground were shattered into powder. Xiao Yan and his fire dragons were all crushed to the ground by this terrible holy power, unable to move. They could only stare anxiously.

Yalie walked over with a smile.

He punched the head of the fire dragon that Xiao Yan had cultivated with all his resources, dug out the beast core from it, and put its body into the storage ring.

Then he did this seven times in a row.

All the seven-star fire dragons under Xiao Yan fell.

Before leaving, Yalie accidentally tripped over a stone and kicked a six-star fire dragon at his feet, seriously injuring it and fainting on the spot.

"Jiang Cheng, you insult me too much!"

"I will fight you till death!"

Xiao Yan was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot.

""You are so stubborn!"

Upon hearing this, Yalie came back and poked Xiao Yan's forehead three times, humiliating him to the extreme.

When Yalie returned to the entrance of the valley.

Jiang Cheng withdrew his saint-level pressure, and Xiao Yan was able to get up from the ground. Looking at Jiang Cheng's position, he began to greet him in various ways and said some indescribable dirty words.

Jiang Cheng didn't bother with the dying man.

He said to the three lords:"Now I have changed my mind. You need to twist off Xiao Yan's head to survive. I have helped you so much. Whether you can survive depends on your own performance." The three people in the valley looked at each other.

They had made up their minds.

That was to kill Xiao Yan for Jiang Cheng.

After all, the strength that Jiang Cheng had just shown was shocking. They didn't even dare to breathe. It felt that the other party wanted to kill them as easily as crushing an ant.

This made them dare not resist from the bottom of their hearts.

As for whether Jiang Cheng would keep his promise afterwards... he should!

They believed that as the number one on the list, Jiang Cheng should still have the temperament he should have, and he would definitely not care about their mistakes!

Thinking of this, the three people were greatly encouraged.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Yan, we want to survive, so... you know"

"Who told you to seek death for no reason? You even dared to cause trouble for Lord Jiang Cheng. You are simply courting death!"

"One person is not enough, and you force several of us to come together!"

Hearing these words, Xiao Yan was very angry.

But now he had no choice. He could only kill the three people in front of him, and then show his usefulness and beg Jiang Cheng not to kill him.

Thinking of the hot-headed insult to Jiang Cheng just now, Xiao Yan's body trembled.

The two sides fought in a group.

The soldiers under his command fought each other.

Due to the narrow and long terrain of the valley, the fire dragon could not take off and could not play the innate advantages it should have, and it also limited the space for activities.

Various factors led to the situation at a disadvantage at the beginning, and the three four-star fire dragons were directly besieged and killed.

But the fire dragon is a top-level soldier after all.

Relying on its own advantages and constantly spewing flames, it stabilized the situation.

Time passed.

The three lords were still no match for Xiao Yan.

They died tragically under the dragon claws one after another.

But Xiao Yan's victory was not very easy.

After the death of the eight seven-star fire dragons, he only had five six-star fire dragons.

One of them was kicked unconscious by Ya Lie and died on the spot not long after the battle began. Xiao Yan was a lord who liked to give away experience, and most of the experience was allocated to the eight fire dragons, resulting in a lack of levels for the remaining fire dragons.

Once the eight fire dragons at the head died, Xiao Yan was basically useless, so he was so angry.

The battle was over.

Xiao Yan stood on the ground panting.

He could hardly open his eyelids after not sleeping all night. His own strength level was only level three, so he still needed to rest.

Jiang Cheng jumped down from the valley.

Yalie and Ale stood behind him.

He Yuan also came over with a smile, and his flattering eyes made him look like a cunning and treacherous person.

Jiang Cheng gestured to the back.

Ale and Yalie understood and began to clean up the remaining fire dragons.

These fire dragons collapsed on the ground one by one. Due to the terrain, they only needed to exert one-tenth of their strength to kill the enemy, but now they had to spend three-tenths of their strength.

After destroying the three lords and their troops, the fire dragons almost lost the ability to continue fighting.

They became lambs to be slaughtered.

"Lord Jiang Cheng, give me a chance!"

Hearing the wailing of the giant fire dragon behind him,

Xiao Yan was refreshed and ran to Jiang Cheng, kneeling down and begging for surrender.

"I am the godson of Lord Purple Winged Brilliant Dragon. I am deeply trusted by him and he will listen to me on many things. Please give me a chance!"

"I can help you destroy the Purple Winged Dragon Alliance in one fell swoop!"

After saying that, Xiao Yan showed a ferocious expression, took out a long knife from the storage ring in his hand, and stabbed it into Jiang Cheng's abdomen.


He Yuan behind Jiang Cheng shouted, as if on guard, and pulled out a musket-like object from his back, firing a shot at Xiao Yan's forehead.


In the air, a headless body fell to the ground.

Xiao Yan, a top lord of a generation, fell.

He died at the hands of a nobody, He Yuan.

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