Universal Sword God

Chapter 1010: Have a long-term view

Cao Lin's heart stunned for a moment.

He looked at Jing Yan, thinking that Jing Yan was not satisfied with the reward.

"Jingyan brothers have nothing to say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not quit." Although in my heart, there were no dissatisfaction on the surface.

Jing Yan is the baby, ah, people choose your weak chicken-like Aoki, is it normal to mention conditions?

"I want to trouble Director Cao Lin to help me apply for a third house promotion assessment." Jing Yan said with a smile.

Jing Yan was not dissatisfied with the reward Cao Lin said. He did not intend to stay too long in the second house.

The reason is simple. The second house is superior to the first house in the practice of warriors. The third house is much better than the second house. Those who can be promoted to the third house will stay in the second house for a long time.

Cao Lin froze slightly.

He really did not expect that it was Jing Yan who was bothering him. If it is to help apply for a third house promotion assessment, that is exactly what Cao Lin wants to see. The sooner Jing Yan is promoted, the better it will be for him and the second house, Aoki.


"Brother Jingyan, your martial art practice is indeed extremely high. However, the promotion to the third house is slightly more difficult. The promotion and assessment of the third house is based on five-star gods. However, from the previous As an example, most of the five-star gods participating in the promotion assessment will fail. "

"I don't think Jingyan brothers need to worry, first stabilize and wait until they have enough confidence to be promoted in one fell swoop. Anyway, Jingyan brothers are young, even if they are practicing in the second house for one hundred and eighty years. Far from 500 years old. "Cao Lin's tone was very euphemistic, for fear that Jing Yan would be unhappy.

"The director said it makes sense, but I am certain that I will be promoted to the third house." Jing Yan smiled.

Not to mention that he is already a six-star virtual **** at this time, even if he is still staying at the five-star virtual god, Jing Yan is also sure to be promoted to the third house.

"Jingyan brothers sure?" Cao Lin's eyes flashed.

"OK!" Jing Yan said.

"Well, then I will go to the assessment department of the second house and submit the promotion application. As soon as half a year, and as slow as a year, Jing Yan brothers can carry out the third house promotion assessment." Cao Lin was naturally not good at persuading.

Moreover, it can also be seen from Jing Yan's three sword defeats in the selection assessment that Jing Yan is a sharp five-star **** of falsehood, and the chance of success in the promotion to the third house is quite high. Take a step back and say that even if the first promotion fails, you can wait for a hundred years to continue applying.

"There is work!" Jing Yan arched Cao Lin.

Make a note of it, arrange your residence, and then Cao Lin and others readjusted the time when members of Aoki Division used the Shrine.

The second house, Aoki Division, also has only one Shenquan Temple. Moreover, the number of members in the second house of Aoki is no less than that of the first house. The use of this shrine hall is slightly more tense than the first house Aoki.

Freeing up three months at a time is not easy. No wonder, Cao Lin told Jing Yan that he could use the three-month Shenquan Temple, the expression that had a tight tooth root.

Jing Yan did not delay and went directly to the Shenquan Temple to practice.

"Secretary, for three months, is there a long one?" A deacon said with a moan.

"Long?" Cao Lin turned to look at the deacon.

"Do you also think you have more time to train Jingyan for three months at Shenquan Temple?" Cao Lin looked at the other deacon.

Everyone was silent.

Although there was no clear statement, the meaning revealed in their eyes clearly acquiesced to Cao Lin's sentence.

"You guys! Can't you set your sight on the long-term? I just got a rumor from Gongluo of the first house, and Aoki, the first house, has been determined to receive a prize from the Temple of the Holy Spring." Cao Lin's expression on your eyes was too shallow.



"This ..." Deacon, his eyes were dull for a moment.

"How old is Jing Yan? He is less than two hundred years old! He is here to practice for one hundred or two hundred years, and that is not to be five hundred years old. You said, with his talent, if you practice here for one or two hundred years, Isn't it possible to be promoted to the third house? Huh, you should also know that as long as the martial arts of the second house is promoted to the third house, as long as it is less than one thousand years old, it may be possible to reward the Temple of the Spring of God! "Cao Lin Qingheng said.

Promotion of the second house to the third house is, of course, much more difficult than promotion of the second house.

The warrior in the first house is promoted to the second house under the age of 500, and the division where he is located may be rewarded by the Shenquan Temple. The martial arts soldiers in the second house were promoted to the third house.

As long as the martial arts of each division can be promoted under the age of 20,000, there are additional rewards. For example, if a 10,000-year-old warrior in the second house of Aoki is successfully promoted to the third house, then Aoki will be able to receive about 500,000 first-level gods.


Gokudo Palace!

Elder Mr. Gaichen sat opposite Ye Ye, the head of the Shinshu Division.

"How come you have time for me?" Ye Ye glanced at Gai Chen.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, quickly take out the green bamboo wine to solve the problem." Gai Chen said, eyes rolled.

"Huh, you know it ’s okay for you to come to me." Ye Yan snorted, but he took out a jade pot and two cups, and filled them, "There is only one cup, no more!"

Talking, Ye Yan put away the jade pot again.

"It's stingy enough!" Guyson beamed his eyes and said as he held up his glass and drank.

"It's so fun, this green bamboo wine is really a good thing. Unfortunately, it's too little." Gai Chen licked his lips, and said intently.

"Stupid? Do you know how precious this green bamboo wine is?" Ye Ye also held up a glass of green bamboo wine in front of him and drunk it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The green bamboo wine is indeed extremely precious. In this small cup, the value is not less than a million first-level **** crystals.

Guyson grinned.

The back color became serious, and frowned slightly. "Ye Ye, why don't you absorb Jingyan?"

"Jingyan?" Ye Zheng frowned, looking at Gaichen in doubt.

"Don't you forget it? At the beginning of the selection examination, didn't I tell you that a good seed appeared?" Gachen's eyes widened.

"Oh, I think of it. You did mention someone named Jing Yan, who said that she had good talents. In the affinity test of the law, it reached more than 40,000 points, ranking fifth, and an indigenous who is soaring in the lower world." Ye suddenly turned his head.

To be honest, he didn't take it to heart. At that time, he was rumored by Gai Chen, and he also instructed the deputy of the director general, Chu Guanju, to do this. But after that, he forgot about it and never mentioned it again.

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