Universal Sword God

Chapter 322: Kill Money Town

Killing intentions, overflowing between Jing Yan and Qian Zhen!

The two held their swords and looked at each other!

"I look down on you, boy, hidden deep enough!" Qian Zhen said slowly, with a deep voice.

He seemed calm, but in his heart, none was calm.

Qian Zhen can feel that Jing Yan has not yet stepped into the spiritual realm of Tao. But Jing Yan's strength was unusually strong and Qian Zhen couldn't understand it.

"Funny, have I ever hidden?" Jing Yan shook his head dismissively.

"Boy, don't be complacent! If you have this strength, then today you will definitely die!" Qian Zhen cried.


Then, around his body, a wave of vitality waved out.

With the surging vitality, Qian Zhen's skin suddenly began to darken. After the breathing time, he looked like a piece of fine iron!


Qian Zhen used the secret method!

Jing Yan stared at Qian Zhen, who had practiced secret methods, and Jing Yan was not surprised at all.

Many treasures can be exchanged in the treasure house of Daoyi College. As long as you are a student in the inner court and have enough points, you can exchange for the secret law you want.

After Jing Yan has been promoted to a student in the courtyard, she can also exchange secrets in the treasure house.

"It's King Kong!"

"Qian Zhen's secret method is King Kong's body!"

After Qian Zhen's secret method was displayed, it was immediately recognized.

King Kong's body is a secret method to enhance the defense and strength of the body. This secret method is similar to the copper wall iron wall, but it is much stronger than the copper wall iron wall.

Dare, this secret method is not without weakness, that is, while increasing defense strength and strength, it reduces its flexibility.

Of course, Qian Zhen also has his own considerations. He has seen the speed of Jing Yan. When he did not cast King Kong's body, his body was not as flexible as Jing Yan. Then, in the fight with Jing Yan, he would absorb himself again. The flexibility of your body will not expand your disadvantages.

The use of King Kong's body can greatly increase his defense strength and strength.

"Let me die!" After casting the secret, Qian Zhen's voice changed, with a hint of metal sound in the husky, as if he had really become a piece of fine iron.

As he drank, his vitality was suddenly doubled.

The black sword light formed by the rushing Ben Lei sword technique has also expanded a full circle than before, crushing towards Jing Yan.

"Qian Zhen used the secret method. I don't know if Jing Yan has practiced the secret method!"

"It's hard to say that Jing Yan has just joined Daoyi College and is not an internal student. He certainly hasn't got mysticism at Daoyi Academy. Moreover, he joined Daoyi Academy just one month ago. Even if he got the mystery, he couldn't practice it. If he has a secret method, he should have learned it before entering Daoyi Academy! "

The surrounding crowd made another noise.

"Give is dead!" Qian Zhen growled.

There should be people who are not waiting for the Palace of Criminal Law.

The Vajrayana body is a very powerful mystic method, but this kind of mystery is extremely expensive. It may not be possible to persist the Vajrayana body with the cultivation of the initial state of Taoism. However, after using the King Kong body, the strength has greatly increased, and killing Jing Yan during this period should be more than enough.


Jing Yan did not dare to have any hesitation, and the red sword light waved out again.


This time, Jing Yan performed a new sword-cutting sword.

The new moon-cutting sword method is much stronger than Ningyue Sandielang.

However, the red sword light condensed by the sword-cutting sword method was stalemate with the black sword light and was defeated. The red sword light burst in space and looked thrilling.

"Wings of the sky!" Jing Yan was well prepared.

Immediately after the red sword light burst, he immediately urged the wings of the sky to learn martial arts to avoid the strongest attack.

"Da Da Da!" After re-landing, Jing Yan's body receded several meters in a row.

"A strong attack!" Jing Yan narrowed his eyes.

After casting King Kong's body, Qian Zhen really improved his strength and attacked amazingly. Jing Yan couldn't avoid Qian Zhen's attacks even if he urged the wings of the sky.

The first divine power of the sky urged, Jing Yan quietly, suppressed the floating vitality.

"Dead!" Qian Zhen's attack didn't stop. The first shot after casting the secret had not completely subsided, and his second attack was shot again.

He saw the dawn of victory.

As long as Jing Yan has not cultivated the secret method, then he will definitely kill Jing Yan in this battle.

"Jing Yan, haven't you practiced the secret method?" Lin Yan couldn't help asking.

He seemed more anxious than Jing Yan.

"No." Jing Yan heard Lin Yan's voice and responded in a moment.

Lin Yan's face turned black.

If Jing Yan had not cultivated the secret method, then in this battle, Jing Yan might really lose to Qian Zhen, or even die in the hands of Qian Zhen. King Kong's body is really too powerful.

"Boy, today you must die!" Qian Zhen sneered after continuing to perform the Ben Thunder sword.

"Really?" Jing Yan smiled.

"Holy lightsaber!" Jing Yan's breath condensed, and he vigorously urged his vitality. The vitality in the mist swirled out through the martial arts meridians of the body.

The holy lightsaber method is cast out, and the red sword flares flash. Wrapped in the red sword awn, a white light.

This white light, powerful, looks much more terrible than the red sword.

This sword light collided with the black sword light. The two lights are as if two mountains collided together at an extremely fast speed.

Even the space shook violently at this moment.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The bodies of Jing Yan and Qian Zhen both stepped back. Jing Yan receded about five meters, but Qian Zhen backed out more than ten meters.

On the surface, Jing Yan's attack was much stronger than Qian Zhen's attack.

"King Kong God Body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But this is also the case!" Jing Yan smiled, and the sky fire sword waved again.

"Damn!" Qian Zhen was crazy.

The impact he received was indeed much more severe than Jing Yan, but his physical defense strength was extremely high at this time, so this level of impact can be fully tolerated.

"Wow!" The holy lightsaber once again shrouded in Qian Zhen, this time, Jing Yan used his sword in his sword skills.

Sword meaning, evoking the potential of heaven and earth.

"Want to kill me? Impossible!" Qian Zhen's eyes were red.

"Really?" Jing Yan sneered.

The black sword light condensed by Ben Lei's sword technique was defeated. Although the red sword sword formed by the Holy Light Sword Technique also collapsed, the scattered red sword sword did not disappear in a short time. Shines around the body. This is the terrible aspect of Jianyi.

"Oh!" Some of the shattered swordsmen entered Qianzhen's body instantly.

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