Universal Sword God

Chapter 3410: Have found

? Rong Gang, the master, wants to learn more about some of the Jing Yan emperors who are currently members of the Tai Gang through the Great Axe.

On that day, the Great Axe Emperor was hired by the gang and other gangs to go to Taibang station to deal with the King Jingyan. The Great Axe Emperor retreated without fighting, which puzzled all practitioners in the Lost City. Rong helped the master, and he was confused for a long time.

These big gangs in the Lost City are not the only ones who want to attract Jingyan.

The deputy leader of the Tiger Gang, Lord Lei, came into contact with Jing Yan. After trying to solicit King Yan, the other gangs stopped sending people to contact Jing Yan. Rejected, it was not a pleasant experience. However, although these gangs stopped sending people to solicit Jingyan, they did not completely extinguish the thought of soliciting King Yan.

Rong Gang belongs to this type of gang. Rongbang helped the master have some friendship with the great axe, so he wanted to learn more through the mouth of the great axe. Is that too gangster King Jingyan really strong enough to compare with the Great Axe King?

At the start of the banquet, Rong Gang helped the host and a group of senior staff to drink wine with the great axe emperor.

When the banquet came to an end, Rong Gang helped the Lord and asked the Great Axe Emperor the question that he really wanted to know the answer.

"Brother Axe, what do you think of Tai Gang's King Yan?" Rong Gang said with a smile and looked at King Axe.

Hearing the words of Rong Gang helping the Lord to cross the Great Emperor, the great axe's eyes flashed.

In the hall, the senior staff of Zhongrong also calmed down and looked at the great axe.

"Haha! I know that the Lord of the Crosswalk invited me to be a guest. It is certainly not as simple as reciting the old." The great axe emperor seemed rude, but he was not unmotivated.

"Brother Axe speaks heavily. Recently, the King Jingyan became famous in the Lost City. His voice is everywhere. Brother Axe has contacted him, so I just ask him casually. If Brother Axe is not convenient It ’s okay to say that, we continue to drink. ”The crossing emperor said with a smile, he did n’t care.

"It's nothing inconvenient to say, and it's not a secret. My relationship with the Duxing Gang master is not ordinary!" The Greataxe Emperor looked at the Duxing Emperor.

"Since the Lord of the Duxing Gang asked, I will talk about it. Of course, I am not familiar with the King Jingyan. I have seen him twice after playing the game," said the great axe.

"Before the Taibang station, Brother Axe had met King Jingyan?" The crossing emperor heard the meaning in the words of King Axe.

It was not the first time that the great axe and King Yan met in Taibang.

"That's right! The Lord of Crossing also knows that King Yan Yan hasn't been in the Lost City for a long time?"

"I know." The crossing emperor nodded.

"Actually, before King Yan Yan entered the Lost City, I had met King Yan Yan outside of the lost city. Speaking, it was a bit embarrassing." The Great Axe's eyes flashed.

He said embarrassment, but there was no expression on his face.

"At that time, Emperor Jingyan took a fairy ship, and the ship was really good, very valuable, and a very high-quality item. I saw such a good thing, and naturally I wanted to learn more, so I stopped the ship. Emperor Jing Yan, please lend me the fairy spacecraft for a few days. Then Emperor Jing Yan was also stingy, and did not agree. "

"At that time, I was so angry that my axe was not an unknown junior. Jing Yan the Great did not give me face at all."

"What happened next, you should be able to guess the Lord of the Crosswalk." The great axe licked his thick lips.

The emperor Duxing and others were also shocked.

The emperor Duhang took a soft breath and said in a condensed voice, "Brother Axe and Jing Yan have directly engaged?"

"Naturally, I fought. I didn't expect that Emperor Jingyan looked very young, but his strength was ... but ... still surprised! Hey, it seems to be only a little worse than me. I think it was forcibly borrowed There was no hope for the fairy ship, and they left. "The skin of the great axe emperor was indeed thick to a certain extent.

No wonder he was able to accept the employment of the gang and other gangs, and even received the remuneration, but turned around and left after seeing Jing Yan.

The emperor Duxing and others listened to these words, and the shock in their hearts grew stronger.

The Great Axe said that the King Jingyan was only slightly worse than him, but in fact, I am afraid it is not bad. The great axe emperor must have bragged a little for himself, which is also in line with the great axe's personality.

"Okay! The Lord of the Crossing, I know, I have already told you. Then, I should say goodbye, thank you for the good wine." The Great Axe stood up and picked up the huge black axe aside, and said, Falling is walking towards the temple.

The emperor Wateng and others hurried to get out.

"The lord, Tai Gang's Jingyan Emperor, is really comparable to the great axe emperor. The great axe emperor and that Jingyan emperor are obviously unfamiliar, and it is unlikely to deliberately exaggerate the strength of each other." Rong Gang personnel, said to the crossing emperor.

"Yeah!" The crossing emperor nodded: "We Rongbang, if we can find a way, we can recruit the King Yan."

"Help the Lord, that King Jingyan seems to have little interest in joining the Gang." One said.

"Find a chance! Be patient, there will always be a chance. Too small gangs like this, where can you tolerate a strong man like King Yan?" Duxing eyes narrowed his eyes.


The words in Zihuaquan's eyes continued to probe into the interior of Quanyan with a magnificent spirit.

One year ... two years ... three years ...

Decades passed without knowing it.

On this day, Jing Yan's thoughts infiltrated into Quan's eyes, and touched a layer of material different from rock.

"This is ..." Jing Yan could not help but be moved.

"Not rocks, it seems to be a weird layer of energy, or an energy-like substance."

"Not Xianlu!"

Jing Yan's spiritual thoughts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is blocked by a layer of energy and cannot continue to penetrate forward. After many attempts, Jing Yan's thoughts continued to spread to both sides. Jing Yan needs his own thoughts to reach a wider range of energy layers.

"It's really the energy layer!" Jing Yan felt a little excited.

It took decades to finally discover something. Over the past few decades, Jing Yan has also consumed a lot of soul and soul resources. Now, finally, something unusual was discovered. During this process, Jing Yan also thought many times whether to give up or not. It is too difficult to explore the inside of Quan Yan.

"It seems something is hidden inside."

"The energy layer should form a closed environment. To know what's inside, you must penetrate the energy layer."

"Try again!" Jing Yan converged, fully motivated the soul, and wanted to forcefully break through the energy layer.

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