Universal Sword God

Chapter 3498: Wilderness

What the Lord Lord said was extremely true. The distance between the mixed elementary void group and our Lusheng mixed elementary group is not far away. Although we have never paid special attention to the situation there, we also have a certain understanding. "

"It's hard to have a dimensional strongman like that in a deserted place." Emperor Xuan Xuan said slowly to the Lord of the Temple of Light.

In the eyes of Emperor Xuan Xuan and others, the territory of the alliance where Jing Yan is located is a deserted place. Although it allows the practitioners to survive, it is really of little value in a mixed-yuan space like Lusheng Mixed-yuan.

In other words, practitioners at the level of the Great Devil will linger on the territory of the Alliance.

"Well, I'll let Yaozong deal with this. Emperor Xuan Xuan, go back to the observation station!" Said the Lord of the Light Hall.

"Observe." Emperor Xuan Xuan bowed and turned to leave.

Youguang Hall, the Yaozong people, arrived shortly after.

The man from Yaozong looks very old and looks old. However, when this person entered the Temple of Light to see the Lord of the Palace, the Lord of the Palace of Light stood up to greet him. It can be seen that the owner of the Temple of Youguang is very polite to the old man of medicine.

And this old man of medicine is really not an ordinary person. This person is one of the four sect elders of Yaozong.

Yaozong is one of the most powerful forces in Lusheng, especially above Dan Dao, which is the undisputed number one in Yuan. Eighteen Chengdu divisions have a direct or indirect relationship with Yaozong.

It is precisely because of this that the owner of the Luguang Temple, the demon lord of Lusheng, will be so polite to Yaozong.

"Dian Lord, I wonder if you let the old decay come, what's the matter?" Zong Lao asked the Lord of the Light Hall out loud after he took his seat.

"It's one thing."

"I just got a message that Yao Zong's Xie Dan Dan Fang has spread." The Lord of the Light Palace smiled slightly, said in a gentle voice.

"Xian Ni Dan Dan Fang?" Zong Lao's face changed slightly, then he frowned, "Must it be ... because of the edge?"

"I'm not sure exactly how Sunedan Danfang went out, but the biggest possibility is to recover from the side."

"I have been told that the place where Xie Nidan Danfang appeared was the Xunyuan void group that Bianyu had visited in the past. In the Xunyuan space there was a practitioner named Jing Yan who got Sunedane and it can be refined. "

"Xiangdan is too important. It is not only the foundation of Yaozong, but also the foundation of my destiny."

"It's a big deal, so when I knew about it, I immediately asked Zong Lao to come and discuss it, and see how the matter was handled," said the owner of Youguang Temple.

When the Lord of the Light Palace said these words, the old posture of Yao Zongzong also changed twice.

The case of Bianyu the Great made Yao Zong's face very disgraceful. If Bian Yu is just a common disciple of Yaozong, it doesn't matter. However, the Emperor Bianyu was the lord of Yaozong that year. Not only does his talent on Dan Dao win the entire Lusheng mixed Yuan, his ability on martial arts is also more than Dan Dao. It was only later that something happened that caused the Emperor Bianyu to centrifuge with Yaozong, which led him to leave the Yaozong and escape from Lusheng Luanyuan.

I thought this was over when Bian Yu was arrested. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened again from Sunedan Danfang.

"Sian Nirvana should not be accidental."

"Dear Lord, I will deal with this matter immediately," Zong Lao Ningsheng said.

"Zong Lao doesn't need to be too anxious. The mixed group of void groups is not a threat to us."

"It's a bit different from the past. Previously, that phantom space was a non-dimensional non-dimensional phantom space. Now one-dimensional phantom space may have appeared." Youguangdian said with a smile.

Zong Lao frowned again.

The non-dimensional mixed element and the one-dimensional mixed element are too different.

Although the one-dimensional mixed element is the lowest-level mixed element in the dimensional mixed element, it is also a real mixed element space.

"Zong Lao, if Yao Zong needs any help from Youguang Dian in handling this matter, please just say." Youguang Dian continued.

"If it is really necessary, Yaozong will speak to the Lord Lord." Zong Lao stood up and arched his hands at the Lord of the Light Hall.

"Dian Lord, Lao Shi will return to Yaozong and settle this matter." Zong Lao said goodbye to Youguang Dian.

"I send Zong Lao." The Lord of the Light Hall rose.


Alliance territory.

The development of the first mixed language, the second mixed language, and the third mixed language are already on track.

Of course, Jing Yan is most concerned about the first Jing Yan mixed elements. This mixed-yuan space is the nest of Jing Yan. Under the intentional control of Jing Yan, the development speed of the first Jing Yan mixed Yuan is extremely amazing.

After more than 100,000 years, the first scene of mixed Yuan has already appeared the third mixed Yuan emperor. Previously, only Jing Yan and the Eternal Emperor were the first Jingyan mixed Yuan masters, who were masters of the Yuan Zudao rule.

In addition, there are many immortal emperors who have begun to sprint to master Yuan Zudao and be promoted to the mixed emperor.

What makes Jing Yan most pleased and gratified is that both Bai Xue and Jing Dong Xue are sprinting among the emperors of the mixed Yuan emperor.

In the recent period of time, Jing Yan was transmitted many times in the Alliance and the City of Jing Yan, and the purple flower fairy dew of the City of Jing Yan was transported to the Alliance territory. Of course, Jing Yan's secret channel has never been made public. So far, Jing Yan has only allowed one person to use the mixed Yuan channel in which the city of Jing Yan and the second Jing Yan are connected.

This day, the city of Jingyan.

"Big axe, I will enter the sea of ​​silence in a few days."

Inside the city's main palace, Jing Yan said to the great axe the Great.

The Great Axe's eyes brightened.

Because Jing Yan had promised him that he would take him into the sea of ​​silence. At that time, the resources on his body were taken away by Emperor Yuanzhu. After Jing Yan knew this, he promised to take him into the waters of Wanjing to find resources.

"However, I am not going to take you in this time." Jing Yan added this sentence before the great axe the Great spoke.

"Ah?" The Great Axe stared at Jing Yan.

"Big axe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After I enter the sea of ​​loneliness, I need someone to look after the city of Jingyan and the mixed language. Among the people I trust, only you have the ability to help me look after the city and mixed city Space. "Jing Yan explained to the great axe emperor.

"The sea of ​​solitude is there, and you will have a chance to enter."

"Moreover, you don't lack resources for practice now. You don't need to be in a hurry to enter the sea of ​​silence." Jing Yan continued with a smile.

"City Lord, I just listen to you." The Great Axe arched his hand at Jing Yan.

Jing Yancheng said so, what else can he say?

The words of trusting him to Jing Yan were really touched by the great axe.

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