Universal Sword God

Chapter 3534: Domineering

Jing Yan's remarks gave Taishi Island owners and others a sense of extreme domineering!

In their impressions, Jing Yan Dao You should be regarded as a modest and polite person.

Therefore, some of them can't believe that words like "Some people are beings that you can't provoke" can be said from King Yan's mouth.

Take a step back, even if you can say something similar, then you should look at who the enemy is facing! At this time, their opponent, that is, the King of the Rings!

Taishi Island owner and others all looked at Jingyan with dreadful eyes.

The emperor Jinhuan really hesitated when he heard Jing Yan's words. He felt that Jing Yan had snatched the lines belonging to him. If he is so domineering, shouldn't he be the right thing to be said by his golden ring emperor?

After a brief sting, Emperor Jinhuan's anger could no longer be controlled.

Today, no matter what, he will definitely kill Jing Yan under his golden sword. This little beast dare to abuse him as the old dog!

Damn shit!

"Little beasts, today, even if Lao Tzu comes, you will die."

"The emperor officially announced that you, the little beast, is dead." The emperor Jinhuan was furious, and his voice sounded as if from Jiuyou.


Emperor Jinhuan's body was boiling and bursting.

The powerful energy shock will cause the corroded seawater below to roll up.

The space is fragmented and the power is infinite.

The overwhelming energy seems to melt this world.

Emperor Ding Yu and other practitioners who do not have the power to achieve extremes cannot afford such a terrifying force. It was Emperor Bingbo, who stood in front of them.

"You leave this place quickly." Emperor Bingbo said sharply to Ding Yi and others.

Everyone heard the words, and they immediately withdrew. Only the great Emperor Ding Yun was worried about Jing Yan, so he didn't want to leave.

"Emperor Ding Yun, hurry up! This kind of slaughter is not something you can intervene in. You are here only to distract Jing Yandao friends. You can rest assured that I will not be able to defeat the Golden Ring Emperor when I join forces." The emperor spoke fast.

Hearing this from Emperor Bingbo, Emperor Ding Yue also knew that what Emperor Bingbo said was true. With a worried expression on her face, she evacuated backwards.

After Emperor Jinhuan's shot, Jing Yan's body of Bingyan Jianjian also radiated a bright light.

"Jingyan said, don't slam with him, we will work together to deal with him." Taishi Island Master rushed forward from behind Jingyan, while shouting at Jingyan.

"Island master, friends."

"Let me alone in this battle! You guys, be on your side."

"The old dog of Jinhuan will be killed by myself." Jing Yan said to the owner of Taishi Island and others.

The owner of Taishi Island waited for a moment, what happened to their jingyan friends? Why does it feel abnormal?

"Don't I tell Jing Yan Taoist friends about the strength of King Jinhuan?"

"No! I said that before I came out of Xingdao! I remember Jing Yan Taoist also asked if King Jinhuan was a two-dimensional state of perfection." The eyes of Taishidao's stare looked Jing Yan.

The wolf-toed emperor and others had similar expressions.

The Great Emperor Jinhuan saw this scene and was very happy.

If the Taishi Xingdao giant joins hands to fight him, it will be really difficult. But if there is only one Jingyan, it is very easy to kill Jingyan. After Jing Yan was killed, even if he still had to fight with Taishi Daozhu and other people, the other side lacked an extremely powerful person, and of course his own pressure would be less.

There is not much time, this Jingyan must be cut off, and he cannot be given any chance.

Emperor Jinhuan's expression was ruthless, and the whole body's divine power was activated. He urged more than 50 Yuanzu ancestors to release his strongest fairy attack method. He would kill Jing Yan with a single blow.

"Floating world." Black Moon Mingtai appeared instantly in Jing Yan's left hand, and the floating world came along, covering the Golden Ring Emperor on the opposite side.

After Jing Yan logged into the two-dimensional state of extremes, the quality of his spirit and soul was greatly improved once again. The floating world he exhibited, the effect naturally improved simultaneously.

The golden ring emperor, who was caught in the floating world, had a brief confusion in his eyes.

He quickly broke free and snarled: "The small beasts can still attack the spirits, but I despise you. However, your trick of carving insects has no effect on me."

"Thousands of hard hits!"

Jing Yan was too lazy to respond to the words of Emperor Jinhuan, who combined the smash hits of the immortality to kill the immortals, and was cut off immediately after the advent of the floating world.

This is the first time Jing Yan has officially used Xin Qiankun to smash the enemy. For a long time before, Jing Yan used the sword of Xin Qiankun to kill and kill powerful enemies.

Qian Kun Yi Jian is the first move of Qian Kun Sword Technique, Qian Kun Qian Smash is the second move of Qian Kun Sword Technique.

Layers of sword curtain space, flashing the horrible Jianmang, to kill the Golden Ring Emperor who just broke out of the floating world.

"Hahahaha ..."

"You little beast, but you have only mastered the twenty-seven ancestors of the ancestors, and dare to say that you want to kill me!"

Emperor Jinhuan's divine thoughts sensed the number of Yuan ancestors in Jing Yan and found that there were only 27 of them, and he burst into laughter. Only then did he hear the tone of Jing Yan, and he thought that Jing Yan was also a one-dimensional and superbly mixed emperor who mastered four or five Yuan ancestors.

After only mastering more than 20 Yuan ancestors' principles, he slaughtered with my golden ring emperor.

It was only a moment after his laughter came to an abrupt end. Because he immediately found another problem, an unbearable problem.

The smile on Emperor Jinhuan's face froze directly, his eyes showing a look of horror, and he looked like a ghost.

"how come?"

"How can it be!"

"No! No! Damn ... how could it be two-dimensional?" The Great Lord of the Rings growled in horror.

He had a sense of divine feeling before, knowing that Jing Yan only mastered 27 ancestral Taoist rules ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But the next moment, he felt that Jing Yan's immortal power was a bit wrong, as if it were too strong Too much. He observed it carefully again, only to suddenly find out that the ancestors of the ancestral Tao mastered by Jing Yan were actually surrounded by two groups.

The two ancestral ancestors encircled by these two clusters each have nine, connected end to end, and the other nine ancestor ancestors are relatively far apart.

What does it say?

Explain that Jing Yan is a mixed Yuan emperor in a two-dimensional state of creation!

There are nine major types of Taoism in Yuanzu. Each type of Taoism can only be separated and integrated into itself after all the enlightenment has been mastered.

Hearing the roar of Emperor Jinhuan, Taishi Daozhu and others were also moved, and the subconscious sense of Jing Yan's ancestor Tao was.

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