Universal Sword God

Chapter 3542: 1 group of waste

However, this matter is not absolute. In the process of tracing the 13 hearts of the Sacred Heart, luck also occupies more elements.

There are also very difficult to find entrances, but because of the good luck of the practitioners, they were discovered in advance. It is only a few that rely on luck to find the entrance to the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans. After all, they are only a few, and they cannot be taken as normal.

The practitioners on Daohuaxing Island saw the Taishi Island owner and others quickly retreat, and their laughter became even louder.

"Island owner, I think Taishi Island owner and their giants on Star Island, all of them are soft eggs." One laughed.

"Soft eggs? How could they be soft eggs? You don't know about them." One person shook his head, with a serious expression, and continued: "It is inappropriate to use soft eggs to describe them, to be precise, they are a bunch of waste."

"Hahaha ..."

"It's really waste, a bunch of garbage. I don't know what it means to be alive."

"Our island owner scolded a few words casually, let them get out of the way, they just obediently, dare not stay for a moment."

"That's natural. Are we Daowa Island masters comparable to the level of Taishi Islander? The hybrid Yuan emperor who has reached a two-dimensional state of extremes is only qualified to talk to our Daowa Island master." A complimented expression said.

"This Taishi Island owner is indeed getting more and more disappointing, and his courage is getting smaller and smaller." The Daowa Island owner shook his head and said, "I thought that such humiliation would provoke their anger, and it is best to let them bear it. Come down and hit us. In this way, before entering the 13th Sacred Heart, we may be able to make a fortune. "

"It's a pity ... it's a bunch of cowards!" Daowa Island's owner was full of regretful expression.

"Because you are too famous for the island owner."


Eight people including Taishi Island owner and Jing Yan left the place occupied by the Daohuaxing Island team and came to a relatively remote place.

Emperor Chanyao continued to use his strengths to find other entrances to the 13 Hearts of the Sacred Heart.

This time, the Emperor Chan Yao took longer. It took her seven days to discover it again.

Everyone followed the owner of Canyao Island, looking for the next entrance.

"I hope this entrance is not occupied by the Sing Tao team." Lan? The emperor said softly.

The others nodded secretly, hoping in their hearts.

If there are already other Star Island teams occupying the entrance, then basically no other Star Island teams will be allowed to enter. So either they leave again or they can only compete for the entrance position.

In less than an hour, Emperor Chan Yao stopped.

Her eyes brightened with joy.

"Here!" Said Emperor Chan Yao.

"Is there an entrance to the 13 Hearts of Sacred Heart?" Taishi Dadao asked immediately.

"Well, it should not be wrong. Moreover, this entrance is extremely secretive. Other Sing Tao teams may not find this place."

"I can track down here with a lot of luck. The island owner, after we occupy this place, we can converge and try to avoid being perceived by other practitioners." Chan Yao Island owner continued.

In Wanjing Graveyard, the number of practitioners is still quite large. Even if there are no Star Island teams, ordinary practitioners will try their luck to find treasures in Wanjing Cemetery.

"That's great." The owner of Taishidao lighted up.

"This place is not far from the entrance occupied by the Daohuaxing Island team." Taishi Islander said again.

"Yeah, this distance can be said to be very close." The Great Emperor Gu Yan nodded.

"These don't matter. According to the words of Chan Yao Taoist friends, we converge and wait for the entrance to open quietly." The Emperor Kuo condensed his eyes and said.

Emperor Chan Yao walked a few dozen meters forward, and then stopped completely.

"Island master, friends."

"One of the entrances to the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans should be opened here." Emperor Chan Yao pointed to where she stood.

Taishi Island owner, Jing Yan and others all quickly walked over.

"Then, next, we will occupy this place." Taishidao said Shen Sheng.

"That's right, Chan Yao's friends are right. This place is indeed one of the entrances." The Emperor Wolf Toe focused his attention, and he only used the method to verify it.

Since we have arrived, it is not difficult to verify whether this is the entrance to the 13th Sacred Heart. But if you find it from a long distance, the probability is very low, unless you have strong luck.

The next time, Taishi Island owner, Jing Yan and other eight people deliberately converged and waited. Even the voice of speaking was deliberately low.

Over time, the environment of Wanji's cemetery began to change significantly. The power of the Tao here is even more irritable than when the people first came in. The spirit of necromancy has also become more intense, making people feel extremely uncomfortable.

All this indicates that the thirteen lakes of the Sacred Heart are about to open.

The owner of Taishi Island said that the 13 Sacred Hearts of Sacred Heart may be opened in ten days.


The lonely graveyard, a group of people, is hanging in the air, as if waiting for something.

This group of people consists of fifteen people. Headed by a man in a blue robe with long beard.

"Islander, we seem to be a little late." One of them said loudly.

They are obviously a Star Island team, a team of 15 people. The man in the blue robe is the identity of the island owner.

"Well, it's a bit late. The responsibility lies with me on this matter, but I'm delaying time." The owner of the blue robe island nodded, his face solemnly said.

"The island owner's words are heavy, but it's not too late, after all, the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan has not yet started." The man laughed again and said quickly.

"Yes, Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan has not yet been opened, we still have time to find the entrance position." Another said loudly.

"Island owner, I found it." An ancestor suddenly opened his eyes in the team and said in surprise.

"Oh?" The owner of Lanpao Island and others turned to look at the old man.

"Island owner, you friends, follow me. I think I have locked an entrance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This black robe old man speaks quickly.


The group flew up quickly, followed the old man in black robe.

The old man in black robe continued to track while flying.

"Here, not far ahead, there is an entrance to Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans." The old man in black robe raised his hand and pointed to the front.

After more than ten breaths, the group reached the entrance locked by the old man in black robes. They also saw a Star Island team occupying this entrance at this time.

The owner of the blue robe island and others immediately stopped flying. They hung in the air, watching the Star Island team occupying the entrance.

"Huh? Dahuaxing Island's team." The blue robe island owner frowned and whispered.

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