Universal Sword God

Chapter 3544: You dog

The main character of Daohua Island was terrified and terrible.

The eleven giants on Dahuaxing Island are also ugly.

Seeing that Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan was about to open, but the entrance they occupied was snatched by Dongying Xingdao Shengsheng. They said the team of Huaxing Island, what should we do next?

For the rest of the time, it is almost impossible to trace to other entrances.

Could it be that the action of entering the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans was abandoned?

"There is no other way." The Daohua Island owner said to the people around him after cursing the East Island owner.

"However, we cannot just give up so easily."

"Dear friends, in the time between the opening of the 13th Sacred Heart, we still try our best to find its entrance." Said Daohua Island Lord.

"Island owner, Wanjing Cemetery cannot explore the space with divine thoughts, and there is not enough time to search for the entrance. How can we find other entrances?" Someone asked the owner of Hua Island.

"Luck." Daowa Island owner glanced at each other and said.

When he said that, the giants understood it.

The crowd nodded. At this point, they really had no luck.

"Don't delay time, go." Daowa Island Lord flew forward.

The giants on Dahuaxing Island followed closely behind.

They also know that if the twelve of them look for the entrance separately, the probability of finding the entrance will undoubtedly be much higher. However, there is a serious flaw in finding the entrance separately.

The entrance to the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools is about to open, and the opening time of the entrance is extremely short. If they act separately, even if they are lucky enough to find the entrance, they will not have time for others to arrive in time.

And, acting apart will disperse power. If it is only one or two people, even if they find the entrance, they cannot grab the entrance from other Sing Tao teams.


Daowa Island owner flew fast with the island giants.

During the flight, their eyes continued to look around. What they are looking for now is where the other Star Island teams gather. The gathering of Star Island teams indicates that the place is likely to be the entrance to the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan.

"Everyone's eyes are a bit brighter, but don't miss the suspicious things." Daowa Island owner said to everyone.

The giants all answered.

"Look at the island owner!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the line.

"Some people over there seem to be a team of Sing Tao. They didn't move there. Good guys, they have converged and the divine power fluctuates." The giant Dao Xingdao had a slightly excited voice.

Everyone else in the team also saw the place.

"Hurry up." The owner of Daowa Island did not hesitate to order to approach the past.

It was only a short time before they could see clearly.

"Tai Shixing Island's team?" Daowa Island owner, saw Taishi Island owner.

"Haha, it's interesting, it's really interesting. It seems that we have a fate with Huaxing Island and Taishixing Island!" Dahua Island's leader saw the team in front of Taishixing Island, and he burst out laughing.

Then, not only did they not slow down at all, they also accelerated.

"The island owner is right, we really have a relationship with Taishi Xingdao's team. Hey, they are hiding here, and the convergence of power is fluctuating, indicating that this place is likely to be an entrance." A giant said with a grin.

"The island owner, you Taoists, here is indeed the entrance." On Dahuaxing Island, the mixed Yuan emperor who was responsible for tracking the entrance of the 13 Hearts of the Sacred Heart verified this.

"The waste of Taishi Xingdao is also very lucky. It can actually find this secret entrance." One person squinted and smiled.

He couldn't find it far away, but they were already there, and verification was not difficult.

"Damn!" Taishi Daodao saw the Daohua Dao and others sprinting over, and couldn't help cursing.

"These jerk, what are we doing here? Didn't they occupy an entrance?" Emperor Mundo frowned.

"The island owner, Dahuaxing Island's team, seems to be trying to **** our entrance." Emperor Chan Yao said coldly.

"These **** things." The wolf-toed emperor's eyes were full of anger and gritted teeth.

"Hahaha ..." A laugh came from the owner of Daohua Island.

"Tai Shidao Lord, we met again." Daohua Island Master smiled and looked at Taishi Island Master and others.

"Where is the owner of Daohua Island here?" Taishi Islander asked intently.

"Joke, this is not your Taishixing Island. What does it have to do with you when we come here? Besides, even if it is Taishixing Island, we want to go," said the great emperor of Dahuaxing Island with a laugh.

"Okay! Let's not say anything secretly! Taishi Island owner, now please invite your team from Taishi Island to leave here."

"I declare that this place is occupied by our Tao Huaxing Island." The owner of Daowa Island waved and said arrogantly, an unquestionable and rebuttal posture.

"Daohua Island Lord, you are doing too much, aren't you?" Taishi Island Lord said with a breath.

"Tai Shi, you rarely tell me these nonsense. The entrance to the Sacred Heart Thirteen Ponds does not belong to any Star Island. You want to occupy it, you rely on strength. You Tai Shi Xing Island has no strength, just give me a good deal." Huadao host said a cold face.

This sentence was basically what the owner of Dongying Island said to him before.

"Daohua Island Lord, your Dahuaxing Island team has occupied an entrance. Why, again, to grab the entrance occupied by our Taishi Xingdao team?" The wolf-toothed Emperor uttered.

Asked by Emperor Wolf Toe, the face of Daowa Island Lord suddenly turned black. The Emperor Wolf Toe was okay without asking, and this question made his anger, which was hard to suppress, burn again.

The giant emperor on Dao Huaxing Island also showed a fierce look.

Lao Tzu must be pretending to be a grandson in the face of Dongying Xingdao. Now, the face is you too Shixing Island, why be patient!

"Trash of Shishi Island, I think you are looking for death!" Daohua Island owner screamed angrily, and the whole body of divine power surged, killing the sky.

"I kill you, the waste of Taishi Xingdao, let you stop talking nonsense!" The grandeur of Daowa Island's momentum spread, the cold voice filled the world.

"Hehe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The tone of your dog thing is really big enough."

A voice came out suddenly.

Speaking of course, Taishi Xingdao giant Jingyan the Great.

Jing Yan turned his back and took a step forward, looking at the owner of Daohua Island with his eyes raised slightly.

You dog thing?

Everyone on Dao Huaxing Island wondered if they heard it wrong? This is what the practitioners of Taishi Xingdao dare to say? Moreover, I still told the owner of Daohua Island.

The Daohua Island master gave a little stupid look. He looked at Jing Yan, and it seemed that the person who did not respond to Jing Yan's scolding was his Dao Island master.

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