Universal Sword God

Chapter 3550: Extreme Skull

Transform while absorbing?

That is impossible!

After blocking Wanji Honglian with divine power, Jing Yan worked his mind to absorb the energy it contained.

"Strong! Strong!"

Wan Ji Honglian's energy had just poured into her body, and Jing Yan had such a thought in her heart. The energy quality of this thing is high, not to mention the ordinary Wanjing Black Lotus, which is far from comparable.

The owner of Taishi Island said that Wanlian Honglian's help to the practitioners is extremely great, and it is not an exaggeration.

"I suck!" Converged and absorbed.

Although he apologized to the people of Taishi Island, etc., Jing Yan decided to absorb as much energy as possible from the lonely red lotus. As for the losses caused by others, Jing Yan will find opportunities to make up for them in the future.

An hour later, Jing Yan temporarily ended the absorption of Wanlian Honglian's energy. He removed the energy barrier around the divine power and walked down.

The owners of Taishi Island took turns to use Wanlian Honglian.

When Jing Yan used Wanji Honglian for the second time, he did not absorb it any more. Because the energy contained in a lonely red lotus is not large in quantity. If he absorbs it again this time, I am afraid that he can directly absorb this lonely red lotus.

More than ten days later, this lonely red lotus disappeared.

The owner of Taishi Island, etc., had some ideas.

"Wan Ji Honglian, what a great thing!" The wolf-toothed sighed.

"Cooperating with the elixir given to me by Jing Yan Taoist friends, I feel that ... the state of extremes is very close to me." The Emperor Wolf Toe suddenly stared.

"Brother toe, maybe when you go out from the 13th Tan of the Sacred Heart, you are already in the state of extremes. You have mastered more than sixty ancestors, once you log in to the extremes, it will be the top one He is extremely powerful. "Tai Shidao said.

"It's the same with Kuoyou Daoyou." Taishi Daodao said to Emperor Kuoyi again.

"Well, I also feel it's not too far away." The Emperor Kuo nodded with a smile.

"Let's go! Maybe it's not far away, and there is a lonely red lotus." Taishi Islander's gaze looked forward and said in his mouth.

"There is a super lonely black lotus among the lonely black lotus. Is there a super lonely red lotus among the lonely red lotus?" Jing Yan asked casually during the slow flight.

The lonely red lotus just obtained is still too small to be sucked. If it is a lonely red lotus the size of a super lonely black lotus, it can be sucked for a long time.

"I'm not sure if there is a Super Silent Red Lotus, and I have never heard of anyone who found the Super Silent Red Lotus at Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan." The owner of Taishi Island said, shaking his head gently.

"Ha ha, if you can harvest a super lonely red lotus, then it will be developed. After using the super lonely red lotus, the 13 hearts of the Sacred Heart will be closed immediately." Lan ?? The emperor smiled.

The others laughed lightly.

In the third month when everyone entered the 13th Sacred Heart, they met Meteor for the third time. The number of meteor channels that appeared this time was much larger than the previous two, and it lasted longer.

In the Taishi Xingdao team, four people fully captured the meteor.

They are King Yan, Great Wolf Toe, Bingbo, and Chan Yao.

The meteor rule captured by Jing Yan is also a valid rule. Even Jing Yan himself felt that his luck was indeed very good. However, this Yuanzu Taoism is not the last of the three types of Yuanzu Taoism, but the sixth type of Yuanzu Taoism.

So far, the number of Yuan ancestors mastered by Jing Yan has reached 34.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Emperor Wolf Toe suddenly laughed wildly.

"Brother-toe, what's wrong?" Taishi Dao asked the Emperor Wolf-toe.

Several other people also looked at the wolf-toothed emperor.

"Island master, you friends. I ... really great!" Emperor Wolf Toe beamed with excitement in his voice.

His wolf-toothed emperor finally entered the state of extremes. For countless years, he never wanted to be able to log into the state of extremes. However, although he has nearly three masters of the ancestors, he failed to break through.

Today he broke through. His wolf-toothed emperor, entered the extreme state.


"Wolf-toe friend, congratulations."

"Brother-toe, now you, but among us, the most powerful one besides Jingyan Daoyou. Based on the amount of Yuanzu Taoism you have, even the Golden Ring Emperor and Daohua Emperor are not you Opponent. "Taishi Island owner said.

The third encounter with the meteor was not captured by the owner of Taishi Island.

"Damn, my luck is so bad!" Said Bingbo, pulling his face.

"Ineffective?" Asked Monduo.

"Well! Really ... I have mastered more than thirty Yuanzu rules! It was so hard for me to capture a meteor rule," Emperor Bingbo was uncomfortable, and it was hard to calm down at once.

"Can Yao Yao friends, how about you?" Everyone looked at Emperor Can Yao again.

Emperor Chanyao is not too powerful among the giants of Taishi Xingdao. However, she is also special. Previously, she searched for the entrance of the Sacred Heart Thirteen Lakes in Wanji Cemetery, mainly by her. What's more, she could capture the meteor path twice in a row, which shows that in some aspects, she really surpassed the other one-dimensional pole-changing Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Effective." Emperor Chan Yao's answer was simple.

Hearing her say this, the crowd showed another envious look, and there was something like congratulations on their lips.


Time passed another seven days.




Taishi Xingdao team members suddenly felt that a strange vibration appeared in the space. Moreover, it seems that there are still regular vibrations.

At the beginning, the eyes of the Taishi Xingdao team were a little confused.

Suddenly, the owner of Taishi Island seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed.

"Not good! We ... will not run into extreme skeletons!" Tai Shidao's voice was low.

Hearing the words of the owner of Taishi Island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The other people were all eyes cold and could not help but tighten their bodies.

"Creating extreme skeletons?" Jing Yan was a little white in the 13th Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart, and he knew little about it.

The owner of Taishi Island just wanted to explain to Jing Yan what an extreme skeleton is, but he swallowed it again. Because at this time, he does not need to explain more about Jing Yan.

In the sight of everyone, a tall golden shadow had appeared. The golden shadow was approaching everyone quickly.

"Huh? Is this the ultimate skeleton?" Jing Yan said, staring at the golden shadow in a low voice.

"Exactly! We ... really encountered the extreme skeleton!" The owner of Taishidao was a little pale, and his weapon appeared in his hands instantly.

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