Universal Sword God

Chapter 3555: Gate of Silence

Emperor Bingbo dodged the nine-eyed demon fire, only slightly slower.

Specifically, his body was gently rubbed by the nine-eyed demon fire.

But just so lightly wiped, the body of Emperor Bingbo was burned down, and a quarter of his body was gone.

This shows how terrifying the power of the nine-eyed demon fire. The Bingbo Emperor, who protects his body with divine power, is also a hybrid Yuan emperor in a state of extremes!

Seeing this scene, Jing Yan was also surprised. From this point of view, the one-dimensionally created Xuanyuan Emperor, under the burning of the nine-eyed demon fire, may be able to persist in the blink of time!

No wonder, Taishi Dao and other people are so grateful to Jing Yan, and regard Jing Yan the Great as a life-saving benefactor.

"Bingbo Daoyou, how do you feel?" Taishi Dao asked the Bingbo Emperor quickly.

Emperor Bingbo put his hand down and said, "It's okay, okay. If it's slower and slower, I'm afraid that this life will stay here forever."

Emperor Bingbo grinned as he spoke.

Jing Yan took out a few healing immortals and handed them to the Bingbo Emperor. The Bingbo Emperor was also polite and immediately received it and swallowed it.

Everyone was relieved to see that Bingbo was intact.

"This time we entered the 13th Sacred Pool of Sacred Hearts, and the gain was huge. However, I really don't know if luck is good or bad."

"From entering the Sacred Heart Thirteen Ponds, we have all encountered the nine-eyed demon fire three times. This frequency is too high."

"If there weren't any Jingyan and Taoists here, depending on the strength of a few of us, we would have experienced three nine-eyed monster fire attacks, for fear that it would be dead."

When Emperor Bingbo healed and recovered, the owner of Taishi Island exhaled deeply.

"I don't know of other Star Island teams who entered the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart. Like us, they also encountered the nine-eyed demon fire many times." Wolf-toed Emperor Ning Mei said.

"If the one-dimensional Xingdao team encountered three nine-eyed monster fires, it might be overwhelmed by the army." The owner of Taishi Island exhaled.

"Our Taishi Xingdao team, the number of nine-eyed demon fires we encountered was really not normal. It was normal to encounter the nine-eyed demon fires during the entire opening time of the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools." Say it out loud.

"Fortunately, we have Jingyan Taoist friends." Lan? Emperor said with a smile.

Everyone nodded.

After some healing and recovery, the Bingbo Emperor basically returned to normal. The healing elixir provided by Jing Yan has no need to say much. As long as the spirit body is not severely traumatized, but only some physical damage, using the top healing elixir can quickly recover.

"Dear friends, we must hurry up."

"Sacred Heart Thirteen Ponds has been open for several months. It may not be far away when it is closed." Taishidao said with a flash of eyes.

"Well, keep searching for treasures."



"Boom boom boom ..."

On this day, Jing Yan and others were slowly flying and suddenly felt space shaking.

Within the Thirteen Sacred Hearts of Sacred Heart, a vicissitudes of thick and powerful force, with no sign appeared, flooded everywhere.

As soon as Jing Yan's eyes were frozen, he locked in one direction almost instantly.

"What's that?" Jing Yan said.

"A place of silence!"

"It's the gate of the solitary land!"

"Jingyan and Taoist friends, this is a sign of the manifestation of the gate of the lonely land. The entire Sacred Heart of Thirteen Pools can clearly perceive this unmatched energy fluctuation." Suppressed agitation.

"I thought this lonely place wouldn't appear this time. I didn't expect ... it still appeared." The wolf-toothed emperor stared.

"The gate of the lonely land appears, and all the Sing Tao teams will rush there." Emperor Mundo said loudly.

"Everyone!" Taishi Dao's face calmed and looked at the people around him: "The gate of the lonely place appears, and the Kunmi Star Island team will definitely go there."

The words of Taishi Islander poured cold water on everyone.


The gate of the lonely land has already appeared, and the three-dimensional Star Island Kunmi Star Island team will inevitably go to the lonely gate. The Kumi Island owner already knew that the Taishi Xingdao team killed the Daohua Island owner.

So, once the two sides meet at the gate of silence, how will Kun Mixing Island react? You do n’t have to think about it to know that the Kunming Star Island team will definitely retaliate against the Taishi Star Island team.

"A place of silence, I'm going to see it." Jing Yan said.

"Jingyan and Taoist friends, don't pass it this time. The owner of Kunming Island is a strong person in the three-dimensional pole-building realm, and he has been a three-dimensional pole-building realm long ago. We are in the past, and I am afraid It will be bad. "Tai Shidao said looking at Jing Yan.

"Yes! The Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools will be opened again, this time there is no need to go to a place of solitude." The Great Wolf Toe also persuaded.

Jing Yan's eyebrows.

"Jingyan Taoist, we are not afraid of death. Without you, some of us might have died under the burning of the nine-eyed demon fire. I just think that there is no need to take risks now." Seriously: "If you must go and see, then we are willing to go with you."

"Yes, if Jing Yandao friends insist on going, we will follow. Big deal, it is a death." Lan? Great Emperor Road.

Several others nodded. Everyone looked at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan shook his head and said, "Taishi Island Master, you Taoists. In fact, I can just go and see for myself, you don't have to go with me."


"Well then!"

"To go, go together." Tai Shidao said immediately.

"I'm serious, I can go alone. You can rest assured that even if the master Kun Mi shots in person, he wants to kill me, it is not that simple. Besides, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I can't beat him , I can also run. The master of Kunya Island, can't leave the lonely place to not enter, has been chasing and killing me in the thirteen pool of Sacred Heart? "Jing Yan smiled and said to everyone.

It seems that the Taishi Islander also makes sense when he listens to Jing Yan.

"But ... Jingyan Taoyou, the master of Kun Mi Island is a mixed Yuan emperor in a three-dimensional state of extremes. Once he shot, you ... will you have a chance to escape?" Taishi Island owner was still very worried.

"Kunmi Island master is a three-dimensional pole-building realm, I am also a three-dimensional pole realm!" Jing Yan laughed.


"Jingyan Daoyou, what are you talking about?"

"Three-dimensional pole-changing realm? Are you already a three-dimensional pole-changing emperor?"

"..." Tai Shidao and others heard Jing Yan's words and stared at Jing Yan with round eyes.

This sounds like, how does it feel like dreaming? When the Great Emperor Jingyan just entered the sea of ​​lonely waters and arrived at Taishi Xingdao, he only mastered the one-dimensional and superb realm of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty!

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