Universal Sword God

Chapter 3573: Login to China and the U.S.

Jing Yan waved his divine power and gently opened the Dan furnace.

As the divine power flowed slowly, a gray elixir slowly flew out of the furnace. This elixir is the size of a fingernail and is much smaller than Nirvana.

The halo on its surface is far less bright than sunedan.

But if you perceive it carefully, you can sense a thick history of this elixir.

Jing Yan and Emperor Wan Ji both stared at the elixir just taken out.

Emperor Wan Ji's expression became weird. The original indifferent expression changed a lot.

"It's done?" Wan Ji the Great uttered, and with his voice, he seemed to take a deep breath.

Emperor Wan Ji's gaze shifted from Jing Fandan to Jing Yan's body.

"Senior, I have succeeded in refining!" Jing Yan only showed excitement at this time. Before the furnace was opened, Jing Yan could not determine whether he had successfully refined Ji Fandan.

"This ... is really unexpected! It seems that Jing Yan Xiaoyou's talent on Dan Road is much better than me." Wan Ji the Great said.

"You refining another furnace to see." Wan Ji the emperor turned, let Jing Yan refining another furnace Silent Fandan.

The success of the first refining was surprising, but it could also be a component of luck. Therefore, the Emperor Wanji asked Jing Yan to make another furnace.

"Good predecessor." Jing Yan filled the refined Ji Fandan into a jade bottle and set about making a second furnace.

The refining of the second furnace Silvan Van takes less time than the first furnace Silvan Van. Jing Yan's refining of this pot of elixir took only one and a half months.

Open the furnace to check the Dan.

"Successful again?" The expression of Emperor Wan Ji's expression changed greatly, and the charm in his eyes became strong.

"Senior, it is." Jing Yan nodded.

Before this second furnace, Fan Yan, Jing Yan had a lot of certainty that it was a successful refining.

"Little friend, terrific." Wan Ji Dadi paused for a moment and nodded heavily.

"Senior, can this Fanfandan help your body recover?" Jing Yan asked in a voice as soon as his heart moved.

Emperor Wanji shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "It's useless. In this world, there are no resources to restore my body."

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, you ... refine some more Fanfan out. Then, I will do my best to help you in your practice." Wan Ji, the emperor, waved his hand to Jing Yan Said.

"Yes, I still have a lot of materials for refining elixir." Jing Yan nodded.

The next time, Jing Yan put all his mental energy on refining Silent Fandan. When the soul power is consumed too much, he uses resources such as blue locust fruit to recover quickly.

In this way, after a few years, Jing Yan refined more than thirty silent fans. At this point, the alchemy material on his body is no longer able to continue to refine Silvan.

"Senior, I have made 34 Silvans in total."

"The remaining elixir material on the body can no longer continue to refine Jifandan." Jing Yan said to Emperor Wanji.

"Well, thirty-four lonely fans, okay." Emperor Wan nodded his head and nodded: "Little friend, I can help you in spiritual practice.

"Be prepared, I will help you with my last strength." Wan Ji the Great Emperor's eyes fixed.

Then, on the surface of Emperor Wanji's body, energy fluctuations appeared in the ancestor Tao. Emperor Wanji also turned from pale to rosy.

After breathing for a while, Jing Yan felt that the energy fluctuations in the funnel of this lonely place had increased.


A red puddle suddenly appeared in front of Jing Yan.

On the calm pond, a red lotus blooms at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sacred Heart Pool, Wanlian Honglian!

Both of these resources, Jing Yan, have seen them at Sacred Heart Sacred Pool and tried them out for themselves. The effect of these two resources is clear.

"What a huge red lotus." Jing Yan thought in shock.

The Wanlian Red Lotus he looked at at this time was dozens of times larger than the Wanlian Red Lotus he saw in the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart. Such a large lonely red lotus can be called a super lonely red lotus.

At this time, Wan Ji, the breathing sound was thick, accompanied by a severe cough.

Jing Yan hurriedly looked at Emperor Wan Ji, only to see Wan Ji Emperor's face turning paler. Throughout his body, there was a deep exhaustion. Jing Yan could even see that the body of Emperor Wan Ji was trembling gently.

In this state, Emperor Wan Ji even smiled at Jing Yan after the severe cough stopped.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, quickly practice! This Yuanzu Dadao was transformed into a puddle. My current condition will not last for a long time." Emperor Wanji said with a smile to Jing Yan.

"Senior Wanji ..." Jing Yan's eyes were slightly red.

However, he could not say more.

He nodded heavily, then stepped into Sacred Heart Tan and sat on the lonely red lotus.

Jing Yan first swallowed a silent Fandan.

Jing Fandan's effect made Jing Yan's blood boil and his soul tremble. Immediately after, he swallowed a great Nirvana.

The mind works, absorbing the energy of Wanlian Honglian and Sacred Heart Tan.

In the mind, the two origins are fused at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Jing Yan closed her eyes, palms up. Qiyun Canglang Holy Road Bead appeared above Jing Yan's palm.

In just a few days, the third type of Yuanzu Taoism was merged by Jing Yan's enlightenment. He mastered this Yuanzu Taoism. Before entering the land of solitude, Jing Yan had mastered two of the four types of Yuanzu Taoism.

After half a month, Jing Yan mastered the fourth Yuanzu Taoism in four categories.

Two months later, Jing Yan mastered the fifth ancestor rule of the four categories.

Jing Yan's strength is increasing at a terrifying rate. No one can imagine this speed of progress.

After practicing for a year, Jing Yan has mastered the seventh of the four types and nine ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty.

After another year and a half, he merged the eighth ancestor Tao of the four categories.

The last Yuanzu Taoism of the four categories ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also the last Yuanzu Taoism of this category, and the difficulty of understanding integration has increased dramatically. However, under the auxiliary resonance of various resources, it took Jing Yan only six years to integrate his insights.

Four-dimensional make perfect!

At this time, Jing Yan had successfully entered the four-dimensional pole-making realm and became the great emperor of China and the U.S.

Just at this time, Jing Yan suddenly felt that he had lost the energy supply of the Sacred Heart Pool.

Jing Yan opened his eyes subconsciously and just saw the disappearance of Sacred Heart Pool.


The Great Emperor sitting there spit out a large mouthful of blood. The blood of Emperor Wan Ji is no longer bright red, but deep brown-red.

(End of this chapter)

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