Universal Sword God

Chapter 3588: Deer 2

In the words of Emperor Zhan Wu, there was a faint blame for Jing Yan.

It may be felt that this trouble or danger was brought to the Alliance by Emperor Jing Yan.

"Great Emperor Zhanwu, if it were not King Yan, our alliance would have been destroyed by the Great God of Heaven. Being a human being, at least understand gratitude. Without King Yan Yan, can you still stand here and speak? The emperor couldn't listen to others saying that Jing Yan was bad, so he immediately refuted the emperor Zhanwu.

Emperor Zhanwu smiled: "I didn't say anything. I mean, we still have to make some preparations in case of accident."

Among the leaders of Jiao Yuan and a number of mixed members, it was no longer that they gathered together once and twice to discuss the matter. But in the end, there were no results.

In the final analysis, there is still a huge gap in strength.

In the face of Lu Sheng's mixed powers, the alliance simply cannot fight. To put it bluntly, everyone can do it, just to listen to fate.

"Jesus, Emperor Jingyan has entered Jiaoyuan Junyuan at this time."

Tuolianjun quickly entered from outside the hall, said the main source of the focus source alliance.

The Tuolian Army Division had just received a message from the guards of the Junyuan Channel Node, and learned that the two King Jingyan and the Great Axe entered the Jiaoyuan Junyuan.



"The Emperor Jingyan is back?"

"Has entered Jiaoyuan Junyuan? It seems that Emperor Jingyan knows that Lusheng Junyuan is here."

The leaders of Jiao Yuan and others all showed unexpected expressions when they heard the news from Tuolian Army Division.

"The guard from the node of the mixed Yuan channel sent a message saying that King Yan entered the Jiaoyuan mixed Yuan with the Great Axe. It should be the Great Axe and found the King Yan." Tuolianjun nodded.

The joyful expressions appeared on the faces of the leaders of Jiao Yuan.

Emperor Huoyang had deep anxiety in his eyes.

Once the King Yan Yan met the Lusheng people, what would the two messengers of Lusheng people do? Although the King Yanyan is very powerful, he is far superior to the mixed Yuan emperor in the alliance. Can the King Yanyan be defeated in the face of Lusheng mixed Yuan strongman?

Emperor Huoyang was worried about Jing Yan's safety.

"Everyone, King Jingyan has entered the Jiaoyuan Mixed Yuan. I want to visit Jade Palace soon. We are here for King Jingyan." The leader of Jiaoyuan said to everyone.

Emperor Zhanwu nodded happily.

Just after more than a few hours, the guard of the Jade Palace reported that the King Jingyan had arrived.

The leader of Jiao Yuan led the master out of the hall quickly to welcome Jingyan.

"Jingyan the Great."

"I've seen King Yan!"

Everyone bowed to Jing Yan, including the leader of Jiao Yuan. Although Emperor Jiao Yuan has always been the leader of the alliance, in terms of personal strength, Jing Yan is the most powerful mixed Yuan emperor in the alliance.



"Huoyang Emperor." Jing Yan also bowed back to everyone.

After a brief greeting, Jing Yan said immediately, "I already know the thing, and the giant axe told me that Lusheng Junyuan came to see me."

"Leader, where is the Lusheng mixed Yuan?" Jing Yan asked the leader of Jiao Yuan.

The leader of Jiao Yuan looked at Jing Yan, revealing something that he wanted to stop.

However, he opened his mouth and said, "Emperor Jingyan, Lu Shengyou Yuan, two envoys have come to the territory of our alliance this time. I am afraid they are not good for you."

Jing Yan nodded: "I probably know why they came to the Alliance to find me, it should be about Sunedan."

"This matter is inevitable. They must find me, and I can only see them." Jing Yan continued.

"Emperor Jingyan, they may be against you. We ... still discuss and see if there is any other way." Emperor Huoyang said loudly.

"I'm afraid there is no other way. The messenger of Lu Sheng gave us a deadline. The deadline is only more than 20 days. At this time, it's difficult for us to do anything." Zhan Wu looked at Jing Yan for a glance Road.

Jing Yan also glanced at Emperor Zhan Wu.

Then he looked at the Emperor Huoyang and said, "Emperor Huoyang, you don't have to worry about me. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Furthermore, even if they really want to do something to me, I'm not without counterattack. force."

"Well, don't tell anyone. Leader, you take me to meet the two messengers of Lusheng Shengyuan." Jing Yan also focused on the source leader.

"Um!" Jiao Yuanmeng responded heavily.

The two messengers of Lusheng mixed Yuan also live in the Jade Palace.

The leader of Jiao Yuan took the Jingyan to the messenger's temporary residence.

"The King of Jingyan, the messenger of Lusheng mixed Yuan, lives here." Jiao Yuanmeng pointed to the building not far away and said to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan nodded: "Dear friends, I can go in with the allies. You guys, don't go in together."

Jing Yan was also worried that if the two parties met, there would be a direct conflict, and if the two sides were to fight each other, the Huoyang emperor would be dangerous even if he was one-dimensional and even a little complete.

"The Emperor Jingyan is right, you guys shouldn't go in together. There are too many people, but I'm afraid that it will make Lu Sheng's messenger messenger unpleasant."

Emperor Zhanwu and others nodded in agreement.

"Jingyan the Great, be careful." Huoyang said softly.


As soon as Jing Yan entered the building, he saw two messengers from Lusheng Heyuan.

The two were tall, short, fat and thin, one wearing a black robe and one wearing a white robe.

"Jiaoyuan Leader, have you just left for a while and come back, is there any good news?" The tall emissary glanced at Jiao Yuan Leader and asked.

The words fell, and his eyes turned to Jing Yan, who was next to the leader of Jiao Yuan.

The two messengers of Lu Sheng Luan Yuan naturally have not seen Jing Yan, nor do they know Jing Yan. Jing Yan stood in front of them at this time, and they didn't know that the person they were looking for had arrived.

"I heard that the two emissaries are looking for me." Jing Yan said before the main leader of Jiao Yuan.


"You're that Jingyan?" The short messenger stared at the eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ stood up and looked at Jing Yan, asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I'm the Jingyan you're looking for." Jingyan nodded: "I don't know the two messengers came from afar and entered our territory to find me. What happened?"

"Oh, why are we looking for you? Are you not sure?" The tall emissary sneered.

"I just saw the two emissaries. The two emissaries didn't seem to say anything. How could I know the purpose of the two emissaries?" Jing Yan's eyes narrowed, and his attitude was not soft.

"Well, we two don't have time to talk to you. I ask you, can you make sunedan?" The short messenger waved and continued with a dark face: "Don't try to deceive us! Come here After that, we have checked it thoroughly! "

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