Universal Sword God

Chapter 921: Pathfinder

The unreported red flame contains a terrible force of destruction. Even if the saint warriors of the Three Paths come into contact with the red flame, they will turn into fly ash within the breathing time.

General defense artifacts can't be blocked.

Around the two sides of the camp, you can see some scattered materials. These materials are the remains of many artifacts, including even the sacred artifacts of the level of Zhenzong. Most of the materials used in forging the sacred vessels were completely ablated, and what could be left were extremely rare and rare materials that were extremely strong.

However, even the remaining materials have basically lost their value, and almost all have become waste.

Both sides of the horse and horse were hiding inside the energy hood and moving forward. However, the speed of movement is extremely slow, much slower than ordinary people walking.

Two energy hoods of different colors flicker constantly. It can be seen that when some red flames hit the energy hood, the energy hood will have a strong ripple ripple, a force of laws, and then add the energy hood to return it to normal.

The two sides are distinct.

One is the aboriginal people of this world, and the other is the Protoss from the divine realm. The number of people on both sides is quite large.

"damn it!"

"How big is this land of flames? At our current speed, can the monkey year pass through here?" Among the Aboriginal camp, a warrior wearing a red robe continued to release his strength, gritted his teeth.

"Brother Huang, it ’s okay to walk slowly through the land of fire. The question is, can we persist through the land of fire. The tower of light is very defensive, but maintaining such a large area, our consumption is too large. Going down, I'm worried that we will be completely destroyed here before we pass through the land of fire. "Said a cold voice of a black robe warrior.

"Yeah! The Holy Light Tower is a super powerful sacred weapon. Under our use, it can block the fire of destruction in the land of flames. But maintaining such a large area, our consumption is too fast. General holy state , And can't help anything. "Another old man in black robe said, shaking his head.

"This way, we must not be able to persist."


"We need someone to go out and continue exploring. In this way, blindly, there are too many destruction fires. Each time the energy shield of the Holy Light Tower touches the destruction fire, it will consume a lot of energy. If you can touch less, Some devastating fires will have much less pressure on us. Therefore, someone must go out and explore the road. "

In the camp, several half-step virtual gods began to discuss.

As for those who are in the sacred state, they all shut their mouths tightly. Even the Three Realms of the Cause are not qualified to intervene.

The Holy Light Tower is a very powerful sacred weapon. Generally, the three sacred martial arts warriors are not very helpful in using this sacred weapon. Not that they can't use it, but that their vitality and the laws of control are not enough, and they have little effect on the terrible attack of defending the fire of destruction.

As for the warriors in the first state and the second state, it is even more unbearable.

At this time, the human camp relies mainly on a few half-step virtual gods. These half-step virtual gods have survived the war between humans and gods. For thousands of years, they have hardly left the temple in the sky. This time, because of the present age of the ancestors of the Law, came here from the Temple of the Sky.

"Send someone to explore the road, so who is it?"

"Did anyone take the initiative to explore the way?" A half-step false **** turned his eyes, sweeping those ordinary martial arts soldiers.

No one spoke.

Everyone remained silent.

Because everyone knows that leaving the protection of the Holy Light Tower is a dead end. As soon as they entered the land of fire, they died a lot. Later, the Holy Light Tower was used, and everyone survived, but some warriors left the energy shield of the Holy Light Tower to find a way to pass through the flames in their own power. These people died without exception. Outside, none could successfully pass through the flames.

Now the half-powerful gods are strong, and they want people to go out and explore. Who wants to?

Going out is a death!

"It seems that everyone does not have enough courage!" The half-step smirked with a smirk.

"In my opinion, it starts with the people in the Tianyuan continent." A yellow robe half-step Xushen said.

This person is named Ouyang Lin, a half-step imaginary powerhouse in the continent.

This world was shattered in the war between humans and gods. The original whole has now become seven continents floating on the infinite sea. The Tianyuan and Tianhui continents are two of the seven continents.

The Tianyuan continent borders on the hopeless abyss. It can be said that the Tianyuan continent is the closest to the hopeless abyss occupied by the Protoss. Human territories, such as the Tianhui continent, are located farther from the hopeless abyss.

As soon as Ouyang Lin said this, the other half-step imaginary powerhouses blinked a little, and for a while no one spoke against it.

After a while.

"Master Ouyang Lin, why do you start with my Tianyuan mainland warrior?" A samurai warrior with three faces, pale, raised his courage, and asked Ouyang Lin this half-step false god.

This man is called Yi Xiang, a warrior who belongs to the Tianyuan continent.

Ouyang Lin wanted the warriors from the Tianyuan continent to go out to explore the road first. Of course, Yi Xiang, as a warrior from the Tianyuan continent, was certainly unhappy.

"Huh, is this still asking?"

"In your Tianyuan continent, you don't even have a half-step warrior-level warrior. Now all of you are under our protection. You send people to explore the road, which is also your contribution. Do you feel that you want Is our protection appropriate? "Ouyang Lin glanced at Yi Xiang and said indifferently.

In the sky temple, there is indeed no half-step virtual **** level warrior on the Tianyuan continent.

In the war between humans and gods, the Tianyuan continent is the closest human territory to the hopeless abyss ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Therefore, in the war between humans and gods, the warriors of the Tianyuan continent contributed the most, and the Holy Land warriors directly participating in the war also had the largest number. This also resulted in the largest loss of Tianyuan continent, and all the warriors at the level of half-step virtual gods survived all of them.

Ling Luo is one of the half-step virtual gods in the Tianyuan continent.

Today, of the seven continents, half of the other six continents still exist. Only the Tianyuan continent exists, and the strongest is the Three Realms of the Holy Path.

Hearing Ouyang Lin's words, the saintly martial arts soldiers who belonged to the Tianyuan continent looked at each other and looked helpless.

The saintly warriors on other continents were relieved.

Going out is a dead end, everyone understands this. It is obviously advantageous for the warriors of other continents to let the warriors of Tianyuan continent explore the road.

"Master Ouyang Lin, we are all aborigines of this world. At the time of the war between humans and gods, the warriors on the seven continents all fought with the protoss. I also have the most power in the warriors in the Tianyuan continent. Now, why should you divide yours again? Continent and my continent? "Yi Xiang gritted his teeth, his eyes hesitated, but he continued to take a deep breath.

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