Unlimited cheating in the horror world

Chapter 264 The Fiendish Building

Shen Congran drank too much iced coffee, so he inevitably wanted to go to the bathroom. After coming to the bathroom, the place was cleaned very clean, and even the smell was very light. The cleaning lady often came to mop the floor, and sprayed some air freshener after mopping.

The bathroom here is divided into cubicles, and she looked around specially, it really doesn't look like a place where supernatural events will happen.

After washing her hands, she grabbed a piece of paper to wipe her hands and went out.

They were so busy that they didn't come over until it was dark, and the rest of the matter was not so urgent, and the iced coffee that the supervisor said in the afternoon was also ordered, as for the food, they ordered takeaway by themselves.

The white-collar workers who struggle here are used to this kind of life.

The soft-spoken girl next to Shen Congran was eating by herself, and she found that this person didn't seem to communicate with other colleagues very much.

After the girl finished eating, she went to throw out the garbage and went to the toilet. After Shen Congran finished eating, other colleagues enthusiastically helped to throw it away.

She didn't pay much attention to this, since she was the boss' daughter, everyone would take care of her to some extent.

Shen Congran continued to concentrate on his work, and when he looked up again, he found that the girl next to him hadn't come back yet, so he looked up curiously around.

"Did you see her?" She pointed to the place next to her.

The other colleagues shook their heads, "No, it seems that I haven't come out since I went to the toilet. Alas, I guess I forgot the time while looking at my phone."

Shen Congran didn't think it was the reason, this girl had poor interpersonal relationship here, and she rarely even looked at her mobile phone, so it was unlikely that she would forget the time by looking at her mobile phone.

Thinking that there was something wrong with this building, Shen Congran got up and went to the toilet, ready to see what was going on with the person.


Bao Jie has been working here for almost a year, and sometimes she really doesn't look like a white-collar worker here. Compared to other colleagues, she walks and speaks quickly, although she is not slow in doing things, she always speaks in a low voice.

Because of this, some colleagues don't like her very much and feel that she is "pretending".

Until Shen Congran's arrival, she was envious of the boss's daughter, who was confident, beautiful and generous, and would usually say a few words to her.

Seeing everyone taking care of the boss's only daughter, Bao Jie felt very uncomfortable, and knew that this was the difference between people.

When she finished throwing out the garbage and went to the bathroom, she saw that the other colleagues who enthusiastically helped Shen Congran also threw it away.

Head down to the bathroom, she squatted in the cubicle for a while before getting up, her legs were a little numb.

No, there's still so much work to do, so I can't stay here all the time.

Bao Jie quickly sorted out her emotions, walked out of the cubicle, washed her hands, and prepared to leave.

As soon as the water flow started, there was movement in other compartments. Bao Jie looked curiously. In the quiet toilet room, there was only the sound of water flow.

Bao Jie withdrew her gaze and washed her hands. After turning off the faucet, she shook her hands to take out the paper, and heard a slight movement again, this time very clearly.

She thought that someone else was squatting on the toilet, so she was about to turn around and leave.

As a result, he only took a step, and there was a "bang" from behind.

"Hey——" Bao Jie turned her head in fright, and saw the door of the second-to-last compartment opened. It was closed before, and the compartment door here usually closes automatically.

She watched the door slowly close, and stood there not daring to move, thinking that she should be fine.


The compartment door was knocked open again, as if someone deliberately pushed the door open heavily.

Bao Jie backed away in fright, the sink was right in the middle of the bathroom, and she could see the gap in the cubicle from where she was standing, obviously no one was standing there!

She was about to leave the bathroom when she turned around, but she stretched out her hand to pull the door but didn't open it right away.

Bao Jie knocked on the door: "Is there anyone, open the door!"

She was so frightened that she burst into tears. She was usually timid, but now she was even more frightened when she encountered this situation.

After patting on the door several times but no one responded, Bao Jie lay on the door crying.


The compartment door was knocked open again, and Bao Jie saw the door slowly closing automatically, touching the porcelain plate with trembling hands and leaning against the corner, not even daring to call for help.

The door closed quietly, then was knocked open again.

"Ah—" Bao Jie was so frightened that she squatted in the corner and hugged her head, not daring to look over there anymore.

Click click.

With the sound of shoes stepping on the porcelain floor, Bao Jie trembled and didn't dare to raise her head, she closed her eyes tightly, as if she would be safe in this way.

The voice approached her step by step.

who is it? Could it be a prank...

Those colleagues didn't like me very much in the first place, so they might really do such a spoof.

Bao Jie hoped so.

The voice stopped in front of her, and the temperature in the bathroom became extremely low at some point, which made her tremble even more.

Could it be, is it really not a prank...


It was the sound of the door being opened, "Bao Jie? What are you doing here?"

It was Shen Congran's voice, Bao Jie was most familiar with her voice.

She looked up suddenly, and saw Shen Congran standing by the door looking at her, "What's going on?"

Bao Jie's face was full of tears, her face was pale and bloodless, obviously frightened, "I... I, that door..."

She was so frightened just now that she couldn't even speak smoothly.

Shen Congran came over to help her up, "Tell me slowly, I think you haven't come back, I'm a little worried, after all, you are so thin."

Bao Jie is very thin, even the thinnest clothes can hardly hold her up.

But she came mainly because the building was not safe, and now it seemed that she was right in coming, if she didn't guarantee Bao Jie later, something would happen.

Shen Congran helped her out of the bathroom, and before going out, she looked back at the place Bao Jie was pointing at, which was the penultimate cubicle.

She didn't immediately help him to the office area, but stopped at the door of the bathroom, which was separated from the office by a door.

"What happened just now, why are you so pale?" Shen Congran asked.

Bao Jie's hands were cold and cold, she swallowed, and said: "Do you believe me, I just saw the door of the penultimate compartment open automatically, more than once, and I couldn't open the door of the bathroom , just squatting over there, I also heard women's high heels, and they stopped in front of me, but when you came in, there was no one else but the two of us."

Speaking of Bao Jie crying again, Shen Congran asked her to support the wall, "You stand here, I'll go to that cubicle to see if there is really no one there."

"Hey..." Bao Jie wanted to stop it, but Shen Congran moved faster and opened the door, but she didn't close it.

Quickly walked to the second compartment. After opening the door, there was nothing inside, it was a normal compartment.

After reading it, she opened the doors one by one from the last compartment. The fact is that there is really no one else.

Seeing this, Bao Jie's cheeks that had just recovered a little bit of blood turned pale again, it seemed that it was really not her own illusion just now.

Shen Congran walked out of the bathroom with a serious expression, "Go back first, I will tell the supervisor later, you should go home and rest early today."

Bao Jie could only nod her head. When the two walked back to the office area, other colleagues looked over and saw Bao Jie's miserable expression.

"What's going on here?"

"Why is your face so white?"

Shen Congran directly picked up Bao Jie's things, and said to the supervisor: "Bao Jie was not feeling well just now, why don't you let her go home and rest first, so she won't be able to stay at work like this."

The supervisor nodded, "Well, go back if you feel uncomfortable, and go to the hospital if you really can't."

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