Shen Congran raised the corner of his mouth and continued to chat with them.

[Shen Congran: Then you have done so many missions, is it because we didn't enter the top mission? 】

[Wen Xu: Otherwise, if I didn't join the team at that time, I should have completed two top-level missions, but the top-level missions cannot be spent by a lone wolf and a team temporarily, and you all have good strength. 】

【Gu Tiantian: Then how did you meet your eldest cousin? He also entered the mission at about the same time as us. He was still a rookie at the beginning, so you just joined. 】

[Feng Yichen: We are old classmates. I didn't know he was the tasker at first, but after I found out about the situation and saw his file, I contacted him first. 】

Shen Congran immediately understood that Feng's family also had the files of those top missionaries, and it was not difficult for Feng Yichen to find Wen Xu through this.

[Wen Xu: I can agree, because I found that the potential of the few of you is higher than that of the ones mentioned before. You must know that our group took more than a year to reach the advanced task, but you didn't arrive for a year. 】

This potential gave him hope. Maybe these people could really help him. It was only then that Wen Xu agreed to join Feng Yichen's team.

[Wen Xu: The next time we go is likely to be the top mission. In fact, in the previous high-level missions, my strength has been suppressed. Now that you have performed so well, the next top mission should not be run. 】

[Gu Tiantian: Ah! Then I have to work hard, I have just been able to draw the black-grade magic talisman steadily, and I want to study the talisman array. 】

[Wen Xu: You started late, and you haven't been studying the talisman book for a long time. Take your time. Yu Bailu got the talisman book in the first lottery draw. It's time to be so much better than you. I'm optimistic about you. 】

【Gu Tiantian: ...】

In other words, she has to work harder, just take a three-month break, and work hard for a hundred days to learn how to quickly arrange the talisman array!

After chatting like this, they chatted for more than an hour. After everyone's excitement gradually subsided, she continued to pay attention to the news on the forum.

This refresh, good guy, is all the latest posts, the order of posts will change a lot almost every second, and there are too many people replying.

Among them, some people speculate whether the mall will be updated. After all, these props have been seen for a long time, especially yellow-grade props. As long as they have some connections and know the talisman master and the casting master, they will not buy things from the mall. They would rather buy the raw materials themselves and ask others to make them.

In fact, when they reached that level, they realized that the grade of props may be the same, but their quality and power are different, and those in the mall are at most basic models.

Shen Congran looked and looked at the forum like this, and didn't go to bed until it was almost dawn and he was too sleepy.

She was not the only one staying overnight in the dormitory, so after she fell asleep, no one woke her up even at dawn.


Shen Congran slept until two o'clock in the afternoon. When she woke up, the others had already gone out and left her a message saying that she was out surfing the Internet.

She lay on the bed and clicked on the discussion group, only to find that the chat messages stayed at just after five o'clock in the morning.

It will take another two days for the system to be updated, during which time the forum will be very lively.

Shen Congran got up and washed her face before going out for lunch. On the way, she scratched her hair. The weather was fine today, with refreshing wind blowing across her cheeks from time to time.

It's just that she was stopped by several people before she reached the door.

These people are no strangers, they are the students in the class next to them, that is, the taskers she often sees in the big class, but today they didn't all come, only two of them came.

"Shen Congran, we want to chat with you." The man who spoke was a boy with dyed brown-gray hair. He looked quite handsome, but he was not very good in the art university where there were so many beauties and handsome men.

Shen Congran looked at them with folded arms freely, "Which aspect specifically?"

The girl next to her with makeup stood up, "You must have noticed our identities, how could you not know what we want to talk to you about?"

Shen Congran only noticed that the color of this girl's eyeliner was particularly attractive, and it was the most popular colored eyeliner recently.

But her attention quickly returned to her eyes, "Then let's talk."

It happened to be next to the cafeteria, so they could sit down and chat while eating.

Shen Congran chose a cafeteria and went to the second floor to find the casserole vermicelli that he wanted to eat very much today.

Although she usually doesn't talk much, it's not a problem to have a few sweet words with the older elders.

Although the aunts in their university cafeteria didn't shake their spoons, after Shen Congran said a few words, the aunt gave her an extra cantonese-style sausage.

Shen Congran took his own casserole and sat down in a remote place, while the other two sat opposite.

The first thing Shen Congran sat down was to pick up the chopsticks, and the second thing was to ask them: "Are you waiting for me specially?"

The boy on the opposite side smiled lightly and said, "Well, I've actually been wanting to chat with you, after all, it's very rare to meet a high-level tasker in school."

The whole school is not just a few taskers, but there are not many high-level taskers, and they never care about low-level taskers.

Shen Congran nodded and started eating on his own, not minding that there were two other people staring at her eagerly.

Although the girl couldn't sit still, the boy was still calm and seemed not to care about her behavior, and continued: "You will also see the news of the mission system update, the system let us carry out such a dangerous mission, this time Updates may increase the risk of missions."

After he said this, Shen Congran didn't say anything, and the boy wasn't discouraged, "I don't know if you're going through the mission alone or joined a team."

Shen Congran finally replied to him, "There is already a team, why, don't you also have a team, there are still very few lone wolves among the senior taskers."

The boy smiled and nodded, "That's right, my name is Yang Huan, and I'm the captain of the Meteor Squad, and she's my teammate He Xu."

Shen Congran recalled that the Meteorite Cluster was Sheng Ziming's team, but he didn't expect that the team mentioned last night had a team of students from their school.

She nodded at this, "Oh, Sheng Ziming's group, isn't it?" Feng Yichen and the others only gave science popularization at the meeting in the early morning.

Yang Huan: "Yes, I heard earlier that the Feng family approached you. Is he your teammate?"

Shen Congran: "Since I know why you still come to me, it is impossible for me to join your group."

He Xu just snorted, but Yang Huan continued: "Although the Feng family knows a lot about missions, now that you have reached this level, you already know what you should know. Our group is very convenient for making news and props. You Maybe you can think about it."

Shen Congran shook his head, "No, you should go and persuade others."

What surprised her was that Yang Huan didn't continue to persuade, but nodded, "Well, although it's a pity that you don't join our group, if we meet in the future, I hope we can cooperate with each other."

After hearing this, Shen Congran probably understood that the main purpose of this person's visit was not to poach someone, but to express his kindness.

"It depends on the situation, as long as your group is not malicious."

Yang Huan didn't continue to wait for this trouble, he simply said a few words and left.

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