Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using Martial Arts to Become a Witcher Chapter 122: The World of Shaman Souls

Chapter 122: Soul Shaman World

Ye Xu frowned slightly and said, "Brother, what is Shaman Soul World?" This was the first time he heard the name Shaman Soul World, and he was quite curious.

King Liang explained patiently: "Now that the six paths have collapsed, even if the masters who cultivated the soul have died, their souls will be scattered, and the essence of the soul will be scattered all over the world. The cultivation level of these strong people during their lifetime is much higher than that of the Master of Baihua Palace. It is countless times higher. After they die, the Jade Tower will turn into aura and dissipate. However, their Jade Tower is much stronger than ours. Although the aura dissipates, the space will not collapse. This space is the Shaman Soul World. !”

"There is a Shaman Soul World near Mata Lake. I don't know what master was buried there. There is endless wealth in it. All the collections of that master during his lifetime are buried in the Shaman Soul World. There are many forces in the surrounding area who are eyeing this Shaman Soul World. There are many sects like Baihua Palace. Baihua Palace cannot monopolize it, so it has to make an agreement with these forces to open the Shaman Soul World every three years and enter it to hunt for treasures. "

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Xu asked curiously, having never heard of it.

King Liang sighed: "There are countless masters in this world. Some of the ancient Wuhuang families, such as the Fangfeng family, the Xiahou family, and the Donghuang family, have a long history. They are not uncommon in the world of shaman spirits. Every family has There are only a few. But for those of us in a small place, one is enough to break our heads.”

At this point, Biluozhou has arrived at Lotus Mountain, the main peak of Laoshan Mountain. Ye Xu looked down and saw a lotus-shaped mountain standing tall in the sky, with many small hills surrounding the central mountain like lotus petals and stars holding the moon. At the top of the mountain, streaks of milky white spiritual energy coiled around the mountain, like white snakes and pythons, and like rolling clouds and mist.

The Biluo Boat landed slowly in the mountains. King Liang put the boat away and said: "Flying with a witch treasure in Baihua Palace is disrespectful to the palace owner. We'd better walk up the mountain."

Ye Xu nodded, and when he walked to the mountain, he felt refreshed and refreshed. The vitality of the heaven and earth here was much richer than the outside world. It was a natural spiritual mountain. There are spiritual animals everywhere in the mountains, including mountain deer and deer, which are not afraid of strangers. There are even jackals, tigers and leopards, and they are extremely docile.

If a cave can be opened on this mountain, the spiritual energy will definitely be several times richer than the cliff cave in Yunmen Mountain. Lianhua Mountain can indeed be called a spiritual mountain.

“What a treasure!”

Ye Xu casually sacrificed a four-winged blood silkworm and chewed up a ferocious-looking tiger until even half of the bones were left. He praised: "Even ordinary monsters have such strong energy and blood, which is almost equivalent to the Gu Yuan realm." The sorcerer, Baihua Palace is indeed the largest sect in Qingzhou.”

When King Liang saw that he sacrificed the Gu insects without any explanation and ate the tiger, he couldn't help but shuddered and said: "My dear brother, the monsters in Lotus Mountain are all owned by their own owners and cannot be killed!"

Ye Xu's face suddenly turned dark. He originally thought that the demon tiger was a wild monster, but he didn't expect it to be a spiritual beast raised by someone else. He couldn't help feeling uneasy.

King Liang hurriedly said: "Go quickly! Otherwise, the master of suffering will come looking for you!"

The two of them were so embarrassed that they hurriedly ran towards the mountain. After a while, they heard the cry of a girl: "Who the hell, kill the little flower raised by others, don't let me find you..."

Ye Xu's face turned darker, and Prince Liang comforted him: "We are guests invited by the Master of Baihua Palace. Even if someone finds out, they won't do anything to us!"

The two of them walked halfway up the mountain, and saw that the scenery in front of them changed. There were many medicinal fields and flower gardens, which were bustling with flowers, colorful and fragrant. There were many exquisite small houses beside the flower gardens, which should be lived by the female disciples of Baihua Palace. place. Several voluptuous girls were walking among the flower beds carrying kettles, their colorful sleeves fluttering, laughing and playing.

"I wish I could be a few decades younger!" King Liang said with emotion when he saw this situation.

The higher you get, the stronger the spiritual energy becomes, and the number of flower beds on the mountain gradually increases. You can see pretty and lovely girls planting flowers and grass everywhere, laughing constantly.

Ye Xu frowned when he saw it, and cursed in his heart: "There are prodigal women all over the mountains and plains..."

Most of the flowers and plants planted in these spiritual fields are ordinary flowers and plants. They are colorful and beautiful for viewing, but they have no medicinal value and cannot be used to make elixirs.

Planting ornamental flowers and plants in the holy land of Lingshan, which is full of aura, is such an extravagance and waste. That's why Ye Xucai said that these female disciples of Baihua Palace are a group of prodigal women.

When we reached the top of the peak, the scenery of Lianhua Mountain changed again. However, we saw that the round peak looked like a huge millstone, about thirty to fifty miles wide, and in the center of the millstone was a huge lake. The blue water stretched into the sky, and the waves were rugged, facing the sun. , the water on the lake is like thousands of golden snakes dancing endlessly.

The most surprising thing is that a pale red lotus actually grows in the middle of the lake. The lotus is huge and floating on the lake. It covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, like a small island. There are several blue-gray palaces in the middle of the petals, which is majestic and majestic. .

There are seven or eight rope bridges connecting the palace to the other side, and there are several small boats floating in the lake. In the boat are the female disciples of Baihua Palace, wearing straw hats and bare feet. One person is holding the boat, and the other is throwing water into the lake. With handfuls of pills, countless large golden-red carps leaped out of the lake, biting a pill and diving into the water with their heads and tails swaying.

These carp are about one or two meters long, with a demonic aura all over their bodies. They should not be ordinary species.

"This is the Dragon Transformation Pond of the Baihua Palace. There are golden dragons and carps raised in the pond."

The King of Liang smiled and said: "The Palace Master of Baihua Palace heard that monsters like the Golden Dragon Carp could leap over the Dragon Gate and turn into golden dragons in three hundred years, so he spent a lot of money to buy a batch of Golden Dragon Carp seedlings from Qinglong Mountain in the East China Sea and put them in the lake. , fed with Bai Ling Dan.”

Ye Xu secretly shook his head after hearing this. He had also heard of the fish leaping over the dragon gate before, but in his opinion, this statement was extremely absurd. Take snakes as an example. It takes hundreds of years of cultivation for a giant alien snake to evolve into a demon. After becoming a snake demon, it takes hundreds of years of cultivation to condense Yuan Dan, shed its snake skin, and turn into a dragon.

The dragon has to practice for hundreds of years and undergo the baptism of heavenly tribulation before it can shed its skin and turn into a poisonous dragon.

From a snake to a dragon, it takes at least a thousand or even thousands of years!

For such a long time, I am afraid that only the mythical people who smile and watch the sea turn into mulberry fields can afford to wait. Ordinary wizards have long since turned into a cup of loess.

The alien snake has been practicing hard for thousands or even thousands of years, and it still needs several transformations before it can evolve into a poisonous dragon. The golden dragon and the carp can leap over the dragon gate in three hundred years. It can be seen that there are more or less elements of myth in this, and it cannot withstand scrutiny.

"What a bunch of prodigal women..." The wealth of Baihua Palace was so amazing that King Liang couldn't help but be jealous and said with emotion.

"It's so prodigal. It's really dangerous for Qiao Qiao to follow these prodigal women..." Ye Xu was also extremely jealous and wished he could move all the wealth of Baihua Palace to Zizhu Peak. Compared with Baihua Palace, his Yunmen Mountain is too shabby.

"Guo Guo!" A snow-white fox-like monster suddenly jumped onto his shoulder, stretched out its two paws and held it in front of his chest, shouting sweetly to Ye Xu.

When this flowered fox marten saw Ye Xuru meeting his relatives, its tail stood up behind its back and waggled back and forth. Ye Xu took out an extremely poisonous "Animal Transformation Pill" and threw it to the Huahu Miao, thinking: "You little boy, the poison won't kill you!"

"Sister Fangfang, have you seen my fox-sable?" Qiao Qiao's voice came from not far away.

Another girl's sad and angry voice came: "Junior sister, your flower fox and marten was also brutally murdered? My little flower was killed by someone just now, and there are no bones left, no bones left! Poor my little flower..."


When Su Qiaoqiao found Ye Xu at the top of the mountain, she couldn't help being surprised and happy. She quickly ran forward, took his arm, raised her head and smiled: "Master, are you here to see me?"

Ye Xu was about to tell the truth, but he heard the girl whisper: "Actually, I also miss the young master..." Ye Xu immediately stuffed what he was about to say back into his stomach and said with a smile, "Didn't I make a special trip to see you?"

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