Unscientific Monster

Chapter 651: The Super Empress Appears

Chapter 651: The Super Empress Appears

Shi Yu was in a hurry, on the way to the cosmic tree, they were flying fast.

A few days later, Shi Yu and the others arrived at the forbidden place of the cosmic sea, the sea of ​​trees.

"What's going on with the environment here?"

Shi Yu and the others, who were still in the cosmic starry sky just now, seemed to have strayed into a forest maze without warning.

Before I knew it, it was as if I had entered another space, surrounded by a sea of ​​blue clouds, and above the sea of ​​clouds was covered with special star-blue grass, fluttering with the wind of the starry sky.

"This is where the Cosmic Tree is located."

Secretary Lily, who chose to take a nap on the battleship, finally woke up. She came to the side of Shi Yu, Rin and others, and said, "The maintenance of the tree of the universe requires a lot of cosmic power."

"So in its environment, there will be no planets around it, and naturally there will be no life. Over time, this starless land has evolved into such a strange environment."

"Let's go and find the tree of the universe." Secretary Lily said, taking a step ahead of them and teleporting to the outside world.

"This guy..." Shi Yu said, "Let's go too, Rin."

"Okay." As he spoke, Rin's battleship body disappeared and turned into a relatively small wristband, which was worn on Shi Yu's wrist.

Shi Yu, who was floating in the air, immediately followed Lily's footsteps.

Shi Yu discovered that the place where they landed next should be a branch of an extremely huge cosmic tree. The cosmic tree is connected to countless different spaces. The whole body is bigger than a planet, and the entire appearance is difficult to capture.

The crystal-like branches of this star blue are nothing special, but this is not what they are looking for. What they are going to is the core of the tree of the universe, where the core of the tree is.

Only with the help of that power can the quality of super god resources be improved...

boom! ! !

As the two of them went deep, a terrifying coercion suddenly emerged from an invisible place. This coercion instantly made Shi Yu's expression freeze.

With his current level of the Fourteenth Heavenly Layer, facing this coercion, it is still difficult to breathe. It seems that only by combining with the Shiyu beast can he barely resist one or two.

"Has it appeared?"

"The guardian of the universe tree, the god of abundance."

Secretary Lily was not far in front of Shi Yu, she didn't seem to be suppressed by this intimidation, she looked at the Supreme Void with a calm expression.


In the starry sky, many green squares suddenly appeared. These green squares continuously form a time-space channel. Among them, a body is all composed of white and blue. The body is like the trunk of a tree, the elbows are like blades, and the head is like horns. The knight-like strange life in the fighter's helmet stepped out of the air.

"Outsiders, tell me the purpose of your trip."

After the Guardian of the Cosmic Tree arrived, he set his sights on Shi Yu and Lily, and said, "If you entered by mistake, please leave here immediately."

"Of course I didn't enter by mistake." Miss Lily said with a smile: "We just intend to borrow the core power of the Cosmic Tree, may I ask?"

"So that's the case, is it someone who covets the power of the cosmic tree again?"

"Under the order of the king of the realm, guard here, and kill all those who plot wrongdoing." The myth of abundance fell, and countless stars around it condensed on its blade, and a force that was sharp enough to pierce the sea of ​​stars gathered.

"Little ghost, figure out a solution quickly." Secretary Lily looked at Shi Yu.

However, Shi Yu just stood there indifferent.

Aren't you very good, you can solve it yourself.

Seeing that Shi Yu was indifferent, Lily glared at Shi Yu.

"Okay, Lord Guardian, don't rush to do it." Lily made a gesture of surrender and said, "It was the king of the world who asked us to come."

The God of Fertility's attack was always stored in his body, but he didn't launch it because he couldn't see through the woman in front of him.

Although it can be seen at a glance that this white woman is not human, but regarding her body and her power, even it, the pinnacle of super god, has not seen through it.

This makes the guardian of the universe tree very afraid.

It's not that I'm worried that I won't be able to stop the opponent, but I'm worried that too fierce a battle will damage the tree of the universe.

"Master Realm King."

"That's right." Lily looked at Shi Yu and said, "Hurry up."

"Tch, I'm looking for it." Shi Yu took out the token representing the status of the king of the world that the king of the world gave him before he left, like digging through the trash.

"Here, use this to prove your identity."

The token that Shi Yu took out was brown as a whole, like wood, with a faint golden light lingering. To be honest, Shi Yu and the others studied it for a long time, but they didn't find any magic about this token.

However, after seeing the token, the guardian of the universe tree restrained the attacking posture in his hand, and his expression gradually calmed down.

"Kaiwang Ling, you have the qualifications to use the tree of the universe."

"However, the usage rights must not be exceeded."

"Great." Secretary Li He said happily, "I knew you were still useful, so I'll leave it to you from now on."

Shi Yu looked at Secretary Li He silently. He felt that if he was useless, maybe this woman would directly fight the Cosmic Tree Guardian.

"I want to use the power of the universe tree to upgrade a super god resource to a universe-level resource, is that possible?"

Cosmic Tree Guardian Shinto; "Only one."

"I also want to inquire about some information recorded by the Cosmic Tree, is that possible?"

The Divine Way of Abundance: "Yes, but querying the cosmic memory through the cosmic tree will also consume a lot of power of the cosmic tree."

"The number of questions you can query will depend on the state of the universe tree after upgrading the resource level."

"Okay, I see."

"Next, can I go to the core of the universe tree?" Shi Yu asked.

"You can, but she can't." The Cosmic Tree Guardian looked at Secretary Lily.

"Well, I didn't intend to go in at first." Secretary Lily said.

"Then, I will leave everything to you." She smiled at Shi Yu.

This guy is really unpopular... Shi Yu let out a sigh of relief, and chose to follow in the footsteps of the cosmic tree guardians to the depths of the cosmic tree.


In the cave of the tree, in a world like a blue crystal palace, Shi Yu followed the God of Abundance to step here, and the God of Abundance said: "Just put the resources you want to improve the quality of in the center."

After entering, Shi Yu discovered that in the center of the place, there was a blue tree stump that seemed to have been cut in half.

"Is this enough?" Next, Shi Yu took out the reincarnation fruit and put it on the stump.

"Yes." Seeing that Shi Yu was ready, the Guardian of the Cosmic Tree walked up to the tree stump and stretched out his hand towards the tree stump.

The next moment, a special power surged out of it, releasing it to the root of the stump, and immediately after, the entire cosmic stump lit up.

Then, the tyrannical cosmic power of time and space bloomed, rising from the roots of the cosmic tree to the sky, turning into a blue beam of light, connecting the sky and the earth.

The fruit of reincarnation is wrapped in this beam of light, as if experiencing the baptism of the entire universe.

outside world.

Lily stood in the sea of ​​trees, looking at the lit up Sea of ​​Trees Realm, with the same luster in her eyes, she stretched out her hand and let the starlight shine down.

"I hope it will be successful..."

Although she felt the birth of a treasure that could cause a bloody storm in the entire universe, her tone was still full of uncertainties.

boom! ! !

It didn't take much time, under the witness of Shi Yu, the energy fluctuations on the reincarnation fruit created by Shen Baobao suddenly became incomparably profound, containing a source of power that even Shen Baobao's own ginseng could not peek at.

This feeling is the same as when they stare at the detached Genichi. They only know that this thing is very good, and its fusion is very valuable to themselves, but they cannot peep into the essence of its power.

"So, that's all right?" As the beam of light slowly dissipated, and even the surrounding area became much darker than before, Shi Yu asked the God of Fertility who had stopped his movements.

"Well, the Cosmic Tree can only go so far." The God of Abundance said: "Okay, you can take your resources now."

"As for if you want to inquire about the memory of the universe, you can just touch it with your hands. As long as the Cosmic Tree knows about the questions in your mind, you can inquire about them."

"However, I can feel that the Cosmic Tree has consumed a great deal of power, and the number of questions you can query is limited."

"Treasure this opportunity."

"Okay, thank you." Shi Yu said, "Then I'll start."

Shi Yu first took away the fruit of reincarnation, and then according to the other party's teaching, touched the universe tree with his hand.

In the next second, Shi Yu seemed to be consciously connected to the entire universe. This feeling was similar to that of him listening to the relics by listening to the voice of history. It was like viewing the previous historical pictures through a special ability.


The tree of the universe is simply a treasure in the archaeological world.

How could such a good thing be destroyed in this time and space?

With it, there is no need to bother to go to archaeology at all, it is directly connected to its consciousness, and it is enough to search the history with one click.

What kind of bastard ruined such a good thing.

Super Queen? Um?

In the sea of ​​consciousness, in order not to miss this opportunity, Shi Yu first looked up one of the questions he wanted to know the most.

[Lily, her identity. 】

In Shi Yu's mind, the figure of Secretary Lily appeared, but Cosmic Tree didn't respond to him for a long time.

It's like, crashed, I don't know the problem.

[Is the inquiry posture wrong? 】

Shi Yu changed his posture again, 【In this cosmic epoch, how many traversers from the previous epoch. 】


"Zhazha, this is the omniscient and omnipotent tree." Shi was angry.

However, he also understands that this may be a bit out of line.

The tree of the universe is the treasure that condenses the power of this era of the universe. It only records the history of this era. With the influence of the previous era, it can be understood without knowing it.

However, why this lily can't be found.

Could it be that this guy is also a time traveler, from the last era?

Otherwise, how could he be so close to the super queen.

Even... She is the Super Queen herself? ?

Shi Yu's heart skipped a beat, because this lily is too mysterious.

But this is unrealistic, mainly because Lily is too different from the sixth universe level he knows.

【I want to know...】

Shi Yu turned to the Cosmic Tree and asked again, and this time, the Cosmic Tree finally knew and gave Shi Yu an answer. However, Shi Yu was not happy for two seconds, he seemed to be kicked out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and he was in a trance. Open your eyes to the outside world.

"The state of the universe tree has fallen seriously, and it is about to enter a state of sleep. That's it. I hope you got the answer you want." The guardian of the universe tree said.

Shi Yu patted his head and said, "Okay..."

"May I ask you a question."

"Tell me," said the Cosmic Tree Guardian.

"There are several possibilities for people or things that Cosmic Tree doesn't know."

The God of Abundance: "The Cosmic Tree was born from the birth of this universe, and it was born along with it. It knows nothing about the last era and the future."

"The people or things it doesn't know, 1, may be related to the last era, 2, that is, these people or things are involved in the universe level."

"Cosmic level, has the ability to erase the traces of its own existence, and will not be recorded by the universe."

"Even the tree of the universe has no right to spy on the other party's experience."

"The universe level, is there the ability to erase the traces of other people's existence, so that they cannot be recorded by the universe tree?"

"Yes." The guardian of the universe tree said: "The power of the universe level is very powerful. If you want to know more, I am powerless, because I also know nothing about the universe level."

Shi Yu nodded silently.

"Okay, no problem." Shi Yu said.

Next, Shi Yu was sent to the outside world by the God of Plenty. In the outside world, Secretary Lily was still waiting. When she saw Shi Yu coming out, she asked, "Has it succeeded?"


"Then let's go quickly. Her Majesty seems to have caught the target and is returning to the morning star." Secretary Lily said, "If she finds out that I have neglected my duties and left my post, I will not be able to afford it."

"Really." Shi Yu looked suspiciously,

Next, after thanking the Guardian of the Cosmic Tree again, Shi Yu left the Sea of ​​Trees with Lily and returned to the Hundred Flowers Starfield.

The God of Plenty looked at their leaving backs, meditating for a long time.

"Master Kai, is this all right?"

"Okay." A phantom appeared next to the God of Abundance. She looked at Shi Yu and the others leaving, and said, "Although I don't know what I think about the future, these are the few things we can do. gone."

"I hope this Shi Yu... can change her mind..."

"Otherwise, if there is no corresponding result for sending him back, 'I' may have to bear a lot of pressure from the other four guys..."


"This, maybe there is hope."

"This power, even for the universe class, should have a huge impact."

At this time, on the battleship Rin, Lily holds the reincarnation fruit given by Shi Yu, and is very satisfied with the effect of the upgraded reincarnation fruit.

"Hey, it's so slow."

"Can you hurry up." Lily urged, "I can't wait to go back to Venus."

"This is already the fastest speed." Shi Yu said.

"There is a faster method. However, we can only teleport ourselves. I can't guarantee that it can also teleport you there quickly..."

"Really." Lily looked confused.

"It's over, Her Majesty seems to have arrived in the Hundred Flowers Starfield, it's over, it's over."

"How did she come back so fast this time?"

"Really." Shi Yu said: "Since you can sense her position, then she should also be able to sense your position. You have been negligent, and you must have been discovered long ago."

"What do you know?" Lily said: "I am a small person who has the energy to pay attention to Her Majesty the Queen all the time. How can Her Majesty have the energy to pay attention to me all the time?"

"However, when she returns to Venus and finds out that I'm not there when I report to work, she will definitely be finished..."

"Well, if this reincarnation fruit can work, then everyone will be happy. If it still can't work, then..."

"Then it's still a waste of work?" Shi Yu asked.

This cosmic-level reincarnation fruit made Shi Yu himself greedy, and now he gave it to the super queen. If it still doesn't work, he might as well eat it himself.

"In short, go back as soon as possible." Lily said: "Next, little guy, hold on tight, I will provide you with some special energy, which can help you speed up..."

"Huh?" Before Rin could react, Secretary Lily had already taken out a blue gem and threw it on the ground.

The next moment, the gem was integrated into the battleship, and before Rin could even react, he felt that the source of power had expanded several times at once.


Under Rin's exclamation, the battleship, which was already almost the fastest in the universe, once again showed unparalleled speed. Not only was Rin himself a little "dizzy", but even Shi Yu, who had reached a contract with Rin, felt Rin's mood, I almost want to vomit too.

"Ugh, what did you eat for Rin?"

"Accelerator accelerator." Secretary Lily said.

After taking the accelerator, Rin's speed was indeed much faster, and he arrived at the Hundred Flowers Star Field in a flash. However, Rin at this time was almost half useless, similar to Chong Chong who used the magnetic skill, and probably had to rest for a long time to recover.

"This guy." Rin was about to cry, he was also a secretary, so why was he suffering as a secretary.

"Are you back?" Shi Yu gradually regained consciousness after being dizzy.

"I'm back." Lily looked out of the battleship and said, "However, it seems that it's not the time to come back."

"What's the meaning."

After Shi Yu became more sober, he found that he was outside the Venus Star. At this time, there was already a mess outside the Venus Star.

The air city that Shi Yu and the others had docked before has been reduced to the ruins of the universe, with fragments floating everywhere in the starry sky.

"Intruder." Lily said with a playful expression, "A very powerful intruder."

"What, what." Shi Yu woke up in an instant, and quickly borrowed Rin's strength to look into the distance.

At this time, a zombie-like bearded alien with a pale complexion, wearing the military uniform of the Space Overlord Legion, was floating outside the Venus.

At this moment, he raised his left arm high, nine fingers of his ten-fingered hand were closed, and one of the fingers was flying in the air, and an energy ball the size of a small star was floating on it.

This energy contains a strong rule of destroying the world. If it falls, Venus will undoubtedly be destroyed instantly, and even the fluctuation caused by its explosion will not be difficult to destroy the entire Hundred Flowers Starfield.

"The peak of the super god..." Shi Yu took a deep breath.

"It's the Northern General of the Space Overlord Legion." Secretary Lily said.

"Why is he here?" Shi Yu asked.

"It may be that Her Majesty the Queen's capture of the Spirit of Time is too blatant. After such a long time, her actions should have been known to all major forces."

"Perhaps, the overlord of the universe sent the Northern General to destroy Her Majesty the Empress." Lily said.

"Of course, it's more likely that it's the northern general who made his own claims..."

"But it's a pity."

"What a pity." Shi Yu asked.

"It's a pity that Her Majesty is not so easy to solve. A super god peak is not enough. His behavior is very stupid." Secretary Lily said.

"Isn't the queen also at the peak of super gods?" Shi Yu asked.

Lily looked at Shi Yu and said, "Aren't you also at the peak of the god level, but what about your combat power?"

When Lily's words fell, Shi Yu's heart shuddered, MMP, almost forgot about this.

Since the super queen is a traverser of the last era, and after transmigrating, she still retains extremely strong power, then the retained power must be the power system of the previous era.

Judging from her record, she is definitely different from the Shiyu Beast, not just because of her physical strength.

He cooperates with the Shi Yu beast himself, and the source power he developed can kill super gods indiscriminately under the condition that the power system of this era is at the peak of the god level.

If the super queen's power system in this era has been cultivated to the peak of the super god, and then combined with the training system of the previous era, the combat power...isn't it just as simple as the peak of the super god?

outside world.

The Northern General from the Cosmic Overlord Legion stared at Venus indifferently, and said: "Super Empress, you ignore the prohibition of the Cosmic Overlord Legion and capture the spirits of time at will, trying to interfere with the order of time and space."

"I am here to judge you and the forces you have established, and to conduct..."

The northern general who was at the peak of super gods hadn't finished speaking, a dazzling radiance appeared in Venus, covering the entire Hundred Flowers Starfield, making the northern general look dignified instantly.


Obviously, I was a little surprised by the power of the super queen.

boom! ! !

These radiances are all made up of spiritual power. They seem to form a big hand. Under the inconceivable expression of the Northern General, they descend from the void and fall, holding the world-destroying energy ball and the Northern General in their palms.


The energy ball shattered without any ripples.

There were no ripples, only a figure exuding a strong aura, standing on the giant palm of thought power clenched into a fist, watching the northern general within the light and shadow.

She was wearing a loose black queen's dress, with black shawl and long hair casually scattered behind her. She has a baby face in the shape of a queen, a delicate figure and skin, and great charm. It's a pity that the indifference and ruthlessness shown in the red pupils make everyone stare at her. Her people cannot appreciate this beauty.

"Super Empress, what do you want to do." Caught by the giant palm of Nian Li, the Northern General panicked, only feeling that this guy's strength was no worse than the universe level.

"I am, Cosmomaster..."

boom! !

His body was crushed by the power of thought in an instant, and countless traces of existence were erased in an instant. Standing on the giant palm, the super queen looked at the battleship Rin, making Shi Yu and the others dare not take a breath. Lily also smiled, and said, "Your Majesty the Empress..."

"I want an explanation." The Super Queen stared at Secretary Lily and said, "You went out without my order, just to bring them back."

"An elf of time is quite a business."

(end of this chapter)

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