"We are indeed not the opponents of the Holy Lord's gathering of global power, but who says we must fight them." The old man in Qingshan showed a strange light in his eyes.

"The master meant,,,"

"Do you know what the alien space we are in is? This is not an independent space, but a piece of spirit treasure, which controls all the alien treasures."

"This spirit treasure is very special and powerful. It can seal people in this space. If I am not the owner of this spirit treasure, then I will not be able to escape if I am sealed by this spirit treasure."

"Of course, this is not the biggest function of this Lingbao. Its biggest function is that it can take the sealed people into the cracks of time and space, or to other universes."

"Thinking that the holy lord's talent is spatial ability, in order to make the holy lord disappear. Then I can only abandon this spiritual treasure and let it take the holy lord and the global power to other universes."

"At that time, even if the Holy Lord is powerful, he will not be able to return to our world from other universes, unless he is a god."

"The Holy Lord and the global power are no longer there, so what power in the world we live in can resist us. As long as I take a few big countries to kill chickens, then this world does not belong to us, hahaha,,, "The old man in Qingshan laughed loudly.

"The master is wise, long live the master"

The densely packed powerhouses kneeling in front of the hall immediately started flattering at the adjutant's signal.

"Okay, let's all prepare. After I send away the Holy Lord and their seals, this world is ours." The old man in Qingshan waved his hand to make all his men prepare.




"Wonderful commentary, really wonderful."

At this time, suddenly a dramatic voice came from nowhere.

"who is it,,,"

The old man in Qingshan stood up abruptly, his eyes dignified and scanned the surroundings. He didn't even find out where the voice came from, which made him cautious involuntarily.

Kneeling on the ground, the densely packed powerhouses all collapsed from the ground just like the enemy is approaching, guarding the surroundings cautiously.

"Oh, who else can you guys, weren't you talking about me just now?"

Huang Jianzhi stepped out of the void with a playful look in his eyes, and said his body floated over the old man in the green shirt.

"It's you, Huang Jianzhi."

The moment the old man in Qingshan saw Huang Jianzhi, his eyes became more solemn. If he didn't have a trace of detection, it showed that Huang Jianzhi's cultivation was stronger than him.

"Except for me, there are not many people in this world who can freely enter and exit this alien space. By the way, your commentary just now is very wonderful. I heard from the beginning and the end, I couldn't help but sigh that you are a talent."

"Unexpectedly, this alien space is still a piece of spirit treasure, the spirit treasure is good, and the idea is good. Unfortunately, you don't know what kind of existence you are facing."

"Want to send me to other universes, and said that unless I am a god, I can come back from other universes. Hahaha,,, it's so funny, do you know that the gods you are talking about are just mine..." Huang Jianzhi Speaking of this, the tone stopped inexplicably funny.

"Huang Jianzhi, you have heard everything. Then you can leave it to me. I don't believe that you can still go against the sky at my home court."

"I still dare to compare myself with the gods, I think you are crazy. Everyone obeys his orders and takes him down for me. No matter what the price is, I want him..."

"You don't need to give up your mind, just obediently become my subordinates, it's still useful to keep you."

Huang Jianzhi's eyes flashed directly with golden light, and he directly used the magic control technique in a crushing manner.

The consciousness of everyone on the ground, including the old man in Qingshan, was instantly rewritten, and there was only one owner deep in their minds, and that was Huang Jianzhi.

"Welcome the Lord's coming,..."

At the moment when everyone's consciousness was rewritten, they knelt to Huang Jianzhi respectfully in an instant, with fiery worship and loyalty in their eyes.

"Sure enough, invincibility is loneliness, but I like it, hahaha..."

Huang Jianzhi floated shamelessly on the huge and magnificent Kowloon seat and lay down. The moment Huang Jianzhi fluttered, the old man in Qingshan quickly stepped aside and knelt down.

"You can develop the Eternal Organization even more powerful than several big countries combined. You do have the ability. What is your name." Huang Jianzhi asked with a little interest the old man in Qingshan who was kneeling on the side.

"Holy Lord, the real name of the old slave has been forgotten, but the old slave remembers that modern people like to call the old slave: Xu Fu." The old man Qingshan said respectfully.

"Oh, it turns out that you are Xu Fu, Xu Fu who made the elixir of life for Qin Shihuang. How about, have the medicine been refined, are there more pills for me to chew?" Huang Jianzhi looked at Xu Fu with a little interest.

"Holy Lord, there is no elixir in this world. The old slave was just a well-known pharmacist at the time. I don't know who it is said that the old slave will practice the elixir."

"It was passed to Qin Shihuang's ears by passing it. With Qin Shihuang's dominance, if I said that I could not practice the elixir of life, then I would have to be put to death by Qin Shihuang."

"No way, I can only admit that I will, but Qin Shihuang was forced to do nothing, and die if he doesn't practice. If he wants to practice, the old slave won't practice any elixir."

"Both left and right are dead, but the old slave really doesn't want to die so early. So the old slave has a plan in his heart. Didn't Qin Shihuang want the elixir of life."

"The old slave will get him, and with the reason of looking for a medicine, I honestly blamed the Qin Dynasty at that time about 50% or 60% of the elixir ran away."

"At that time, Emperor Qin Shihuang wiped out other countries and completely ruled the Central Plains. The collected elixir was a terrifying mass, and the old slave used these elixir to strengthen the eternal organization to this day."

"Because the old slave is good at alchemy, the old slave accidentally produced a few pills that increase his cultivation base. The old slave's cultivation base is also due to the effects of those pills."

"The old slave still has two such pills left on him, so I will bring them to the Holy Master." After Xu Fu finished speaking, he got up and went to the apse to get the pills.

"Stop, no need. I can redeem any pill with points. I look down on the pill you refine.

"From now on, I am the Lord of Eternal. Go and show me the Twilight Plan. I am a little interested in preparing for the Twilight Plan for more than two thousand years."

Hearing Huang Jianzhi's order, Xu Fu immediately took out a book and handed it to his holy lord respectfully. After receiving the hand, Huang Jianzhi turned a few pages at will.

"Oh, Xu Fu, your thoughts are sinister enough. You have pushed behind both the First World War and the Second World War."

"The launching of the Third World War is also a small part of it. Natural disasters, terrestrial disasters, and man-made disasters are all covered by this evening plan."

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