Upgrade Specialist in Another World

Chapter 1249: Meteoric Striker

For two days and two nights, Chu Yintian and the other crafters stood on top of the plazas to stare up toward the heavens. Everyone was deathly silent as they paid attention to even the minutest of changes. They were all anxiously awaiting for something to change.

The only difference this time was that they were no longer concerned or worried. They were eager.

It had been quite the scare when Shen Pojun's life slip started to flash dangerously two days ago. It also scared the group when Bai Yunfei suddenly splintered off from the group, but his own life slip showed nothing abnormal, even two days after, reassuring everyone that he was fine.

Everyone found it hard to believe, but they couldn't doubt the possibility that Bai Yunfei had somehow found a way to help Shen Pojun breakthrough.

They did think that it wouldn't take long for the two to return, though. If not for the life slips saying they were alright, the group would've panicked about the situation of the two. All they could do now was simply grit their teeth and wait patiently for their return.

"Eh?! Yunfei's back!!"

It was Chu Yintian who noticed him first.

"What!? Yunfei's back?!"

The heads of the others snapped to a certain quadrant of the sky at once. Two streaks of light were rapidly descending to the earth.

Soon, the figures of two people could be discerned within the lights. Of one of those lights, Bai Yunfei could be seen. In the other light, Xiao Qi.

"What's Yunfei's soulbeast partner doing there?" Chu Yintian wondered aloud, "Hold on! Their auras…their Mid-stage Soul Emperors!!"

The others gasped as well. Everyone was realizing that Bai Yunfei and Xiao Qi's auras were now on the level of a Mid-stage Soul Emperor. They had only been Early-stage Soul Emperors two days ago, how was it possible that they were able to advance a stage so fast?!

The light containing Bai Yunfei and Xiao Qi blinked out of existence one moment only to reappear on the ground the next.


Tang Xinyun cried out in joy. Had it not been for the presence of so many elders, she would've jumped into his arms for an embrace. To say she was worried about Bai Yunfei the past two days would be an understatement.

Everyone crowded around him at once. "Yunfei…" Chu Yintian was the first to speak.

Bai Yunfei nodded, "Elders, by the grace of the ancestor, I was able to gain some knowledge and advance a stage in my training."

"How is my senior? Why has he not returned? Has he, or has he not succeeded?"

"Please rest assured, the ancestor has successfully ascended to Sainthood. He needs some time to familiarize himself with his new powers. It may be a few days before he's finished."

"He…he did it! He's actually become a Saint!!"

Chu Yintian was ecstatic to hear the confirmation. The ending differed slightly from what he recalled from the records, but in the end, his senior had actually succeeded!

News traveled quickly about Bai Yunfei's triumph. Soon, the entire school knew about the success and began to celebrate in earnest.

The group could finally leave the plaza now that they knew everything was alright with Shen Pojun. The school could return to some semblance of normalcy as they awaited for Shen Pojun to return.


One night of rest and morning greeting to Tang Xinyun later, Bai Yunfei traveled into the Core World.

"Hah…what a result. Not only did we help the ancestor breakthrough, but we also managed to get stronger ourselves. I wonder if I'll be able to craft a high-heaven tier soul armament…"

The increase in strength he got in the last two days had been a pleasant surprise, given the circumstances. But among those surprises was a new understanding of the Law of Fire and how to use it.

With that thought, Bai Yunfei took out a series of materials. It was time for him to craft Li Chengfeng's soul armament with the items he was given.

Clearing his mind a bit, Bai Yunfei thought a little bit longer on what other materials he should use before deciding on it. The Dualflame Cauldron appeared onto the ground and roared to life as Bai Yunfei prepared to start crafting.

The mountain Bai Yunfei was on was awash with elemental fire. Gradually, a golden and orange light began to appear within the red, gaining enough intensity that not even the silhouette of the mountain could be seen.

Then finally…


A brilliant explosion of red, orange, and golden light flooded the skies with terrific intensity. The mountain trembled once from the blow, but the silhouette could now be seen again.

The Dualflame Cauldron had its fire extinguished, and the second fireseed was back in Bai Yunfei's body. Yet, he sat there with his eyes closed as if meditating.

It wouldn't be for another few minutes before he would open his eyes.

"It's as the records said…that the pyrium meteorite contains the raw essence of the Law of Fire. It's a shame there's only a little, maybe I could've become a Late-stage Soul Emperor if there was…"

He sighed in regret to himself. Crafting with the pyrium meteorite had granted him no small amount of experience, but it was too much to ask for considering what he had just gone through.

He turned his attention back to the cauldron. Eager, he waved his hand and summoned a ball of red light out from the cauldron to his hand.

Grasping onto the object within the light, Bai Yunfei inspected the soul armament with a pleased expression.

The blade of the soul armament was completely scarlet. Shaped like a sword from the Tang Dynasty or a katana, it was quite long and exuded a brilliant heat from it.

Li Chengfeng had asked for a sword, but halfway through crafting, Bai Yunfei realized the meteorite wasn't suitable for a double-edged sword as was conventional in this world and thus turned it into a thinner and sleeker design.

Pleased with his handiwork, Bai Yunfei nodded. "Upgrade."


Elemental Affinity: Fire, Metal, Earth

Upgrade Level: +11

Attack: 6600

Additional Attack: 4300

Soul Compatibility: 30%

Equipment Effect 1: 30% Increase in attacks done to wood, metal, and water types.

Equipment Effect 2: Inflict Scorch when struck. Enemies will take continuous damage and all wounds take longer to heal from.

Equipment Effect 3: 30% Decrease in soulforce consumption when using fire-type attacks. 20% Increase in fire-type attacks. 10% Chance to invoke the power of the Law of Fire.

+10 Additional Effect: 10% Chance to summon a meteorite when attacking.

Cooldown of 10 minutes.

Upgrade Requirement: 400 Soulpoints

Bai Yunfei was piqued with curiosity at the stats of the sword, "A meteor? I've never seen such an effect, does it actually summon a meteor from above?"

The equipment effects were already pretty strong, given that it could boost attacks done to multiple types of enemies. The third equipment effect where the Law of Fire could be invoked was a particularly fascinating one. It was the +10 additional effect that was the most peculiar. He had never seen such an effect like that before.

"Let's try it then."

Putting away the cauldron, Bai Yunfei stood up and walked over to the edge of the mountain. Peering over the cliff, he had the Core Stone send a blade of wind coming at him.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh."

Multiple strokes of red flew out from the sword when he swung it. He watched in glee as the blades of wind broke apart and a sliver of his soulforce suddenly trickled into the soul armament, indicating that the effect had activated.


Suddenly, a brilliant flash of orange appeared overhead. It slammed down onto the ground in front of him with devastating force before Bai Yunfei was able to confirm for himself that a meteor had indeed impacted against the ground.

"Hot damn!! It really was a meteor!"

Bai Yunfei cursed aloud. But then the Core Stone told him that the meteor had been a physical manifestation of elemental earth instead of a meteor from beyond the scope of the world.

Needless to say, Bai Yunfei was pleased with such a flashy effect like this. He almost loathed to give it to Li Chengfeng, but a deal was a deal. "Alright, I'll call you the Meteoric Striker!"


Bai Yunfei left the Core World shortly afterward. A full day and night had passed since he first went in, but that didn't stop Bai Yunfei from seeking out Li Chengfeng and (reluctantly) giving him the promised soul armament.

Needless to say, Li Chengfeng was pleased as punch with the delivered product.

Another day went by, marking the day every crafter was anxiously awaiting for: the return of Shen Pojun.

It happened when Bai Yunfei arrived at the great hall to discuss some matters. Everyone that was a Soul King or stronger was already gathered there.

It was not only a celebration for the ascension of their ancestor, but also a gathering of the Crafting School's strongest to discuss some important business…

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