Upgrade Specialist in Another World

Chapter 1254: The Indecision of the Wind Lightning School

The Black River Province was one of the most prosperous provinces in the southern parts of the Tianhun Continent. That was because of the Wind Lightning School, one of the Ten Great Schools.

The base of their school resided deep within a certain terrain known as Thunder Valley. The weather in the valley was usually a very turbulent one with thunderclouds a constant sight near the residing mountains. Countless bolts of lightning would always drop from the clouds and rain down onto the ground.

Because of these thunderclouds, the actual Wind Lightning School was situated at the 'normal' halfway point of a mountain. That way, it was safe from the barometric pressure of the thunderclouds while still being considerably high up.

One of these mountains had plenty of buildings fashioned out from the mountain and built in far bigger numbers than any buildings from the Crafting School. It was like a miniature city almost if one were to count all the buildings.

And at the central point of these buildings stood a building that resembled a shrine. Currently, a group of people were causing a chatter of discussion inside of it. Though the conversation was hard to distinguish over the noise, the pressure and discomfort of the people was palpable.

"The ancestor is here!"

"The ancestor has arrived!!"

The mood changed quickly upon the noted presence of a single person. All chatter in the hall died away at once as the occupants turned their respectful attention toward the right.

Several figures strode out into the hall from this direction. Leading from the very front, an elder in green robes walked through the hall with a dignified air. His very presence shot tingles down the spines of everyone there and commandeered the utmost respect.

By the side of this elder was another one, but in dark-purple robes. Bai Yunfei knew this person, he had once killed an avatar belonging to this man—this was Duan Leiting, the headmaster of the Wind Lightning School!

Three additional figures walked behind Duan Leiting; two males and a female. Their auras combined were stronger than any of the gathered people already there in the hall, meaning they were clearly Soul Emperors.

Wordlessly, these new soul cultivators walked deeper into the hall. The green-robed elder took his seat at the top-most part of the hall while Duan Leiting sat by his side and the three Soul Emperors sat in the chairs near them.

Clearly, the green-robed elder held the highest status and greatest amount of power than anyone else here.

He was Dong Wanfeng, along with Dong Wanlei, the previous headmaster of the school, had held the names of 'Emperors of Wind and Lightning'. Their combined power could spark great terror in the hearts of their enemies, and despite not being brothers, the two of them were geniuses and fought well with one another to an amazing degree.

Eighty years ago, Dong Wanfeng handed the title of headmaster to Duan Leiting and sought for a higher realm of power together with Dong Wanlei. When trouble began to call to their school, it was Dong Wanlei that decided to head the troops to take care of the Crafting School, but the man never returned.

The fall of Dong Wanlei also meant the several Soul Emperors and twenty-something Soul Kings were also lost. It was a terrible loss of strength that ultimately threatened to plunge the Wind Lightning School in deep danger, thus why Dong Wanfeng had to come out from isolation.

Dong Wanfeng was someone from the same generation as Shen Pojun and Chu Yintian, though he had been close to isolation for nearly a decade without ever being able to become a Saint. As a Peak Late-stage Soul Emperor, Dong Wanfeng was stronger than both Dong Wanlei and Chu Yintian, but weaker than Shen Pojun.

As of now, the Wind Lightning School had only five Soul Emperors, and Dong Wanfeng was the strongest of the five. After him was an old freak that had only recently managed to become a Late-stage Soul Emperor. Then there was the Mid-stage Soul Emperor, Duan Leiting, another Mid-stage Soul Emperor, and two Early-stage Soul Emperors.

They also had another twenty or so Soul Kings, though six of them were very new upstarts…

Every single student of the school had been summoned back so the school could conserve their strength. The school was not allowed to lose anymore of their precious lifeblood.


It filled Dong Wanfeng with great sorrow to see the state of his school. "I have called everyone here today for an announcement," He managed to hide the sigh in his voice, "From today onward…our school will retire from the conflict on the continent and close ourselves off. For half a decade, our school ignore the secular world."


Waves of disbelief filled the hall at once. Like droplets of water being added to oil, the hall exploded with uncertainty as multiple Soul Kings gave their leader an incredulous look.

"Ancestor! What do you mean by that?! Our school has already invested such a heavy price! If we give all that up now, doesn't meant we'll be giving up all our advantages?! We only managed to set up a primal stone mine in the Flowing River Province, there's countless resources waiting to be mined there!"

"That's right! And Prince Hao has already promised our schools even more riches if we help him ascend the throne! A Regalia will be conferred to us too…"

"Is it because of the losses we took from the Water and the Crafting School? They were disastrous losses, yes, but we shouldn't fear them! We just need to avoid the Crafting School for now, we can still put a front against them even if they come by now for revenge!"

"Please reconsider, ancestor! Closing our school off to the world for that long would be disastrous for us, the development of our school would be greatly hindered!"


As much as they respected the ancestor, many of the individuals all cried out for Dong Wanfeng to reconsider his plans. Chaos descended upon the shrine as many of them dissented to his decision. If there was anyone that agreed, then they stayed quiet instead of speaking up.


Someone let out a coughing sound, effectively silencing the entire hall at once. It came from the Late-stage Soul Emperor on the right.

"Brother," He spoke up after he obtained the floor to speak, "I too believe your decision for us to retreat from the world is a severe one. While we are heavily crippled, we are not yet out of the fight. There is still a good chance for us to grow…"

He was clearly not too fond of Dong Wanfeng's decision.

The long-haired Mid-stage Soul Emperor next to him nodded. "I agree with teacher Sun. This is far too grave a decision, please reconsider, master Dong…"

The other two Early-stage Soul Emperors nodded in agreement. Aside from Duan Leiting, who remained oddly silent, all of the other Soul Emperors seemed to disagree with Dong Wanfeng.


Dong Wanfeng bit back a sigh at all the disagreements he was receiving. He turned to Duan Leiting, "Leiting, you are the current headmaster. What do you believe is the right action?"

"Sigh…" Duan Leiting didn't look any convinced. "Master, I know your decision was made to protect us, however…elder Sun is correct. It is a grave matter to seal off our school. It may be possible to turn it around still…"

"Turn it around? Do you think prince Hao will direct the Tianhun School to lend aid or for the Soul Refining School to offer reinforcements?" Dong Wanfeng harrumphed, "Our operation to deal with the Water School and the Crafting School have failed. The royal faction of the Tianhun School have taken this moment to counterattack, and prince Hao hasn't the time to aid us. How do you expect any substantial aid to come for our school? The Soul Refining School has taken far greater damages than ours, it is only through their own hidden location that they are able to hide and wait out the storm with impunity. We can't even communicate with them, do you believe they'll be able to help us?"

At his words, the other Soul Emperors said nothing. They only gritted their teeth in bitter reluctance.

It was indeed as he said. The situation was very bleak, and all of their so-called allies were teetering on the edge of destruction. In times of good strength and prosperity they were able to 'cooperate', but in times of trouble and the alliance was effectively scattered so that it was every man for themselves.

Was this how the Wind Lightning School would meet its end? Because of this one mistake, they'd be wiped off from the stages of history?

It was unbearable!!

Duan Leiting and Sun Lianqi included, everyone within the Wind Lightning School wanted to refuse Dong Wanfeng's words. They had given up so much in this conflict, how could they give up the fight?

"Hmph!! It's true our school is in dire straits, but perhaps the Crafting School isn't much better off! I doubt they didn't lose as many key members we did! It's possible they only put out this message in fear of looking weak to their enemies! In my opinion, we should attack the Crafting School again and take advantage of their weakened state to finish the job!! Regardless of the case, we shouldn't be afraid of their revenge! What can they even do? We aren't frightened lambs waiting patiently for our deaths. If we are to die, then they'll die with us!"

One of the Mid-stage Soul Emperors cried out in vehemence. He was Huo Zhenxiao, the elder brother of Huo Zhenting. With his brother died by the hands of the Crafting School, Huo Zhenxiao was especially ready to take revenge for him onto the Crafting School.

Dong Wanfeng fell into another round of silence at Huo Zhenxiao's words, reluctance lighting up his eyes.

"I have yet to near the realm of Sainthood, and my lifespan is near its end. Perhaps…I will do my duty and die for the school…"

In the middle of his thoughts, Dong Wanfeng suddenly snapped his head up along with the others to stare at the entrance of the hall.

A figure in green came running frantically into the hall. A student of the Soul Exalt level. Judging from how he ran, he was very panicked about something.

"He—headmaster!! Bad news! The…the Crafting School…Bai…Bai Yunfei is here!!"

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