Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1082 Demon

The indifferent words and strange smiles echoed in the forest, as if they had magical powers, shaking people's eardrums, more than 30 soldiers and three generals took a step back involuntarily.

Everyone shuddered involuntarily, because they felt the bone-chilling chill from the former's eyes.

"You...I'll kill you!" At this moment, the twitching Rhodes accumulated energy all over his body, used his spiritual energy to support the broken skeleton, jumped up suddenly, and attacked and killed Li Xiao with monstrous power.

In an instant, a violent storm blew up in the jungle, causing layers of ripples in the space, hitting like waves, and the surrounding jungles fell down in rows, and the violent force swept all directions.

"Yo, what a mouthful? Still playing sneak attack?" Li Xiao didn't turn his head back, a wisp of white flame burst out of his body in an instant, and the temperature in this area dropped suddenly in an instant.

The ice and fire were like spirit snakes, sweeping in all directions, and the originally hot forest began to freeze at the speed of the naked eye.

"Crack, click..."

In an instant, within a radius of five meters of Li Xiao, everything was frozen by ice, and the whole picture seemed to be still. The collapsed trees, fluttering leaves, and the rippling space were all frozen in midair at this moment.

Behind him, the attacking Rhode's expression changed suddenly, and a bad feeling rose in his heart, but it was too late, the ice and fire had already wrapped around his feet, and quickly spread to his head.

While everyone was stunned, he was helpless, wrapped in ice, with fear in his eyes, and was frozen in mid-air. The black scimitar in his hand was only an inch away from the back of Li Xiao's head.


The picture froze for a second, and all the ice cubes, including Rhodes, suddenly exploded and shattered into ice cubes. In the entire forest, white ice was flying all over the sky, as if hailstones had fallen.

However, everyone could clearly see that in the pure white ice, there was a little red blood mist, which dyed the monotonous picture red, and everyone was terrified to the extreme.

Because, that is Rhodes' blood!

Alice's body was stiff and completely shocked. She subconsciously stepped back and stammered, "You...you, you killed, General Rhodes..."

"That's right." With a smile on the corner of Li Xiao's mouth, he scanned all directions, "Not only that, but I also want to kill you, do you have any opinions?"

After the question, the audience was silent, and no one dared to answer.

They wanted to make a move, but they were not strong enough. Rhode, who possessed the strength of an Earth Immortal, was instantly killed by him. No one in the field could be his opponent. All of them looked pale, as if they had been painted with white paint.

"Back, all back!" After a short silence, Alice roared in horror and gave an order.


When the trained soldiers heard the order, they had a conditioned reflex and retreated instantly, relying on their own camouflage, and disappeared into the jungle. The three generals, including Alice, were also ready to fight at this time.

"What do you think, what do you want to do, don't forget, this is within the country of the United States..." Alice saw the killing intent in Li Xiao's eyes, and she said tremblingly, "If you want to pass through the country of the United States, you'd better be honest. point."

"Oh?" Li Xiao chuckled, "At this moment, do you still have the heart to threaten me? Don't you want to kill me too?"

"You...how do you know." Alice was startled, and finally understood why Li Xiao wanted to attack them. It turned out that their conspiracy had already been discovered by the former.

"I can read minds, do you believe it?" The moment Rhodes shot at him, he read from the depths of Alice's heart that these people wanted to strangle him.

He finds it troublesome and wants to cross the border peacefully, but that doesn't mean he's afraid of trouble.

Since these people in the United States are not open-eyed and want to attack him, he will naturally not be polite, and is going to turn this place upside down.

While speaking, Li Xiao raised his palm unhurriedly, pointed it forward, and grabbed it forcefully.



In an instant, two bursts of violent aura shot out, and the two generals beside Alice suddenly exploded, turning into two thick blood mist.

Alice was sweating profusely, her legs were weak.

It's a demon!

She has been an admiral for many years, and has killed eight hundred people if not one thousand, and all of them were heavyweights. However, facing the man in front of her, she felt a deep fear. This fear came from the soul. In the depths, the pupils of the former made her feel deep fear, facing a demon from Shura Hell.

"Dengdeng..." She kept backing up and bumped into a tree in a panic, her face flushed.

"Are you so scared? I'm not a devil." Li Xiao curled his lips dissatisfied, why did this woman feel like seeing a ghost when she saw her, "Hey, people say that a general is a dead man, and he is not afraid of death. Look at how cowardly you are, and look at Rhodes and the two generals next to you just now, they are not afraid of me."

Not afraid?

What are you kidding?

They died before they had time to be afraid, okay?

The woman's heart was broken, and she kept trembling. In front of her majestic chest, two balls of bunnies jumped up and down, as if they would jump out at any time.

"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore." The corner of Li Xiao's mouth cracked into a smile, and Fang Tian's painted halberd appeared in the small world, rushing straight towards her chest.


However, the moment Fang Tian's painted halberd reached her chest, a spear, a round shield, and an eight-foot scimitar, three weapons suddenly emerged from the void, and collided with Fang Tian's painted halberd, making a piercing sound. sound.


The space trembled, the void shattered, and the vast spiritual power collided. The surrounding land sank, and the trees turned into fly ash. A radius of ten meters was razed to the ground.


Fang Tian painted a halberd with black light flowing, drew an arc in mid-air, flew back, fell into Li Xiao's hands, and stuck it on the ground with a bang, and said slightly coldly: "You three are watching a play, and finally watching it!" Is that enough?"

He glanced ahead, and in the endless dust, three foreigners who appeared to be in their forties appeared, and the two next to them were white men. His bones and facial features are all sharp as knives, the whole body in the center is black, except for his teeth are white, there are two sharp and long fangs exposed at the corner of his mouth, and a pair of black horns like black iron on his head.

Although the three of them were dressed in military uniforms, none of them were normal. They looked weird, and they were all mutated ascetics. They were collectively referred to as foreign races by the Chinese officials.

"General!" Alice, who survived the catastrophe, hurriedly marched when she saw the three of them. She was still stunned by what happened just now, but after seeing the three of them, her fearful heart finally calmed down a little. .

"Yeah." The black leader nodded, glanced at him, then walked towards Li Xiao with the other two, and said coldly, "You have already discovered us?"

"You three idiots, do you really think you can escape the eyes of my Li Yanwang?" Li Xiao leaned against a tree, confronted each other, and revealed his true identity leisurely.

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