Urban best village doctor

Chapter 645 Benefits

There are advantages and disadvantages of having more women.

Everyone knows the advantages, but as for the disadvantages, it is also obvious that Li Xiao didn't even spare the women of Dongpu, and he was very worried that his women would kill him after they came out.

But thinking that unknown forces might be chasing Yueru, Li Xiao could only agree, he didn't want any accidents to happen to Yueru.

"Thank you brother Li Xiao, hehe." In front of others, Yue Ru is a strong vice president, but in front of Li Xiao, she always looks cowardly and cute. She is very happy when Li Xiao agrees, just like a child.

Soon, she handed over the matter in hand and was ready to leave with Li Xiao. At the same time, many people in the Liu Group also saw Li Xiao and greeted Li Xiao one after another. After all, everyone knew that Li Xiao belonged to President Liu. Husband, who dares to offend?

Li Xiao didn't let Yueru enter Xiaotiandi, he was going to see the robbers Yueru was talking about now, to confirm whether his guess was correct.

Knowing the general direction of the prison from Yue Ru's mouth, Li Xiao rushed to the prison just a short distance away.

Through some tough methods, he soon saw several robbers, confirming his guess.

Sure enough, unknown forces are attacking Yueru.

But these people are all young people, they don't know anything at all, they just follow orders, Li Xiao didn't ask anything, and finally came to Pujiang University.

The university has not been affected by the outside world, and it is still very lively here.

He didn't come for a while, Li Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Back then he was also a man of the hour here, who doesn't know him? But time can dilute everything. When he entered the school, many people just looked at him curiously, not as eagerly as before.

As if feeling something in his heart, Li Xiao raised his head and looked towards the principal's office.

Principal Yuan was at the door of the office. Seeing Li Xiao turn his head and take the initiative to greet Li Xiao, Li Xiao nodded in response. The appearance of the former reminded him of Lin Yourong. He didn't know where that beautiful teacher went after resigning.

Putting his mind away, Li Xiao went around the school and found that he didn't find the person he was looking for, so he left, and appeared again at Chu Tiannan's home.

Chu Tiannan was arguing with his stubborn daughter Chu Hong, Li Xiao's appearance made them both startled, before Chu Tiannan had time to speak, Chu Hong rushed forward and hugged Li Xiao, crying and howling. Li whining about something.

On the side, Yueru acted as if she hadn't seen it, and looked away in embarrassment.

"Uncle Chu, what did you do to your daughter?" After a long while, making Chu Hong laugh, Li Xiao turned his head and asked strangely.

"I'm not blaming you. She heard that you were coming back, so she insisted on going to Ning Village to look for you." Chu Tiannan said bitterly, "Knowing that the world has changed dramatically, especially in the mountainous areas, she still wants to Going to take risks, can I let her go? She was bitten by a snake last time I went to Ning Village, she listens to you, you help me persuade her. "

"So that's how it is." Li Xiao suddenly understood, if it were him, he would not let Chu Hong go either, and smiled awkwardly, "Chu Hong, you still listen to your father, it's in Pujiang, I'll come and see your."

"Well, okay, I'll wait for you at home." Chu Honghong nodded with eyes wide open.

Chu Tiannan was stunned. Originally, he was just talking casually, but Chu Hong actually listened to Li Xiao. Although he knew his daughter liked Li Xiao, she was still a little depressed.

It's really a daughter who is married off, and the water is poured out.

Li Xiao came here mainly because he wanted to see them, and after chatting for a few words, he left quickly and rushed to the next place.

Guo Bihai, He Zitian, Jia Jun, Fang Min...

He visited almost everyone that Li Xiao had interacted with, and he was relieved when he saw that everyone was fine. At the same time, his appearance also made everyone vaguely find the backbone, and many people began to stabilize their chaotic positions. , some chaotic business of Ningxiang Group began to operate again.

"Next stop, Ning Village."

Walking out of the gate of Fang Min's house, Li Xiao sighed, opened the space in the direction of Ning Village, took Yueru's hand, and stepped into the chaotic space.


Baoshan Town, Ning Village.

At this time here is facing a crisis.

The source of the crisis is not people, but a group of animals.

At the entrance of Ning Village, a group of wild wolves were confronting five wild boars.

The five wild boars are very big. At first glance, they weigh at least four to five hundred catties. Each of them has fierce eyes and wants to rush into Ning Village. Howl, one of the wild boars on the farthest edge had a wound that was bleeding, obviously injured.

There are more than fifty wild wolves in total, standing in front of them and preventing them from entering Ning Village.

Before this, the two groups of animals had already experienced a battle. Many wild wolves were seriously injured. Among them, Ada, the leader, was the most injured. However, facing the howling of the wild boar, it did not flinch in the slightest.

A pig is as strong as a pig, and a wolf is as noble as a wolf. No matter how the wild boar communicates with it, it ignores it and always sticks to Ningxiang Village.

Behind the pack of wolves, there are young and middle-aged men in Ning village, led by the big and the young, and Wang Sheng. Each of them holds different weapons in their hands, such as hoes, kitchen knives, and some crude bows and arrows. .

"His grandma, are these wild boars crazy? We didn't get them, but they came down the mountain." Wang Sheng spat, holding a large-caliber machine gun instead of a weapon.

After the world changed, Wang left was worried about an accident in Ningcun, so he contacted the underground forces in Pujiang and got a few hot weapons, which were in the hands of Da Zhuang Xiao Zhuang and Zhao Sanye.

But they knew that wild boars had thick skins, and these guns were useless to them.

Just now Wang Yu had shot and wounded a wild boar, but not only did not scare them away, but also made them attack crazily. Fortunately, the pack of wolves were brave enough to block them, but the price they paid was heavy, and they were even killed. A wild boar killed a wolf.

"Fortunately, Brother Xiao was prepared and established a good relationship with the wolves in the mountains." Da Zhuang looked at the wolves in front and said, "Once they break into Ning Village, the village will be in danger."

"Brother." Xiao Zhuang said, "Why did they come to Ning Village? In the past few days, the surrounding mountains have been roaring and the cliffs have broken, but no animals have ever broken in."

"I think these pigs are here to take revenge." Mr. Zhao was smoking dry tobacco, despite his age, he was calm and calm when facing the wild boars.

"Revenge, what kind of revenge?" Wang Left didn't understand.

"Do you still remember that there were wild boars that broke into the village and were killed by that kid Li Xiao?" Mr. Zhao said, "These wild boars may have come here while taking advantage of the chaos in the mountains. Look at the one in the middle, it seems very He understands humanity and is communicating with Ah Da.”

"Revenge, what the hell, come sooner or later at this time?" Wang Sheng was hunched over, with a fierce look on his face, "Damn it, I'm going to fight them!"

With that said, Wang Left held a gun in one hand and grabbed the steel fork in the other's hand with the other, and was about to rush forward.

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