Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 83: I met a liar today

Boss Qin is really dumbfounded. What's the situation? This script is wrong!

From the past to the present, as long as I take out my wine, it will kill everything in seconds. How can it be like this now...

But now that Granny Wang has said so, Qin Feng still wants to explain something. After all, there are many people around here who are buying tofu. If you don't explain it, your face will be gone.

"No, mother-in-law, you think it's because you don't know me, what my bar is, it is indeed a bit expensive..." Qin Feng explained with a grudging smile.

It's a pity that Granny Wang didn't even look at it, maybe she didn't want to talk to him at all...

"My tavern, my tavern is called Jiuxianju, mother-in-law, have you heard of Jiuxianju?" Qin Feng said again quickly.

This time Granny Wang reacted, and said with a puzzled look on her face: "Jiu Xianju? This name is..."

Hey! There is a play! Boss Qin suddenly exulted: "Yes, it is Jiuxianju, have you heard of it, at least it is still very famous in Zhongzhou..."

Granny Wang handed the tofu wrapped in her hand to a customer, still showing a very serious expression on her face: "Um... well-known... I haven't heard of..."

Qin Feng: "..." Mother-in-law, you are very happy about this, isn't it...

"No...then what, mother-in-law, I am the boss of Jiuxianju, my name is Qin Feng, so you can ask these people about it, I really don't want to lie to you..." Boss Qin really didn't. Way out.

Although let's just say, that Wang Po sold melons and boasted, but after all, he is the boss of Qin, such a cold male god, how could he say how good his wine is? Wouldn't it be a price drop?

Just like what I said before, this kind of thing is still the best in terms of pretending to be a "collaborator", so Qin Feng deliberately guided her and asked Granny Wang to ask the people around her.

Look, you don't believe me, you should always believe these people around you, he Qin Feng doesn't believe it anymore, so many popular tasks in Jiu Xianju's early stage were all done in vain, someone should know it!

Not to mention, Jiuxianju's popularity in Zhongzhou is indeed good. As soon as Qin Feng's voice fell, a man in his thirties stood up.

He is not a frequent visitor to Jiuxianju, but a psychiatrist.

There was a patient who suffered from insomnia all the year round because of mental illness.

I asked after I met some time ago, and found that the other party was radiant, and it didn't seem to be troubled by insomnia at all.

After asking, I realized that he started drinking Xianju's Dukang Liquor. As long as he drank more of that regardless of his ideals, he would fall asleep.

He didn't believe it at that time. He could fall asleep if he drank too much, but he would get more tired the next day, and the person in front of him couldn't seem to drink too much.

With doubts, he went to Jiuxianju to drink dukang wine, but boss Qin was ashamed, saying that he can't drink dukang wine without taking someone.

Well, I was thinking about the theory at the time, but the boss Qin was too high in level, making him want to kill every minute...

There is no other way but to buy the wine home, ready to try it, he is ready to shoot the video, is ready to not sleep, and then wants to find someone to settle the account with the evidence the next day!

As a result... I fell asleep after a pot of wine, and fell asleep within three seconds. I felt it was dawn, and I didn't dream!

At this moment, the psychiatrist was convinced by Boss Qin. As long as someone came to see a doctor because of insomnia, he would directly recommend Jiuxianju’s Du Kang wine...

"Mother-in-law, I can testify to you. This is indeed the boss of Jiuxianju. The cheapest wine in his place is 1000 yuan a pot, not to mention the most expensive wine. Buy your 1000 catties of tofu. That's what you made!"

This is a good point. Boss Qin said he was very happy when he heard it. He looked at the man who stood up. He looked like he had been stunned some time ago...

Granny Wang was a little suspicious, but she still said: "I don't drink, and even if I want to buy it, I can't buy it directly. I have to exchange it with him..."

The man suddenly smiled when he heard the words: "Mother-in-law, you don’t know that. This boss Qin’s wine, like your tofu, is very popular, so if you buy wine, especially the most expensive one. Those kinds of wines are normally difficult to buy."

This is true. The wine in Jiu Xian Curie is available every day, but the spirit wine is limited by the number of wine jars, so it appears from time to time. It may be there today, but it will be gone tomorrow.

Granny Wang nodded slightly. She can still understand what a man said, but she still doesn't understand why she has less tofu. That's because her physical strength is weak. If she has good physical strength, she will definitely do more.

It's just that the owner of this Jiuxianju why doesn't he make more wine?

And she hasn't spoken yet, maybe more people around have recognized Qin Feng, and several sisters have begun to persuade him after the man's words.

"Mother-in-law, we can also testify. This boss Qin used his pot of wine in exchange for your tofu. You are definitely taking advantage of it. You know, nowadays, there are many people who can't buy boss Qin’s wine at a big price. !"

"Yes, mother-in-law, so you should hurry back to make tofu, boss Qin won't lie to others..."

The sisters were chatting there, and there were more and more persuading people around, which also made Boss Qin happier. It seems that what he thinks is correct. Many people still know Jiuxianju in Zhongzhou.

It's a pity that Boss Qin didn't see it. The man who spoke before saw the situation changed. As a psychiatrist, he had already seen the look on Granny Wang's face.

In the eyes of some older generations, if a stranger says something to you, it may be true after thinking about it, but if a group of people around you say so, then you just don't believe it!

What do you mean? I want me to change because of the number of people. This is forcing me, so I absolutely can't agree!

More importantly, many swindlers now like to stare at the elderly to start. In this regard, Granny Wang was given many examples by her son and daughter-in-law.

So when Granny Wang saw this, she thought that the guy in front of her was definitely a liar!

As for why this guy wants his own thousand catties of tofu instead of money... Granny Wang believes that this is definitely an early set. In the final analysis, this guy still wants to cheat her own money...

So, Granny Wang decisively packed up her things and said to Qin Feng: "Young man, I'm just a tofu seller. You don't need to invite so many people to lie to me, I don't have a lot of money..."

After speaking, Granny Wang left directly with her things, leaving only Boss Qin who was standing there in shock...

It took a long time before he realized what was going on, so many people helped him testify, why the old woman just didn't believe it.

The psychiatrist looked at Qin Feng and asked helplessly: "Boss Qin, you haven't seen the reason yet?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said that he was not clear.

The psychiatrist looked at the surrounding people who had just persuaded again, and they all looked dumbfounded.

Okay...The psychiatrist sighed and felt that he should go. With such a group of pig teammates, what can I do to succeed, because I still want to get a pot of wine from boss Qin...

Everyone is gone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tofu will definitely not be available, and Qin Feng has no choice but to return to the tavern.

But I have to come again tomorrow. As for how to convince the other party then... let's talk about it then.

Granny Wang went home all the way. She has a son and a daughter, but she did not live with them. She has a house here, and it is the kind of house with a yard, but it should be demolished quickly depending on the situation.

I have always heard in the past that I really met a liar today. Granny Wang hurriedly took out her old-age machine when she arrived home. My son once said that if she met a liar, she should tell him immediately, so she didn't hesitate at all.

"Hey, doggie, mom met a liar today..."


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