Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 3 Chapter 152: The way to show affection

   Regarding this question, Qin Feng couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time, so he could only attribute the reason to his depravity...

   This made Boss Qin's heart a warning bell. Could it be that he couldn't help seeing the cute little fox? This is absolutely unacceptable. If he is a dignified owner of Jiuxianju, if he can't stand the temptation of the little fox, how can he be fooled!

   After all, that wine sword fairy is romantic and suave. In the legendary fairy world, I don’t know how many maidens have been molested by him...

   Moreover, when the system explained why so many beauties were assigned last time, it seemed to say that Jiujianxian left the immortal world and traveled across the world, even the females of foreign races...

  Yao thinks that his nominal teacher is so powerful. If he knows that he is so embarrassing, he will probably be laughed at, so boss Qin decided to restrain himself!

   "Snee!" Lao Pang who was cutting meat in the rotisserie was suddenly a big sneeze, one after another.

   After finishing the fight, he rubbed his nose and curiously said: "Who is slandering me again? I don't know why, I always feel that my reputation is damaged..."

   shook his head, Lao Pang decided not to think about these issues, and focused on dealing with the meat in front of him.

   Still the same as before, the meat in front of me can't see what it looks like, probably because the owner of this piece of meat is too large.

   Jiu Xianju opened the door again, but Su Xiaoli was sent out by Qin Feng again. Since she wants to restrain herself, it is definitely impossible for Xiaolimei paper to hang around by her side every day, so let her go out and distribute flyers.

   Su Xiaoli didn’t say anything about it. He smiled and took the card and went out. Anyway, there is a fairy wine, and the other is not the point. The girl’s idea is very simple, um, just sauce...

   When Su Xiaoli was out, Qin Feng was relieved, so he wanted to inform Miss Xue over there. By the way, Shen Linfeng, after all, he was a classmate before...

   The video is connected, Miss Xue over there is in bed again, but this is also normal, after all, it is already night over there.

   "What's the matter, Xiao Qinzi, do you miss me again?" Miss Xue's lazy voice came, making boss Qin, who hadn't fired for a while, almost couldn't hold down the gun.

  Although he is no longer a young hairy boy, it also proves that his body is not bad, at least for the time being, it is a leverage.

   But this will be sitting at the counter, not to mention that there is no one in the shop at the moment, even if anyone can't see it, boss Qin is very relieved.

  Of course, this is only temporary. Miss Xue over there has just finished speaking, and there are already several drinkers coming in here, and Xue Er is walking in the forefront.

   Jiuxianju is now where she spends more time besides home, because she has nowhere to go every day...

   Just when they walked in, everyone was about to call Boss Qin, but when they saw him receiving the video, they looked at each other, shrugged, and sat down casually.

  Of course, no one expected that five hundred and twenty catties of dog food were being dumped towards them...

   Looking at Miss Xue in the video, boss Qin said without anyone else: "Of course I miss you. Every day, every minute, every second, I miss you all the time..."

   These words immediately made several people in the tavern feel uncomfortable. Xueer looked at the counter, but still held back the complaints that had already reached her lips. She only hoped that boss Qin could restrain it a little...

   But it is obvious that the dog food hasn't been spread out yet. Miss Xue over there doesn't care if there is someone here. Anyway, she opened her mouth and asked, "Then how much do you like me today?"

   Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that Boss Qin never wears headphones when receiving videos, or it can be said that he does not like to wear headphones. After all, sometimes wearing headphones is like a mental retardation...

   So Miss Xue's words reached everyone's ears, but fortunately, this sentence did not have much lethal power, and everyone could bear it.

   Boss Qin smiled and said, "How much do I like you today? A little more than yesterday, a little less than tomorrow..."

   The voice fell, and the audience was silent. Xueer looked at the counter, her eyes widened. This dog food was too much stuffed, and Xueer couldn't stand it...

   Everyone glanced at each other, and then silently walked out of the tavern, standing at the door waiting, they decided when Boss Qin finished showing off his affection, and when they would go in again...

   Boss Qin doesn't know these things at all. He is already obsessed with showing affection.

   Finally, after finishing his routine show of affection, Qin Feng just talked about Shen Linfeng, but he didn't expect it. After the first sentence was said, Miss Xue's reply directly made him helpless.

   "Shen Linfeng? Who is that? Why don't I remember it!" Miguo, Miss Xue was sitting on the bed. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't remember who this guy was.

   "No, Lingyun, this is a great man in our university, a man in the school, and the most important thing is that he even chased you, you forgot it?" Qin Feng asked dubiously.

   Miss Xue said, "The man in the school? You chased me? There are men in every grade in the school, and it seems that everyone has chased me. Who remembers him..."

   Qin Feng: "..." He can now summarize what Miss Xue said, that is, there are more people chasing me, how old are you...

The conscience of heaven and earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Miss Xue really forgot, after all, as she said, there are too many people chasing her, and almost all of them are those who are rich in the family. All kinds of awesome...

  Because she didn't have the ability and self-confidence, she didn't dare to chase her. The consequence was that Miss Xue always used the same words to return to her every time, so she had forgotten it a long time ago.

   What's more, it has been a few years since she graduated. She Xue Lingyun is also married. Who will remember this?

   "Okay, okay, I'll give you a little bit of it. This is one of our classes next door. I remember being very proud at the time. I seemed to be busy all day long, dealing with all kinds of teachers..."

   Following Qin Feng's introduction, Miss Xue slowly seemed to recall it, and it seemed that there was such a person.

   "Hey, I seem to remember it. I am handsome and proud, as if I was born to do great things. Forget it, you continue to say..."

Qin Feng smiled and said: "It's not that I went out to distribute flyers today, and then happened to meet this Shen Linfeng. It's just that he seemed to have failed in his business and looked downright there. He didn't expect to remember me, but it was because of you that I remembered me. ..."

   These words immediately aroused the interest of Miss Xue, and quickly said: "What is the situation, does he remember you?"


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