Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Drinking is the last word

If a few old men are ordinary people, then things are going like this. They left angrily, and then turned around and shouted at Jiuxianju: Don’t bully young people and be poor, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi... …Eh, it seems to be a scene...&1t;/

This is not the point. The point is that a few old men smelled the smell of wine in the air, and then looked at Boss Qin in front of him while drinking the wine from the bowl with his face intoxicated. It was like putting an angel without clothes on. In front of the devil! &1t;/

Although behind this undressed angel seems to represent sinking, at this time, regardless of what is behind you, it is the kingly way to go directly...how do you feel that the writing is dirty again, it must be my illusion...&1t;/

But, after all, I just let go of the ruthless words, and I have already made the appearance of turning and leaving, and have already thought about it, if the boss Qin inside comes out to beg them not to go, then they may give a little face...&1t; /

As a result, this guy actually used such shameless means! &1t;/

Seeing the five old men unable to advance or retreat there, in the tavern, Xue Er looked at Chen Qian next to him with a bored expression and asked: "Qianqian, do you think Boss Qin did this on purpose..."&1t;/

Chen Qian shrugged and said: "The ghost knows it, boss Qin will definitely not admit it anyway... The five old men were so aggressive, and they ended up defeated. Look at that, it doesn't even have the strength to resist. ."&1t;/

Xueer sighed. This is still a resistance to a woolen thread. As soon as boss Qin took out the wine, the eyes of these five old men were straight. Anyway, don't expose your purpose so early, it's almost...&1t;/

Hey, when will there be real warriors who can turn boss Qin into an anal, in a lifetime! &1t;/

The five old men blushed and didn't know what to do there, but Boss Qin sat at the counter with a sense of contentment. He closed his eyes while drinking, and occasionally opened his eyes and watched several old men nod their heads. There is also a good wine...&1t;/

Your sister, we don’t know if it’s a good wine, but the problem is that we want to drink it too! &1t;/

As a qualified drunkard, I encountered a good wine and couldn't drink it, especially this kind of wine they had been looking forward to for many days, especially now that some people are drinking it very happily in front of them... That kind of mood is really bad. That's it! &1t;/

Seeing that the other party has no tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young, and it is estimated that they really did not take their wine tasting masters seriously, the old man Senge closed his eyes and opened them again. Forget it, his face is precious, and his dignity is more expensive High, if it is because of good wine, both can be thrown...&1t;/

"Hey, hello, boss Qin, the best winemaker in China, can you sell us some of this wine, we pay, we pay double, okay..."&1t;/

Wow... the melon-eating crowd in the tavern was staring dull, and Su Xiaoli didn't need to translate this. The blind could see what the old man said, but...Where did your old hard-headed man go just now! &1t;/

When I first entered the tavern, these five old men looked tall and tall, and they seemed to be the kind of awesome characters. As a result, they became like this directly after being beaten by boss Qin. &1t;/

They used to be kings, since they were stunned by boss Qin...&1t;/

Gudong...This is the voice of Boss Qin swallowing his wine. For his knowledge, he has never seen such a brazen one before... A guy with a thicker skin is indeed a master! &1t;/

Faced with such a master, Boss Qin can only express his admiration: "I sell, I can't sell it, don't you always speak in that tone..."&1t;/

Sure enough, only drinking is the last word. After some dirty py transactions, Boss Qin looked at the transfer record on the mobile phone with a happy expression, and the five old men looked at the two pots of wine in front of him with a bewildered expression. &1t;/

"Boss Qin, why do we only have two bottles of wine? We are five people!" Old Man Roland said dissatisfied. What does this mean, it means that we have to divide the wine again. &1t;/

Damn it, the most uncomfortable thing for a drunkard is to divide out the fine wine that comes to his mouth. This is almost the same as that of the bridal chamber soon... It seems that this analogy is not appropriate, anyway, it is such a mood. &1t;/

Faced with the dissatisfaction of the old man Roland, Boss Qin was still very calm, took the fragrant wine in the bowl and drank it dry, and then **** the big wine gourd that seemed to be able to hold more than two pots and poured a full bowl in his mouth. Bian, with a serious expression: "Of course it's because there are only two pots. You don't even understand this?"&1t;/

Listening to boss Qin’s words that seemed to think they were mentally handicapped, several old men were silent, raised their fists and put them down again, boss Qin, I have a watermelon knife here, do you understand? &1t;/

The melon-eating people in Jiuxianjuli are completely speechless. The tragic situation of these old men's being stunned reminds them of their own time. On that day, they used to run in the sunset. It was not the lost youth. It's... was kicked out by Boss Qin...&1t;/

It’s just that these old men seem to be even worse. Looking at them, I guess they really went up with a watermelon knife in their hands. I didn’t expect that after such a long time, the boss Qin’s talents are still the same as before, and they seem to be stronger. NS. &1t;/

The boss Qin at the counter did not pay attention to the old men. He drank the wine there and sighed that the heart was not old. I was telling the truth. What's wrong? There are still five days, just enough to make three pots. Now Isn't it just no alcohol? &1t;/

As for what I drink? Is this called wine? This is why my labor products don’t understand. What’s wrong with the people nowadays, they know to bully us such honest and pure people, oh...&1t;/

Boss Qin is not honest, no one knows, the five old men only know that the old friends next to him have now become rivals, no, they are enemies of life and death! &1t;/

Nonsence! Dare to grab a drink with the old man? Impossible in the next life! &1t;/

Then the people who eat melon in Jiuxian Curie saw a high-quality boxing match for white men over 60 years old...&1t;/

A few days passed quickly. I was only planning to come and drink wine once... Oh no, the several wine tasting masters who asked Boss Qin to invite wine once have now taken root in Jiuxianju. &1t;/

They did not expect ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in this small tavern there are so many other fine wines besides the ultimate wine, and each wine has the characteristics of each wine! &1t;/

I can’t help it at all. I thought about it before going to Jiuxianju every day. I would leave after drinking today, but I wanted to drink it again after drinking it. I want to drink this pear blossom white, and this cornel... oh yes, this Dukang treatment Insomnia is very good...&1t;/

Jiuxianju has this amazing assimilation power. Regardless of how miserable boss Qin was before, and the poisonous oath, he continued to drink here in the end. &1t;/

What I Senge is starving to death, that is, to death from exhaustion, jumping off the cliff, and absolutely not drinking Xianju wine! &1t;/

Hmm, this Baihua wine looks really good...&1t;/


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