Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 253: I want it now, thanks!

Although he was dying now and couldn't go up there anymore, Old Man Foreman still sat on the sidelines and watched all the dancing, and in the end he hugged several girls.

This is actually quite normal. Look at the eunuchs in the palace in ancient times. Although they are no longer humane, they still find some palace ladies. What about it? Of course, it is a psychological feeling.

Looking kindly at the little-dressed girls leaving, and then looking at the still magnificent dance floor, Old Man Foreman sighed, stood up with a glass of wine, and was about to go back to the hotel.

Yes, he is also one of the people who don't live here. There are no female companions. Foreman went downstairs and got into his car. The driver was already ready.

Seeing the feasting and green lights flashing outside the car window, Forman slowly took out the small wine gourd from his pocket, the green and crystal clear, especially under the light, it is amazingly beautiful!

This little wine gourd alone is a work of art, but the strange young man actually gave it to him, and said that if he goes back to drink it at night, he will have a magical feeling.

It's really naive, what kind of strange things he hasn't seen since his old man has lived so old, what will happen if he drinks such a small gourd wine, will it still make him a superman?

"Boss, what are you looking at?" the bodyguard next to him asked curiously.

After all, he has been following Foreman for a long time, and he has never seen this boss be so entangled, even if it is such a big thing before, he is very decisive.

"Me? I'm looking at something very interesting..." Foreman replied with a faint smile, and then slowly pulled out the cork from the wine gourd in his hand.

Immediately, a smell of wine overflowed in the car, and the driver driving in front couldn't help but look back.

"Oh, the young man was right. This is indeed a very fragrant wine." Foreman couldn't help but exclaimed, but what does this smell have to do with the magical feeling?

After sniffing the wine carefully, Foreman suddenly felt as if he had a certain idea, but after thinking about it again, there is no more. It is probably an illusion...

Self-deprecatingly smiled, what else do I think about when I am so old? I have taken so many medicines and performed so many operations. Even the doctors said it was impossible, so there was no need to fantasize about it.

But the taste of this wine is really good. If that's the case, let's drink some when I go back. Anyway, I drank a lot of wine tonight, not bad.

When the car arrived at the hotel, Foreman got on the car with the wine gourd, and by the way, he also asked the hotel to bring some snacks up, because he heard that drinking oriental wine is not dry, and it must be accompanied by food, otherwise it is easy to get drunk.

The hotel moved very quickly. When he learned that he was going to drink Chinese wine, he immediately prepared some braised beef with peanut sauce. After all, there are many Chinese chefs in the hotel. It is too easy to make these things.

After closing the door, Foreman took a shower, and then leisurely walked out and sat at the table, taking out a wine glass to pour the wine.

After a sip of wine, the taste of the wine was a bit rushing, and I quickly ate a few pieces of beef, and then I felt pressured, and immediately felt a little hot all over my body.

Hmm... This oriental wine is really strong, Foreman poured a glass again, only to find that the wine in the wine gourd was only half a glass.

He didn't even pour two cups, and the old man was a little upset at once, but thinking about it, this wine was given by someone else, so there is nothing to be upset about.

With a little cherishment, he drank the second glass of wine that was not full, and ate a little bit of snacks. Then the old man lay down on the bed with satisfaction. He was warm and comfortable.

It seems that this oriental wine will be drunk frequently in the future, and the taste is okay.

I took the phone and prepared to watch it for a while, but at this moment, the old man Foreman suddenly felt a movement on his body, and a certain thought appeared again... This time it was not an illusion, he could clearly feel it, it was definitely not an illusion!


In the corridor of the hotel, the supervisor Angele is on a routine night inspection.

This kind of inspection is to be carried out overnight. After all, for such a five-star hotel, whether it is for service or safety considerations, there needs to be someone who can make a decision at night.

This floor is full of luxurious suites, which are the objects of key concern, because the top wealthy people who live here are the real problems if they have any problems.

I took out my mobile phone to check the time. It’s already a little bit in the evening. It should be okay. Let’s call my wife at home. This is what Angele needs to do every night shift. As for the purpose...Angele I definitely don't admit it to see what my wife is doing.

After all, there are a lot of facts similar to the kind of big night panting but telling you that I'm running...

"Hi my dear, what are you doing?" Angele asked softly.

"Ah...me, I'm drinking with my friends." A female voice came through the phone.

drink wine? At this point, he didn't even go home, and Angelie's face sank: "Who is drinking with him? Why don't you go back?"

"With a few of my friends, you can rest assured that they are all girls... we just came out and made a hair."

Oh, doing hair, Angelie relaxes, no wonder, as far as he knows, doing hair takes a lot of time.

Just about to say something, Suddenly, Angley saw that a suite on one side suddenly opened the door, and a white-haired old man walked out with a blushing face: "Hey, I need a girl. I want it now. ,thanks!"

Ah...Huh? Angele looked at the old man in front of him with a dazed expression. What are you doing at night?

And because the voice was a bit loud, the wife on the other end of the phone immediately asked, "Where are you? How do you want to find a girl? What are you doing!"

"Oh no dear, listen to me, one of my guests here is probably over sixty, and now he suddenly came out looking for a girl... Oh God, don’t say you don’t believe me, I don’t believe it myself, dear, dear, I really didn't lie to you, hello, hello!"

Listening to the blind tone coming from the phone, and then looking at the old man standing in front of him, Angelie really didn't know what to say.

Of course the old man Foreman stood at the door. He didn’t know what was going on. He was ready to go to bed after drinking that wine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but couldn’t sleep for a long time. On the contrary, the feeling that had already disappeared. But it appeared magically, giving him the urge to fight ten!

I originally thought that it’s all night, endure it, but I found that I couldn’t endure it at all. On the contrary, it took a long time to endure it, so I couldn’t endure it afterwards...

Then the previous scene appeared...

I was stunned for a while, and I wanted to call my wife again to explain, but now I still have to meet the needs of the guests.

"Hello, can you please wait first, I need time to inform them..." Angele said carefully, of course there is this kind of service in the hotel, and there is no need to think about it at all, but it must be a while after this time.

The old man Foreman is already feeling uncomfortable now. He now finally understands the magical feeling Qin Feng said. This feeling is really amazing, but there is only one point. It is too violent...

Settling down, Foreman looked at Angelie and said, "I only have one request, as soon as possible!"

Angele: "..." God, what's wrong with this old man...Reading Net

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