"A gigantic devouring beast?"

A faint voice sounded in the air, and Ye Si was also looking at the behemoth in front of him.

The point is to pay attention to its action of engulfing tall buildings in one bite......

To be honest, this picture still looks quite bluffing!

And riding the fire-breathing dragon, he also noticed the trainers on the other side of the giant devourer, who were constantly rushing towards this side.

It's just that he didn't know that this group of people rushed over with the idea of sacrificing themselves to 'save' him.

Speaking of which, these stationed trainers that Ye Si has encountered twice in a row have been quite miserable......

They all come across Pokémon that they can't handle at all!

The giant gold monster before, the current extremely giant devouring beast......

It's really not that they don't give their strength, it's completely the opponent who doesn't give face!

"System, check out this Devourer's panel!"

Getting closer and closer to the giant devouring beast, Ye Si also spoke in his mind.

[Name]: Devouring Beast (Extremely Giant)

[Attribute]: Poison

[Characteristics]: Sludge slurry

[Level]: Level 52 (Quasi-Heavenly King)

"Is it another Extreme Giant Pokémon above Lv50?"

Looking at the panel that appeared in front of him, Ye Si raised his eyebrows slightly.

It stands to reason that there shouldn't be so many high-level Pokémon in the wild!


These Pokémon that have become extremely gigantic for various reasons will also increase their level because of the extremely gigantic energy in the process of megagiganization?

Different from the short-term Extreme Giant Realization achieved through the [Extremely Giant Wristband], it is like the Devouring Beast in front of you and the Panshan King you encountered before......

Their gigantics, at least on the surface, are permanent!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that they have gained enough energy to quickly increase their level in the process, and it is not unacceptable!

However, the specific details are only issues that scientists need to consider, and they have little to do with Yes.

Now, the first thing for him is to get rid of this huge devouring beast......

Successfully change the side quest he was hanging from 1/3 to 2/3 progress!

"Charizard, 'Flame Spray'!"

The order was given by Yes.

And the fire-breathing dragon that carried him also spat out the scorching flames brewing in its mouth, forming a high-temperature flame pillar and falling on the body of the giant devouring beast!

That's what the trainers just saw!

The pillar of flames fell, and the huge devouring beast of the tall building that had just been swallowed was still quietly digesting, and its reaction was a little violent.

It was tossed by the Pokémon of the stationed trainers for a long time and didn't make much movement, and it almost jumped up from the concrete floor!

It had never made a sound, but it also let out a low roar that shook people's ears and buzzed!

"This is the young man we were meant to save?!"

"When did such a young and powerful trainer appear nearby?"

"It feels like we're making a mistake......

The stationed trainers stopped, and there was an embarrassing dry cough on the spot.

They didn't need to look any further, just this pillar of flame spit out by the fire-breathing dragon, and they knew that Ye Si was far stronger than them!

Can't help but be curious about the origin of Ye Si.

The most important thing is that with this mysterious teenager here, it shouldn't be a difficult thing for them to wait for the arrival of support?



There was a wavy tremor of the body, and after a low roar from the giant devouring beast, a pair of red bean eyes also turned to look at Charizard and Ye Si in the air.

There seemed to be anger in its little eyes!

With Charizard's current strength, this pillar of flame only made the giant devouring beast feel pain......

It's not actually enough damage to affect the Giant Devourer's ability to move!

The body bulged again, and the purple venom that emitted a terrifying glow was squeezed out of the pores of the body by the giant devouring beast.

Venom is sprayed into the air, and the 'Venom Rain' returns!

And the dose for Yes and Charizard is obviously several orders of magnitude greater than that of sending out the stationed trainers!

"Charizard, Flame Vortex!"

In the face of this kind of battle, although Ye Si was not shocked, he reacted quickly on the spot.


As soon as the long tail behind the fire-breathing dragon flicked, the flames at the end of the flame extended out in a swirling circle, covering the sky above in a circle!

The act of incinerating the venom that fell from the sky was much more comfortable than the duck-billed fire dragon in the hands of the trainer stationed there!

But again, Charizard couldn't intercept the 'Venom Rain' farther away......

In the sound of Ye Si gasping, the ground and buildings below were directly corroded by one layer!


The attack didn't pay off, and the giant devouring beast Red Bean's eyes stared at Charizard and Ye Si with anger for a moment, and then opened its mouth again.

A foul smell came out, making Ye Si's face poop.

Not just because of the smell, but also because of ......

Could it be that this giant devouring beast is going to cast a 'garbage shot'?

If it's just a normal-sized Pokémon that casts "Trash Shot", it's actually fine.

But in the size of a giant devouring beast......

It swallowed the whole house again, and I really don't know how much municipal garbage and domestic garbage there is in my stomach!

Ye Si came all the way, but he saw a large area of bare land!

The next thing that may appear over the town will be a 'garbage rain' that is even more unacceptable than the 'venom rain', right?

Imagine that kind of picture, Ye Si, who is somewhat slightly clean, refuses in his heart!

I can't mess with it!

"I'll leave it to you!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Si took one of the Poké Balls pinned to his waist and threw it into the air.

He also patted Charizard on the shoulder, signaling it to slip away.

It's here, and if you're not careful, you'll end up in the garbage......

Let's not talk about whether it will be directly gg because of the toxins contained in these garbage, it's just that picture......

That's what Yes can't accept!

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